S For y

The RickJoe Alphabet

S for y

L.Joe squirmed in his seat. He couldn't believe he let ChunJi convince him to make an account on a dating app.

The app was popular and ChunJi told him he could easily find someone. L.Joe had chatted with a few people through it but hadn’t clicked with anyone. Mostly is was just guys with usernames like yguy69 or bigdaddy420 asking for a quick hook up.

L.Joe was considering just deleting the app but then he got a message from oopmh27.


L.Joe clicked on his profile. Oomph27 was cute with huge doe eyes and an easy grin. His profile said he was a college student and was looking a a relationship. It also listed that he lived in Seoul as well as his age, height, and weight.


What’s your name? :D

ByungHun. what’s yours?

He gave him his real name instead of his producer name because he was worried he might try to use him for his fame.

I’m Ricky~

are you really 22? you seem a bit young.

yeah! people say that a lot haha is it the way I type?

maybe. what are your interests?

music! I’m a singer~ 

really? I’m a song writer

cool! a match made in heaven maybe?

L.Joe was about to reply when his phone rang. “Hello? Oh hey Cap. I was meaning to ask you about the recording this friday.”

L.Joe forgot about the app until a few weeks later.

He was in the production studio with Cap, Niel and Minwoo. Minwoo and L.Joe didn’t get along, both stubborn. Their relationship quickly went from coworkers to rivals. Minwoo continued to look down on L.Joe because he was young compared to his coworkers. His two friends were talking about their love life.

Minwoo laughed. “I bet L.Joe is still single.”

L.Joe bristled at the comment. “Actually I’m not.”

Niel and Cap stayed quiet.

“Really? How long have you been dating?” Minwoo asked unimpressed.

“A month. He agreed to move in with me next week.” L.Joe lied. He didn't want Minwoo to know he was right. He wanted to impress Minwoo.

“Then you wouldn’t mind inviting me to your apartment to meet him would you? I’m curious as to who captured your heart.”

“Well.. he’s not that special there’s no reason for you to meet.” L.Joe said quickly.

“He must be pretty special if you asked him to move in with you after a month of dating.” Minwoo commented. “Cap, Niel, don’t you guys want to meet L.Joe’s boyfriend too?”

Cap nodded and Niel looked curiously at L.Joe, “Of course. We are his friends, we have to approve if he’s good enough for our L.Joe.”

“Great. You can have a house party in two weeks to celebrate you two moving in together.” Minwoo said.

“Yeah.. Perfect.” A few minutes later he excused himself and called ChunJi.

“What am I going to do? I don’t have a boyfriend.” L.Joe groaned after explaining to ChunJi what happened.

“So find any boyfriend potential guys through that app?” He questioned.

“No, there was only one guy who wasn’t a total creep.” L.Joe said with a half serious glare.

“So? You only need one boyfriend.”

“He seems too young for me anyway.”

“You’re 24. Stop acting like you’re old, we’re the same age. Is he 16 or what?” ChunJi scoffed.

“22. He's in college.”

L.Joe could feel ChunJi rolling his eyes through the phone. “Right. Well did you two meet up?”

“No, we only talked once.” L.Joe admitted sheepishly.

“Just message him again.”

“How am I going to convince him to move in with him in two weeks?”

“Worst comes to worst you tell him the truth and pay him to pretend to be your boyfriend.”

“Yeah I guess so.” L.Joe sighed.

“Listen. This college kid probably needs some extra cash anyway, besides he’s the only boyfriend potential guy you know. It has to be someone Minwoo and your other coworkers don’t know otherwise they’ll see through your lie. After the party wait a few weeks and then say you dumped him.”


“You could lie and say you broke up before the party.”

“Minwoo would know I was lying then! And he would give him one of his infuriating little smirks! I can’t stand his smirks.” L.Joe griped.

“So prideful,” ChunJi sighed.

“I have to go ChunJi, my break is over. Thanks.”

“Bye L.Joe.”

That night L.Joe laid on his bed with holding his phone above him. His fingers posed over the send button. He let out a loud sigh and pushed it.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. TT^TT

L.Joe waited for a minute before a new message popped up.

