

When they finished training and practicing for the nearly imminent debut, Ron looked at the clock on the wall of the practice room. It was definitely past dinner time. Rolling his eyes, he snorted sonorously: since he had started the training as a BIGFLO member, he had forced himself to follow a strict diet and he had lost something like 10 kg. But for someone like him, who loved eating, it had been more than a torture. For this reason skipping a meal, or even being late at eating, made him particularly grumpy.
He followed his fellows outside the room and went towards the bedroom to take some energetic bars. It had been hard to convince their manager to let them keep some snacks for the emergencies, but in the end their efforts were worth it.

Ron sat down on his own bed waiting for both Z-UK and Yuseong to have a shower, crunching peacefully his bar. The first to enter the bathroom was Yuseong, and Ron found himself alone with Z-UK.

«Do you want to go second, hyung?» the other one asked him, running a hand through his orange-dyed hair.
Ron slightly shook his head paying attention not to meet the eyes of the younger rapper. He couldn’t get to explain why, but he found that guy’s eyes very scary: dark and intense as they were, to whom fixed them they gave the impression of being in.

«Ok. But hyung, pretty please, wash yourself.» Z-UK started giggling «Even if you’ve already confessed to the fans your awful habits, Yuseong-hyung and I are still your roommate!»
«Yah, shut up!» replied Ron blindly throwing his pillow with the purpose of hitting the disrespectful dongsaeng.
They both laughed for a few seconds, and then they went silent again. In that quiet atmosphere, Ron had the possibility to meditate on the events of the day, which often resulted quite difficult for him because of all the tiresome trainings and of the days always full of things to do for the debut.

Shifting a lock of purple-dyed hair from his forehead, Ron thought over what his roommate had just told him: during “RON TV” episode he had found himself saying and doing pretty embarrassing things, especially for him, who was used to keeping himself in the shadows, to being recognized as the “mysterious” member of whom very little should have been known. But marketing had its own severe rules, and the fans, inquiring for something more about their new “oppas”, had to be pleased. And so, he had been more or less obliged to answer their questions and to satisfy their requests. Obviously, it had also been JungKyun and HighTop’s fault, who found it very funny to choose the most embarrassing ones.
As he remembered what had happened, Ron passed a hand over his face in a gesture of shame. He wasn’t a particularly proud guy, but certainly in those 7 minutes of the show he had made such ridiculous impressions, that everyone in his place would have felt uncomfortable.

Confessing of being afraid of his own dongsaeng and of being the least obsessed of the band with taking showers, showing the world his underwear and being beaten in a strength trial by Yuseong in just one day were elements seriously able to damage every idol’s  image and self-esteem.

Especially, it burnt him having lost the strength trial against Yuseong. He had chosen to have a match against him – instead of any other of the remaining members – because he thought that that boy so physically small would have been easy to defeat. But Yuseong had beaten him with relative facility, opening Ron’s legs with his own in less than a minute, while he tried to block him between screams and efforts.

So absorbed in the flux of his own thoughts, Ron didn’t even notice that Yuseong had come out of the bathroom, where Z-UK had quickly entered. Not even he noticed that the pink-haired boy was talking to him.

«… Hamsters, hyung!» he barely heard him saying while going out of the bedroom.

Ron nodded absent-mindedly to no one. But after a few seconds an idea hit him: he would have asked his dongsaeng Yuseong a rematch. Even if useless from the media point (the trial would have remained a private matter between them), it surely would have made him feel at peace with himself in case he had won. And he was sure he would have won.

He stood up with a twitch from his bed feeling proud of his decision, except for noticing, then, that he had not the slightest clue where Yuseong had gone. He struggled to remember any useful detail, but with no big results. Then he realized:

«Oh, yeah, the hamsters!» he shouted slightly face palming.

Leaving an unaware Z-UK alone in the shower, he aimed to the rehearsal room, which he entered wide opening the door.

In the opposite side of the room to the entrance he saw Yuseong seated with crossed legs in front of 3 little cages of different colours. Since they had moved into the dorm, the thin singer had settled the cages of his hamsters in the practice room and Ron had to mentally admit Z-UK was right when he had declared how difficult it was to distinguish their rehearsal room from a hamsters' house.

Without thinking any longer, the purple-haired rapper advanced towards Yuseong with speedy paces.

«Yuseong!» he said seriously.
The other boy slowly turned around with a smile and Ron noticed that on his pinky head was languidly placed one of the hamsters.

