
Wait, What?

When Taekwoon woke up, it was already two in the afternoon. Groggily rising to a sitting position, he rubbed his eyes blearily, a yawn escaping from his mouth. Still in the process of waking up, he dazedly sat there with Chopper in his lap for a few minutes while a hand patted the space around him, searching for his phone. Unlocking it, he read a message he had received from Hakyeon a few hours ago.


Cha-idiot: Taekwoonie~ Me, Hyukkie, Binnie, and Jaehwannie are already at the amusement park! We didn’t want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful sleeping~ Wonshikkie’s still in the dorm too, you have to make sure he doesn’t burn down the kitchen again. We’ll be back late, so don’t wait up!


Taekwoon’s mouth quirked a little in amusement. Although Hakyeon may be annoying at times, he was still his best friend, not that he would ever openly admit it. His phone pinged and Taekwoon raised his eyebrow questioningly, opening up another message from Hakyeon.


Cha-idiot: Oh yeah! Since it’s just the two of you by yourselves, you can finally make your move now~ ;) Good luck Taekwoonie! <333


Taekwoon could feel himself burning up from embarrassment, Scowling, he tossed his phone into the messy pile of blankets and buried his face into Chopper, thinking of the various ways he could kill Hakyeon when he gets back. Of ing course his best friend would bring that up. Hakyeon had picked up on his liking (he refused to call it a crush) towards Wonshik a while back during Voodoo.     


    The boys were taking a break after hours of practice for their new album, Voodoo Doll. On one end of the practice room, Wonshik was showing the two youngest his twirls with the pin, cheered on by fascinated oohs and ahhs. Taekwoon was sitting on the other end, quietly observing the rapper. Taekwoon wasn’t sure when he wanted the rapper in more ways than just a hyung and a friend. The younger man was playful, but he knew when it was time to work. Wonshik had also helped Taekwoon more than once in getting Hakyeon or Jaehwan to stop teasing him.


    “Taekwoon ah, you’re staring again.”


    The quiet man jolted in surprise meeting the amused face of their leader. He glared at Hakyeon, scooting over to make room for the other man to sit down.


    “Mind telling me what’s so interesting about our rapper? You’ve been staring at him more than usual.”


    Taekwoon silently looked at Hakyeon, his face unreadable. Hakyeon smiled, undeterred by the vocal’s unresponsiveness. Quickly glancing around, he leaned into Taekwoon, whispering in his ear.


    “Taekwoon ah... Is is possible that you have a crush on Wonshik?”


    The sudden blush and immediate slap told Hakyeon everything he needed to know. Hakyeon laughed in amusement, drawing the attention of the other three in the room.


    “Hyung, what happened? And why is Taekwoon hyung all red?” Wonshik asked.


    Hakyeon kept laughing, even when Taekwoon shoved him aside to escape the questions of the younger members into a smaller practice room.


    “Don’t worry about it.”


    Taekwoon groaned in embarrassment at the memory, flopping back down on the mattress. He then sat back up again, remembering that he actually needed to get up. Grabbing his phone in one hand and Chopper in the other, Taekwoon quietly left the room and went to brush his teeth. After he had finished, he silently padded out towards the kitchen, humming a tune. Quickly making himself a sandwich, and another one for Wonshik thinking maybe he hadn’t eaten yet, he stepped into the living room where the rapper was and lightly kicked his leg.


Wonshik let out a startled yelp, nearly jostling his laptop off of his lap. He blinked at Taekwoon like a deer caught in headlights, breathing heavily, placing his laptop to the side.


“Oh my god, hyung, why would you do that! And when did you wake up, I didn’t hear you come in.” Wonshik panted.


Taekwoon stifled the laugh that threatened to come out, only half-smiling in amusement. He placed the two plates onto the table, sitting down next to the rapper, softly speaking.


“I didn’t expect you to be so jumpy. You had earphones in, that’s why.”


“Oh yeah, I forgot about those.” Wonshik mumbled. He noticed the plate of food, and after a quick glance at Taekwoon to check if it was for him, Wonshik took the plate and started eating. “Thanks for the food hyung. I kinda forgot about eating.”  


    Taekwoon hummed in response, eating his own sandwich too. Curiously, he leaned over Wonshik to look at what he was doing on his laptop, not noticing the rapper’s blush at their sudden proximity. He hummed in approval, moving back to his spot and continued eating.


    “You’re working on a new song?”


    “Yeah, for our Starlights.” Wonshik smiled fondly, managing to calm down his blush before Taekwoon could notice.


“You shouldn’t be working though. It’s our break.” Taekwoon murmured amusingly. Wonshik chuckled sheepishly and Taekwoon couldn’t help but laugh along too. They ate in a comfortable silence afterwards and Wonshik took both empty plates after they had finished. When he returned, Taekwoon had the TV and was watching some drama that was playing.


Wonshik sat down and took his laptop again. He was about to work on the song again, but decided against it after feeling a stern look of disapproval from the vocal. Instead he went on Tumblr. He had overheard about the blogging site from some of their fans and was curious about what it had to offer. Wonshik looked over at Taekwoon, a little smile forming on his face at the adorable vocal next to him. Taekwoon was sitting cross-legged, holding Chopper in his lap, drawn into the drama playing on the TV, his mouth open in a little ‘o’.


I wonder what his lips would feel like...wait, what.


Wonshik blinked out of his daze, snapping his head forward. Lately he had been having these kinds of thoughts about his hyung.  And then there was that picture he took of Taekwoon today. Eventually he would have to actually sit down and think on those thoughts, but that day was not today. He clicked on a link to some blog and when he saw the first post, the rapper had to stifle a laugh.


Taekwoon looked over at Wonshik curiously, asking what was so funny. Wonshik smiled before saying the words that would shock Taekwoon into stunned silence.


“Quick, put your lips on mine, it’s an emergency.”


And because I'm evil, I'm ending it there for now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter c: and I apologize for the wait, school has been a pain in the lately ;-; I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again, but hopefully it'll be soon ^^

Also, thank you to everyone who subscribed and commented! ♥♥♥ You guys are the best c:

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Chapter 2: Ahem! Taekwoon, you've got a CRUSH on Wonshik! There, I said it for you. XD

Why you gotta read that out loud???...✧ฺ・。(✪▽✪*)・。✧
Chapter 1: Ack!! Of course it's not weird. Hehehe
That was cute though. :))
Chapter 3: Oh my shisus! My WonTaek feels!
Chapter 3: YAsssS!!! My WOnTaek!!! I love this!!! Just sweet WonTaek!! ^-^
_-Maimai-_ #5
Chapter 3: Aww~~ so lovely ♡♡
KpopWednesdayite #6
Chapter 3: LOVE IT! <3333
Chapter 3: Yesss. Anyways enjoy some WonTaek.
And the KenBin! Ugh my vixx otp ~ beautiful
Chapter 3: Aw my WonTaek feels~~ so cute KenBin and Haekyeon and Sanghyuk aw so cute hehe
This was really well written and adorable thank you
Chapter 3: aaw~ it was too cute, Taekwoon is too adorable