Hi! what happened to you lol

sorry I got distracted and then forgot...

it’s fine. you replied even after you forgot after all.

work has been hectic lately. I’ve been forgetting to even eat my meals

remember to take care of yourself at least geez!

ke you sound like my mother.

L.Joe smiled. Ricky sounded very sweet.

-.- first I sound young now I’m like your mother lol

a young mother ke. how’s your classes?

a cute young mother lol. aaahhh why would you bring that up? classes are fun but difficult. history is so boring TT^TT but I have to pass the class to get my degree.

ah I never went to college. just worked on writing songs and pestering entertainment agencies 

how’s your work?

busy as I said and also...

also what? don’t keep me in suspense! ><

one of my coworkers who doesn’t like me said something and I impulsively lied

??? what did you lie about? did you tell them you had kids??


then what???

I told him I had a boyfriend and we were moving in together.

well I’m glad that’s a lie haha otherwise this would be awkward

and I invited my coworkers to a party at my apartment so they could meet him

wow. when are you going to tell them the truth? it would be better if it’s soon. 


What? did you already tell them?

no.. I was hoping you could be my boyfriend for the day of the party

Ricky didn’t respond for a few minutes so L.Joe hastily typed.

I’ll pay you! four hundred for one night. all you have to do is be nice to the guests and tell people we’re dating. you don’t need to even touch me

so you only messaged me back to ask me to lie to your coworkers? ttch. whatever. I don’t need your money.


Ricky??? I’m sorry. I really need your help though.

is five hundred enough??

Ricky please?

I know it sounds shallow but I need to prove myself to them.


L.Joe went to bed with his stomach in a twist. 

“ChunJi I messed up. He isn’t even replying to me anymore.” L.Joe said. He had called ChunJi while eating breakfast.

“What did you do?”

“I don’t know.” L.Joe sighed. “I told him the truth?”

“Maybe he was hoping you would message back because you liked him and not because you wanted to use him?”

L.Joe fell quiet.

“Just find a cousin or something to pretend.” ChunJi yawned, already bored.

“What about Ricky?”

“Forget about him. Unless you actually want to date him now. Then ask him to forget the offer, say sorry, and ask him out for a date.”

“I’ll let you go back to sleep now.” L.Joe said.

“Bye.” He said before hanging up.

I’m sorry. I do like you, which is why I asked you. I’m sorry Ricky

A few days past and Ricky never replied, not that L.Joe was expecting him to.

“You’re doing what?” ChunJi asked.

“My agency wants me to make some songs for a few college students that grabbed their attention.” L.Joe sighed.

“How many?”

“There will be three students and I’ll be getting some male singer.”

“Good luck, maybe he’ll be a little prima donna.” ChunJi laughed.

“Whatever. I just have to do something simple that he can use as a demo to give to entertainment companies.”

“Don’t singers just sing covers of songs for their demo?”

“Usually but I guess they won some competition at their school and the top three get a song written for them.” L.Joe explained.

“When do you meet your singer?”

“Today. Minwoo got a female singer and Cap got a female rapper.”

“Just make sure your song blows Minwoo’s out of the water.”

“I will. I have to earn some of my pride back after telling them my ‘boyfriend’ and I broke up.” L.Joe groaned.

ChunJi just laughed in response.

L.Joe waited patiently in his studio for the student to arrive. He checked the name they sent him again. Yoo ChangHyun. He hoped ChangHyun was better at singing than the other singer, he desperately wanted to prove to Minwoo he was better than him.

The door creaked open and Ricky walked in smiling.

“What are you doing here!” L.Joe hissed. Ricky’s smile fell and L.Joe felt guilty at being so harsh. “I’m happy to see you but I have to work in a few minutes.”

“ByungHun?” Ricky asked shock and everything fell into place for L.Joe. Ricky a college student who sang and ChangHyun the college student who sang. It was just L.Joe’s luck.

“I told you I was a songwriter.” L.Joe said a tad helplessly.

“You never said you were L.Joe.” Ricky whispered shutting the door quickly.

“Can you blame me? I didn’t know you enough to trust you to not tell the tabloids whatever I said.”