«Oh, hyung!» he replied «Something’s wrong?» he asked still smiling while he took the little furry animal off of his head murmuring “come on, Tori, be a good girl” to calm it down.

Ron hadn't prepared a coherent speech and, consequently, found himself saying everything that was in his mind.

«I want a rematch!»

Yuseong looked at him with interrogative eyes.

«This time I won't let you open my legs so easily... actually, it will be me who will open yours!» he said in one shot.

But as soon as the words finished echoing in the nearly empty room, Ron found himself obliged to blush. He hadn't noticed the double meaning in his speech until the last syllables arrogantly came out from his lips.

«Ehm, I mean... today's match.» he murmured, accurately avoiding showing his dongsaeng the blush on his cheeks.

Now Yuseong was looking at him amused.
«Obviously, Ron-hyung, I got it.» he answered, accurately closing Tori’s little cage. «Ok, then. Let’s do this rematch!»
The two of them were busy moving the chairs so that they could place two seats one in front of the other, and then they sat down. The one of the purple-haired rapper ended up in front of the room wall covered with a mirror, but he didn’t pay attention to it.

Ron observed Yuseong: as usual, the other boy had an innocent and smiling expression on his face, which many times prevaricated making people think that he was the maknae of the group, instead of the rapper HighTop. That same pure appearance was also illegible: as the other members of BIGFLO had often certified, due to his infancy in China it was very difficult to comprehend the facial and verbal expressions of the minute singer.

«So, hyung?» Yuseong called him back to reality «How do you want to do this rematch?»

«We’ll switch roles. This time, you will be the one making a stand.» said Ron.

For some strange reason he had convinced himself that if his dongsaeng had won some hours earlier, it had also been because it was easier to force someone to open their legs than to resist to that strength.

«Fine. But don’t cry once I’ll beat you again, ok hyung

Ron snorted jokingly and then prepared himself. He pushed his pelvis a little bit outwards, so that his thighs could work freely, and united his knees. Once he was ready, Yuseong enclosed the elder’s legs with his own and immediately used some force on them in order to block the other’s movements. At the same time, the purple-haired rapper started practicing his force, trying to make his way into the grip of the younger’s legs.

For a short amount of time, the two boys fought silently and the situation seemed to be stuck: despite all his efforts, Ron could open Yuseong’s legs of just a few millimetres. The latter kept a straight face, looking as if he wasn’t doing anything tiring.

The elder had a moment of discouragement. He was risking losing again against his bandmate, who was one year younger than him, a span shorter than him and definitely thinner and he obviously couldn’t let this happen. For himself, at least. If Z-UK or HighTop had known about the second defeat, they would have , even if he was their hyung.

«AISH.NO!» Ron screamed putting all the strength he had in his quadriceps.

Taken by surprise by the sadden outburst of his hyung, Yuseong allowed his legs to open of several centimetres and let come out of his own mouth gasps and little screams, which were caused by the effort of trying to contain the other’s strength.

A victorious grin appeared on Ron’s face, but soon it had to be replaced by a confused expression. In the instant in which the younger started being out of breath, and nonsensical sounds began to come out from his lips, the rapper pushed even harder looking for victory; but in doing so, Yuseong’s breathing became even wheezier and his eyes closed suddenly while arching his back because of the effort.

Ron kept looking at him fascinated: under the strong lights of the rehearsal room, Yuseong’s pale skin seemed bright; the younger’s squeezed eyes, his position and the situation in general made the rapper’s imagination race in places where it had never ventured itself. He imagined touching that soft skin. He wondered what kind of sensation could give feeling that frail and lively body moving under his own hands.

He tried to snap back to reality and dismiss those strange ideas form his mind, and with a final effort he won the match for good, wide opening the tired legs of his dongsaeng.

Eventually Ron relaxed his own muscles, abandoning himself against the back of his chair while a brief laughter escaped from his lips. He was laughing for the relief, but not only for that. In that laughter there was an acute note, which sounded nearly hysterical: in his mind, in fact, those absurd images that his brain had produced just earlier hadn’t disappeared yet.

«Well, it seems like you won, hyung!» Yuseong said, pretending to be offended.

His breath was still slightly quickened. Ron could see his chest going up and down under the light white t-shirt he was wearing.

«But still, I let you win» the pink-haired boy then added raising his shoulders up.

On his face still jokingly pouting, Ron glimpsed a quick expression of superiority and mischievousness. It had been just a matter of seconds, but that had been enough to make the purple-haired boy feel something very similar to an electric shock.  A sensation he couldn’t get to explain to himself at all.

