Chapter Two

Dear, Boss. You're an !



"I threw away your copper already."



Is he out of his mind? I already losted my house now i lost all my clothes! "What?!" I was about to yelled but then i remember he's my boss. 



"You heard me." He grins and crosses his arms. He turns around, making me face his back and he sits on his office chair again with a relax expression.



I breath loudly while staring at him.



He blinks like he hasn't done anything wrong before. "What." He finally asked with an emotionless face.



"Where's my copper now?"



"I told you I threw it away already." He runs his hand through his hair. "It's not that expensive, anyways." 



"But my camera is there!"



"I don't care about that. Now, will you get out of here and start working?!" He stands up and points to the door.



I tighten my grips and let out a sigh quietly. "Yes, boss." I said as i look down. I make my way to the door without looking at his eyes, even though i could feel he's still staring at me. I push the door lazyly and bow before i go out and slam the door.



I sigh again. "What am I gonna lost next? Wait, i don't even have anything now." I pout slightly. I look at my watch and it's already 10 PM. Am i gonna sleep tomorrow morning or what? I never thought i'll work here.



"Hey, waiter!" A guy shouted and i quickly look over there.



I jog to his table and bow. "Yes, sir?"



"Sir? Don't call me that." He chuckles. "Bring me one glass of soju." He winks, making me raise my brows.



"Alright!" I make my way to the bartender table and ask the man for a glass of soju. He gives me immediately.



"Who orders this?" He asked.



"That guy over there." I point to him.



Judging by his face i could tell that he looks surprise. "Ah, be careful, hm?" He said.



"Be careful of?" I asked, curiously.



"He's kind of-"



The guy who ordered for soju suddenly cuts off. "Hey! Where's my drink?!" He shouted from a far away.






He slams his hand down on the table which makes me jump a little. "What took you so long?" He yelled.



"I'm so sorry, sir!" I bow three times.



He lifts my up chin and starts caressing my face. "It's okay, pretty." He said teasingly.



I take a step back immediately. "Enjoy your drink, sir." I said and turn around quickly. I was about to walk away from him but then he grabs my grip already.



"Why don't you sit here with me?" He wiggles his brows and smiles.



What is this guy trying to do..



"I-I have to go back to work."



He stands up from his chair and encircles his hands around my waist. "Let's have fun for a while."



This is why i hate nightclub.



"Keep on dreaming, sir." I said and smirk.



I was about to slap his face but then Ilhoon appears magically behind me.



"I'm sorry. May I know what happens here?" He asked, looking straight into the crazy man in front of me.



The man chuckles and claps. Told you he's crazy. "And who are you, kid?"



He tch and rubs the back of his neck. "I'm the manager here." He tilts his head while slipping his hands into his pocket. "And this girl over here." He grabs my hand and lifts it up. "Is my new waiter."




I blink at him and Ilhoon winks at me.



The man in front of me opens his mouth widely and i wish a fly flies into his mouth. He bows at me and i feel kind of awkward but happy at the same time. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that." He bows again.



"It's alright." I smile.



Ilhoon looks at me weirdly. "Why are you smiling." He whispers.



"Because I can!" I said and leave him alone.



"Yah! Ryu Giyoon! Where are you going?!" He yelled. "Junh-Your boss is calling you!"



I stop in my track and turn around. "Really?"



"Yeah, that's why i'm here."






I knock on the door. "May i come in?" 



"Yes." Junhyung suddenly said behind me with his arms crosses. Since when he was here?



I bow. "I heard that you want to see me."



He chuckles quietly and I tilt my head. I could see he's holding a paper bag. I want to look clearly what's inside but then he'll think i'm a creeper.



"Here's yours." He hands me the bag.



"Huh?" I blink and take the bag from his hand. I realized that he brought me a new camera. I widen my eyes and raise my brows. "Camera?" 



"Yeah, what do you think?"



"I can't accept this, sorry." I bow as i hand him back. It's true. I can't accept that camera, especially when i know it's really expensive.



"Don't be stubborn. Just take it." He crosses his arms.



"I might be poor." I toss it on his chest and he looks into my eyes deeply, still surprise by my action. "But i also have a pride." 



He stays still, with his mouth open.



"Now, excuse me, Boss." I bow for the last time and leave him alone.



"Hey! You should at least appreciate! Giyoon!" I heard him calling but ignore him and sigh.






The club seems more quiet right now. Phew. Today was tiring and so many things happened. Now, i have to find a new house to live. A cheaper one to be exact. And i'll promise the owner that i will pay it at the end of this month. "Yes! That's a good plan!" I said to myself.



"What are you planning? Something evil? I'll tell the boss." The bartender guy approaches me and sits next to me.



"What? No!" I close my mouth with both of my hands.



He smirks. "I was just kidding." He messes my hair and i fix it back. "By the way, I'm Ahn Jaehyun." He said, reaching at my hand to shake it.



"I'm Ryu Giyoon." I shake his hand and he nods. "How long have you been here?"



"Three years and a half." He said. "I'm going home soon. Where's your house?"



Eh? That's so sudden but i remember i have no house so. "I have no house."



"You're kidding."



I shoot him a death glare and he laughs. "So, uhm, you can stay at my house if you want." He shrugs.



I smile. He's like the only kind person i've met today. "You're living alone?" 



He nods. "Yes and don't worry i got two bedrooms!" 


If i look for a new house at this night, it'll be hard for me. If i stay at his house, i could pay him half of his rent. Yup, i bet he'll let me pay for it.




"Want it or no? You could be my housemate." He shrugs.



I nod slowly and he smiles widely. "Then let's go!"




I don't really need to pack up anything since my freaking boss threw it away already. Jaehyun said his house is not that far which makes me feel happy cause i don't have money for transportation.



"Let's go, Giyoon." Jaehyun called me and i nod then run to him.





"Wah! It looks big!" I said to Jaehyun as we both stand in front of his house.



He messes my hair again and i have to fix it again. "It is. Now let's g-"



Suddenly the door opens, revealing a girl with a chubby face. Hm, she looks mad.



"Baby, who's that?" She points at me. Rude...



"She's my fri-"



She cuts off. "I don't care!"



I blink at him and he smiles while shaking his head. "Don't mind her." He mouthed me.



"Yah! Do you hear me?" She crosses her arms.



Jaehyun tries to calm her. "Listen first. She's a ne-"



"Let's break up, oppa!"





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chap 2 is up!!! ^^ sorry for the errors and all. Hope u guys like it :P


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nimo97 #1
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the rest ^^
Unknown-J-B-L #2
Chapter 2: I looking forward to readtbiz. Please update soon
Chapter 2: ugh that girl is so -.-
grumpychamois #4
looking forward on this :)