Ricky looked offended and quickly fired back, “It’s not like you said anything interesting anyway.”

L.Joe glared at him. “Do you want me to write you a crappy song?”

“And look like a fool in front of your rival coworker? I don’t think you will.”

L.Joe bit his lip to not say anything he would regret. “Listen, we both want this song to turn out well so let’s let bygones be bygones and work our hardest.”

Ricky hesitated but nodded. He stuck out his hand, “The name is Yoo ChangHyun but you can call me Ricky. It’s a honor to meet you. I really enjoy the music you’ve written.”

L.Joe smiled at how pleasant Ricky was. He shook his hand, “Let’s do our best.”

They started by Ricky singing some songs so L.Joe could become familiar with his voice. Then L.Joe and Ricky talked for while about what would suit Ricky’s voice the best.

L.Joe was pleasantly surprised by how much he liked Ricky’s singing. He was confident Ricky would have a successful career as a singer. He was also amazed at how well they got along, and how much L.Joe was beginning to like Ricky.

“Do you want to grab lunch together tomorrow?” L.Joe asked and when Ricky didn’t answer after a few beats he added, “We could talk about the song.”

“Sure,” Ricky smiled hesitantly.

The next day the met up at a cafe near the company. L.Joe bought them sandwiches and coffee. They sat at the table near the window in the front.

“Thanks for buying me lunch.” Ricky said.

“No problem,” L.Joe replied. He wanted to make up for upsetting him earlier and figured buying him lunch was the first step.

“Ricky I want to apolo-”

“Hey, guys! Mind if I join you?” An annoyingly familiar voice said.

L.Joe resisted the urge to groan. He offered Minwoo a shaky smile, “Of course not.”

“Great.” Minwoo said sliding into the seat next to L.Joe. “You must be ChangHyun, the other singer.” He said to Ricky.

Ricky nodded.

“I’m Minwoo, one of the company’s other music producers.”

“Oh, it’s great to meet you.” He said politely.

“Likewise. So do you and L.Joe get along well? Maybe he will finally get a boyfriend that we can actually meet this time.” Minwoo said amused. L.Joe picked at his sandwich giving his coworker a warning glare.

“What do you mean?” Ricky asked curiously.

“Poor L.Joe here told us he had a boyfriend and then invited us to meet him. Fast forward a few days later and he tells us they broke up.” Minwoo explained with mock pity.

“Minwoo I’m sure Ricky doesn’t want to hear about my private life.” L.Joe said calmly. He usually controlled his temper three times. He took a deep breath.

“You said you broke up?” Ricky asked L.Joe.

L.Joe nodded. Well, now Ricky knew.

“So you didn’t ask anyone else other than me?” Ricky held his breath waiting for an answer.

“No,” L.Joe admitted.

“What are you guys talking about?” Minwoo asked lost in the conversation.

Ricky smiled hugely, “Nothing! L.Joe can we talk privately for a few minutes?”

“Yeah, of course.” He replied bewildered. 

Ricky grabbed his hand and tugged him outside, away from where Minwoo could see them.

“So you really asked me because you liked me?” Ricky smiled slyly.

“Yes, I didn’t want to ask someone to fake being my boyfriend if I didn’t like them.” L.Joe said.

“I thought you only messaged me to get me to lie to your coworkers.”

“That was partly it. You were the only person I was interested in romantically so I figured it would be best to ask you. I thought it would be double win for me. I get to get to know you better and I get to not embarrass myself in front of my colleagues.” L.Joe clarified. “I am sorry about asking that of you.” He said earnestly.

“Maybe we should start over.” Ricky said and L.Joe looked at him hopefully.

“Really? Even after what I did?”

“Really. Because I like you too.” Ricky said smiling.




AN: okay sorry for the ending, it wasn’t very well done but I felt like the story was getting too long for a drabble. >< anyway hope you guys enjoyed! next chap will be angst hehe.

and yay! only 5 chapters left! *\^^/*

please excuse any spellling or grammar errors! <3 and of course thank you ssoo soo ssoooo much for the comments! <333


Next Chapter: T For Traditional


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