While the rapper was feeling his own body reacting so strangely, Yuseong gave a satisfied sigh throwing his head backwards. This way, his pink-dyed hair pulled away from his face letting his jawline uncovered. Ron observed how clear and elegant it was and again he found himself lost in dangerous thoughts. He mentally ran through the outline of those bones with his fingertips and then moved down to slightly brush his neck. He felt himself shivering, yet he was inexplicably hot.

He was so tremendously caught in that fantasy that the voice of Yuseong, who in the meantime had started talking to him, came to his ears like something vague and far away.

«Ron, is everything ok?» Yuseong asked when he realised that the other was paying no attention to him.

But Ron didn’t reply, too far away with his mind to notice what the singer was telling him. He had his mouth and eyes wide open, and he was in this condition also when his dongsaeng, worried about his silence, saw him reflected in the mirror of the practice room once he opened his eyes, which he had kept closed until that moment in order to relax.

«Ron-hyung…?» Yuseong’s voice was hesitant.

In order to get his hyung’s attention, the pink-haired singer gently hit the other’s leg with his knee. That soft touch was enough to pull him out of his state of trance.

As if re-emerged from a dream, he started getting again a sense of what was surrounding him; but above all, he realised that Yuseong was looking at him confused and shocked through the mirror in the room: with his head thrown backwards, indeed, the younger one was able to see him, just like Ron could see the other one’s face.

The rapper mentally insulted himself for having been caught in those conditions. He tried to put himself back together and to ignore the entire matter. He wanted to get up and go into his bedroom, to burrow under the hot and calming stream of the shower. All of this, possibly, accurately avoiding the dongsaeng until the next day, with the hope that he would have forgotten what had happened. But he was shocked when he discovered that his muscles couldn’t obey him. Or better, they seemed to not want to listen to him: instead of getting up, his body moved towards an increasingly confused Yuseong, who in the meantime had put his head back to its natural position.

Before being completely able to realise what was happening and therefore stop himself, Ron found himself with his lips desperately pressed against Yuseong’s, while his fingers delicately brushed the other one’s jaw and neck, like he had imagined to do earlier.

For a second he didn’t think about anything, he just let his instincts prevail. He took Yuseong’s face with more firmness between his hands, got closer to him, shut his eyes and moved his lips.

But it was just a matter of seconds before he became conscious of the situation: he was kissing a boy. And he was enjoying it. Certainly, it was just a kiss. It wasn’t his first and it wouldn’t have been the last one. The problem was who he was kissing: Yuseong. One of his bandmates, and also roommate. A boy. One of his dongsaengs.

He brain was already elaborating a quite plausible explanation to foist to the younger boy in order to apologise for the event, when Ron noticed that Yuseong was kissing him back. And he got even more surprised when the pink-haired singer, taking advantage of the elder’s moment of the distraction, let his tongue slide inside the other’s mouth, which had remained half-closed.

Taken by surprise, Ron quickly opened his eyes, which immediately met Yuseong’s. The elder felt himself getting lost in those dark pearls, perfectly round, that looked enormous and endless from that near. He felt the gaze of the other boy penetrating him deeper and deeper, as if he was analysing him carefully.

But his eyes weren’t the only part of the singer that was trying to find its way into the rapper; also his tongue, at the beginning shy and motionless, started studying and exploring Ron’s mouth. It left untouched not a single millimetre. And in that moment, the elder boy could swear he had seen – again – a fleeting shimmer of satisfaction and mischievousness in the look of the other one. That much was enough for his body to start following again instincts that were buried inside him from the dawn of time. Finally, he responded to the kiss: in turn, he let his own tongue slide in Yuseong’s mouth, where it began doing the same meticulous job that the younger boy’s muscle was doing in his. Their tongue met, starting a strange dance made of sensuality, passion, curiosity.

Drawn by the situation, lost the ability to control the actions of his own body, Ron made his hands move towards Yuseong’s waist, where they stopped with a firm grip. Then he lifted the minute singer and, plopping down on the chair, he made sure that the other one would find himself seated on his lap.

During the process – in which their mouths hadn’t separated if not only to let the two breathe – Yuseong had instinctively closed his eyes and encircled Ron’s neck with the arms to have more stability.

Thus positioned, Ron was obliged to lift his head so that he didn’t have to interrupt the kiss with the other. Drawn by a passion that gradually increased every time that his lips savoured the other boy, the rapper gently grasped the hips of the younger and moved him closer to himself, little vibrations of pleasure whenever the pink-haired singer, moving, rubbed his own body against his.

