Pensieri Nascosti (Hidden Thoughts)

There’s a dull hum that resonates in the back of his mind. He’s thinking his ears are acting up again, but they’re not— He can hear just fine. He’s healthy and he’s got six other boys (brothers) that keep him up without fail. But there are those thoughts that seep from his mind and onto the surface and it’s time like these where he’s thankful that no one can really see it because of his blank expressions as well as his optimisitic persona.

No one can really tell when he’s upset because even when he is, he easily coats it with that rectangular smile of his.

What is V to Taehyung and what is Taehyung to V; two names, one individual. V is his stage name, the one he’s most known by while Taehyung is his legalized name, some referring to him as such but it’s mostly V now. But really, aside from his charismatic aura on stage along with the rest of Bangtan, it’s nothing different than how he is off stage.

He’s human. And it’s the thoughts that bounce off from wall-to-wall day in and day out (nighttime taking its toll) that plays as a reminder— He hates it.

The rest of the members are sleeping. He’s the only one up, thankfully cameras and the likes aren’t around. Reality show cameras have long gone to allow the boys to get the rest needed to fulfill the next set of schedules just hours from now. Taehyung, however, never really needed a set of hours to fulfill needed sleep. Often times, he’s staying up until three in the morning before he knocks out, fully knowing he has to be up in approximately three hours if not less or if he’s lucky, not until afternoon strikes.

Taehyung thinks the rest of the members are sleeping. So he thinks it’s pretty safe for him to sneak out of the dorm, little does he know, there’s actually someone that gets up and out of the room where the rest of the members were sleeping just seconds after the front door clicks shut.

He dons his hoodie, lifting the hood to settle on top of his head as he dips his hands into the snug front pocket of his hoodie. He decides to take the stairs instead of the elevator, wanting to take as much time as possible to head towards the rooftop. It doesn’t state that no one can go up to the rooftop, what isn’t allowed is sneaking out of the dorm this late at night. But hey, it’s not like there’s fans hanging around the rooftop. And he never really cared about proper sleep or regulations when the appropriate times were to take a break from everything be on their own.

Even to this day, it still dons him how he’s coined as healthy. Maybe physically. Mentally, however, is another story. A written book that’s never touched because it remains in him only— For his own eyes to see.

He takes careful steps, letting the music that passes through his headphones fill his ears and blocks out any sort of noises that usually surround him, so he doesn’t hear the footsteps that follows suit even after he opens the door and is greeted by the breeze brushing against his thin hoodie (he should’ve gotten a thicker one, but oh well).

He feels like a robot. Waking up and getting ready for the day. Most nights, despite similar situations like this, he’ll get a decent amount of sleep and he’ll still look lively. He never shows that he’s been surfing around the web, reading up on some comments about their performances and even reactions from their MVs, not to mention American Hustle Life. He didn’t really understand the words, they were usually in English, he can only pick out his name as well as a few other words. He got Namjoon to translate some one day and it resulted to getting his back patted along with his hair ruffled saying not to let the words get to him; they’re just jesters. And they don’t, until it’s nearing three in the morning and they start pouring out from hiding in the back of his mind.

Taehyung shuffles over to the edge of the rooftop, digits curling against the wired fence as he presses his forehead against it, eyes close as he lets out a deep sigh. The wind decides to knock down his hood, now pooling around his shoulders and he opens is eyes for a mere moment to look down. He sees nothing but city lights and cars passing by here like ants passing by here and there. Then he tips his head up to take a quick look at the sky lacking stars that he wishes he could see right now, but to no avail. So, his eyes close once more, remaining at the same spot as he brings his forearm to shield the fence from creating a mark on his forehead for pressing against it for too long and rather hard.

Suddenly a pair of limbs slowly snake around his waist from behind and he stiffens by it for a few seconds before a chin rests against his shoulder. It’s not Jimin, he already knows because there’s only one person that does this; lately anyway and he’s already feeling at ease. Dammit, Yoongi.

"Yoongi-hyung," his voice is soft as he tries to pull off a smile only to blink rapidly when hearing the faint click emitting by the latter. He’s somewhat baffled, but he’s slowly beginning to realize it too.

"You’re not that great with hiding things, you know that right?" Yoongi speaks before humming, his arms seemingly wrapping around the younger’s waist in a protective manner. Taehyung actually feels fine for once.

But he scoffs, wrinkling his nose in mild distaste, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He states, nose held high up in the air but it’s obviously false and something in him tells the younger that Yoongi’s not buying it.

"Right, that’s why you’re here when you should be sleeping with the rest of us." Yoongi laughs softly to ease the air as he turns Taehyung to face him, "you can fool everyone else, but with me that’s not happening."

Taehyung does his best to avert his gaze from Yoongi’s, but it’s a little hard when all he really wants to look at is Yoongi. Because Yoongi’s presence is similar to Taehyung’s solitude, oddly enough. He likes when it’s just Yoongi and him, even if the two would just pick on each other and share laughs, playful punches and the likes.

But he smiles genuinely and presses his forehead against the older’s. His smile doesn’t falter and only grows as Yoongi’s hold loosens but then tightens around his shoulders now, Taehyung slipping his arms around the older’s waist too pull him close. He leans back against the fence as Yoongi leans against him and it feels like it’s been forever since he laughed and smiled like this with little to no effort.

"I hate you." Taehyung states with a slight smirk on his lips.

"That’s a lie; you’re just mad because Min Yoongi brings your mood up in a snap."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and does his best not to shove at Yoongi’s shoulders and the thought of doing so easily ceases the moment Yoongi presses a chaste kiss to his cheek. For once, maybe Taehyung can actually sleep soundly tonight.

"I’m always here, don’t forget that."

"I know, hyung. I know." 

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Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl that was so sweet and cute and the fluff at the end... Just yessss~ Taegi completes my life~