

His eyes are fixed on the time. Three minutes left until he can start. In those three minutes, he recalls his past. His thoughts were just like any other in his situation. Memories of what had happened seven years ago, when he decided at this moment that this decision was worth doing. Seven years ago, when every piece of happiness was shattered. His decision was made in those years- that nothing mattered, and that it was alright because nobody would care. He was alone, and he was completely sure that it was going stay like that forever.

Nobody likes me, why the am I still here? Everybody is fake, saying they care about me. My presence is probably just a waste of space. What do they know? Nobody sees or feels the flowing pain like I do. Everyone else, they have somebody there for them. Somebody who keeps them sane, and stays with them even when they up. Me? I don't have someone like that. I can't trust anyone. When I do, they let me down. They crush my stone heart, but I don't blame them. It's a human thing. I blame myself for being such an idiot. I always was, and always will be. That's why I find that this is the only way. Maybe I'll achieve what I couldn't here. Maybe I'll finally be happy. Maybe. 

The year is now 2021, and he is sitting in his car, all alone.

He looks around. Of course, nobody is there. He's located on a cliff, and his car is positioned a few kilometers away from the edge. Two minutes left. He tries telling himself to say something out loud, to claim this his last day alive. However, silence filled the surrounding area, and it didn't want to leave. He takes notice of his book, one that he had written in when he was younger. He looks through the pages, looking back at what his thoughts were like. It was as he expected. Depression. The statements in the book were all the same. As a kid, he was depressed and had nobody to tell his feelings to. His source of escape was this book, the same book he will be holding in his last few moments alive. 

One minute left. He starts the engine, and sighs. This is it, the moment has come. The moment that he has been waiting for. In less than a minute, everything will be over. He will be one with the angels of the sky, and there will be no such negativity in his road. There are thirty seconds left, and he closes his eyes as he counts over the last thirty heartbeats of his. His eyes remain closed when he reaches zero. He feels the vehicle moving, and a smile forms on his face. It speeds up, and at that moment he knows it's over. Only air and a pit of darkness is under him, and it feels good. He feels the car falling, and it is then when everything is final.

Goodbye, he says.

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