Ron found himself at the mercy of his own instincts, breathing heavily while trying to have a closer contact with the younger. He shifted one of the two hands still tightened around Yuseong’s waist to the back of his neck, in order to pull their mouths even closer. He pushed his own tongue deeper inside, closing his eyes for the pleasure. As if out of spite, Yuseong bit the elder’s bottom lip, making him lightly moan. Ron felt him grinning satisfied against his mouth when he let those sound come out. Excited by the anything but innocent behaviour of the singer, the rapper replaced his tongue with the teeth, gently biting the other one. After a short time the kiss transformed in a game of bites, groans, teeth and saliva.

The small part of Ron’s brain that was still lucid started wondering how come Yuseong was so expert and explicit. That same Yuseong who loved flowers and collecting action figures of his favourite anime characters. It couldn’t get to explain how he could be the same person. Two personalities so different from each other couldn’t coexist in the same body.

He also began to wonder how long had been lasting that kiss that for him was like a second and the eternity at the same time: although he really would have wanted to go on and on, to taste Yuseong’s flavour on his lips and in his mouth till the end of forever, Ron noticed that their wheezy breathing was becoming heavier and heavier. So, he wasn’t that surprised when Yuseong suddenly interrupted their kiss.

Both stayed in that position for some time, one seated on the other, with their mouths so close that their heavy breathing mingled together until they became one. Too scared that the idyllic moment would have disappeared as soon as he had opened his eyes, Ron shut his eyelids tightly and surrounded with both arms the hips of the younger one, as if he was afraid the other would escape.

He asked himself if Yuseong was feeling the same things he was feeling, a strong emotion, an immense happiness together with a likewise great pleasure. Obviously, he was still shocked by what had just happened. The awareness of the whole matter started to weigh on his shoulders like an enormous lump, and for a second his grip on Yuseong’s body loosened.

He wanted to face the subject as soon as possible, and he would have done it also immediately; but he was forced to block himself and leave those words stuck in his mouth when he felt the warm breath of the younger boy tickling his ear and neck.

«It was fun» he heard him whispering before he burst out in a childish laughter.

Ron wide opened his eyes, too confused and shocked to say a word. He let the hug that was wrapping Yuseong’s waist dissolve, allowing the other to stand up.

«The fans will go crazy!» the younger boy said excitedly, winking at him and clapping his hands.


That was all the coherent words that Ron’s mouth was able to pronounce. The world seemed to be spinning around him at exaggerate speed.

Yuseong smiled to him.

«Fanservice, hyung. This thing… we should do it again sometimes, on the stage. The fans will go crazy!»

Once again, Ron was taken aback.

Yuseong got closer to him and planted a light as well as quick kiss on his lips still warm before aiming for the exit of the practice room with a happy and satisfied expression. The rapper watched him disappear still petrified, but right when he was about to let himself break down and tell himself how stupid he was between the tears, an orange head appeared from the door of the room.

«Oh, you were here, hyung! The bathroom is free now and it’s getting late.» Z-UK said.

«Oh, yeah, I’m coming.» his voice was blank.

«Is everything ok, Ron-hyung

Ron looked at himself reflected in the mirror. And while seeing his face, partly still moulded by his dongsaeng’s kisses, he had an idea. If it was the fanservice what their fans wanted, he would have given it to them. He would have used that excuse to approach Yuseong at any possible moment. At that thought, a grin came on his mouth.

«Yeah, never been any better.» he replied, and joined Z-UK outside the rehearsal room.



Author's corner... yay! 

Oookay, so, I am really sorry it took me so long to post this fanfiction, but I had to translate it from the original language (at the beginning I wasn't planning on uploading it here and I only wrote it in my mother tongue) to English. 
I hope there won't be any tremendous mistake. But if you guys find one, please feel free to let me know so that I can improve my English (or Korean, if I used the technical terms incorrectly) and correct this story. This is the first time I post an English fanfiction. 

To all of you who read this, THANK YOU. I never thought someone could appreciate it. <3

(do I really have to write that I don't own any of the characters I mention in this story and that everything I wrote is pure fiction?)

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Chapter 1: Okay that was awesome!! I need more BIGFLO in my life!! (I discovered them like 2 days ago and they're seriously ruining my biaslist ><)
Chapter 1: Nice..cute Ron wanting a rematch