afternoon strolls

morning kisses

A/N: Tis hEREEEEE. I hope I didn't disappoint

The house in quiet with the exception of the television playing a new drama that Jongin’s taken interest in. Two pizza boxes lay in front of the couch on the glass coffee table. Sehun’s head was resting on the crook of Jongin’s neck, who was absentmindedly playing with Sehun’s fingers, eyes still trained on the TV. Once the ending credits of the show began to show, Jongin lightly taps Sehun under his chin, who takes it as an indication to get off Jongin. Bending down to pick up the pizza boxes, Jongin asks, “What did you want to do today? Or what’s left of it, anyway”

Sehun thinks for a moment. They had spent most their morning in bed and didn’t get out of bed until almost half past one. Feeling a little guilty that they don’t get enough fresh air because of his lazy self majority of the time, Sehun answers, “how about we go for some fresh air?”

“Just a walk?” Jongin asks, which Sehun hums in reply. Nodding, Jongin dumps the remainder of the pizza on the kitchen counter and makes his way back to Sehun who was now scrolling through his phone, looking particularly odd position. The top half of Sehun’s body was slightly hanging off the couch and both of his legs were hanging off the sides of the couch, one hanging over the back of the chair and the other on the armrest. Jongin taps on Sehun’s calf to get his attention, who merely grunts in reply.

“Come on let’s go”


With a sigh, Jongin walks over to the front of the couch and gently pushes Sehun’s body till it’s properly on the couch. He waits a little longer for Sehun to finish but it doesn’t seem to be happening soon so, out of frustration, he grabs the phone out of Sehun’s hands and places it on the coffee table. Sehun makes a sound of annoyance and reaches over to grab his phone again when Jongin grabs him by his two wrists and holds them above his head.

Jongin throws a leg over Sehun’s body so that his thighs were now on either side of Sehun’s body and leans forward so his lips were only inches away from Sehun’s pouting ones.

“Are you going to pay attention to me now?” Jongin asks in a low voice. Sehun’s pout disappears and is replaced with a grin. “Maybe” he replies, to which he earns a raised eyebrow in return.

Rolling his eyes, Sehun lifts his head up and pecks Jongin’s lips. “You’ll always have my attention, whether you like it or not” he says.

“Sure didn’t seem like it” Jongin huffs and released his grip on Sehun’s wrists to get off Sehun, only to be pulled back down when Sehun grabs him by his hips and presses his body closer to his.

“Are you mad?” Sehun murmurs as he brushes away the hairs falling in front of Jongin’s face. It was a useless attempt, what with gravity and all so it ended up falling back into place again. In the end, Sehun runs his hands through Jongin’s hair and keeps it there, thumb grazing gently over the other’s scalp.

Hearing no reply, Sehun slides on hand down to cup Jongin’s cheek and raises a questioning brow. With a shake of his head, Jongin drops the lower half of his body onto Sehun’s and keeps himself propped up on his forearms.

“You’re so beautiful” he whispers, the back of his fingers grazing against the scar on Sehun’s cheek. At the sudden compliment, Sehun blushes and attempts to hide his face by throwing his arms in front of his face. Jongin lets out his loud laugh, the one he does when he’s high amused or overly excited about something.

Pulling Sehun’s arms away from his face, he leans down and presses his lips against his boyfriend’s pink ones. Sehun responds eagerly, arms wrapping around Jongin’s neck and pulls him down closer till his whole body was pressed against Sehun’s.

Once they part, Sehun’s breathing heavily, trying to calm his breathing. “Let’s just stay here the entire day. And tomorrow. And the day after. And ever after” Sehun deadpans, pulling Jongin into another heated make out session. Much to his disappointment though, Jongin pulls away too soon with an amused look on his face.

“What?” Sehun whines. “Plans change all the time. We can go for some fresh air tomorrow–”

“You’ll probably just say the same thing tomorrow”

“Hey, we’re talking about the present here. Don’t point out my predictable actions of the future”

Rolling his eyes, Jongin presses a final kiss on Sehun’s forehead before getting off the couch and tugs on Sehun’s hands to get off too. Sehun finally does, albeit reluctantly.

Once they’re out the door, Jongin reaches out to entwine his fingers with Sehun out of habit. Sehun gives their fingers a light squeeze and Jongin does the same in return. They walk around their neighbourhood until they reach a nearby park and decide to stay there for a while.

“The swing’s mine” they both call out. They turn to face each other, eyes narrowing.

“I said it first”

“No, you really didn’t”

“Well, I wanted to go on it first!”

“That’s so dumb. You can’t claim that – Hey!” Jongin chases after Sehun, who had taken off first, leaving Jongin behind, so he could get to the swing first.

With the head start, Sehun makes it to the swing first and happily plops himself on it, a huge grin on his face. Rolling his eyes again for the umpteenth time for the day, Jongin makes his way around and pushes Sehun from behind.

After allowing Sehun his five minutes of fun, Sehun slows down to a stop and stretches out hand for Jongin, who makes his way around the swing and in front of Sehun. Grabbing Sehun’s outstretched hands, he’s pulled closer to Sehun till he’s in between Sehun’s thighs.

Since the swing was pretty high and Sehun was tall and blessed with a long, toned torso that he’d developed from his constant visits to the gym, Jongin was only a head taller than his boyfriend.

“Stop growing” Jongin grumbles, making Sehun laugh.

“If I grow a little taller I can be a basketball player” Sehun muses. Jongin chuckles at his boyfriend’s random thoughts and runs his fingers through Sehun’s hair. Sehun leans his head into Jongin’s chest as he wraps his arms around his waist.

After a while, Jongin pulls away slightly with a light kiss on the crown of Sehun’s head. Sehun tightens his hold around Jongin’s waist and shakes his head.

“No, let’s stay here a little longer”

Jongin laughs. Just a while ago Sehun didn’t want to leave the house and now he doesn’t want to go back.

“Come on, it’s going to get cold soon”

“If we huddle together like this we won’t get cold”

“You mean you won’t get cold. I’m blocking most of the wind for you” Jongin grumbles. He hears Sehun laugh lightly, but he still makes no sign of moving.

“Can we go yet?”

“No” Sehun mumbles into Jongin’s shirt.

“Let’s go”


“If we go now we can continue what we left off earlier on the couch”

“Let’s go” Sehun replies and in the speed of light, he jumps off the swing, grabbing Jongin’s hand and storms back to their home.

Jongin throws his head back and laughs, allowing himself to be pulled along by the hand by his eager boyfriend. His boyfriend was so cute. And predictable.

A/N: The part with Sehun being a basketball player came from Sehun's chatting event. Gosh he's adorable.

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Megane_senpai #1
Chapter 6: I've reread this for the 1000th time and I still get strong fluffy feels. I can't help but giggle but also cringe at the cheese.
fyeahkpop101 #2
fyeahkpop101 #3
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 6: nice ending. all is good for sekai and vivi.
Chapter 5: Sehun did not buy her a new shirt, but she already forgave him without him having even asked for forgiveness. ^^ I really want to experience a love life now. Sadly, in real life, rarely any guys are this nice with their parents being just as nice. Oh well, I'll find my special someone one day. Sekai's relationship seriously makes me jealous though. >.< Overall, this was the sweetest, cutest thing ever! Anyways, see you next time! ;)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: wow that was so sweet. so much love between them.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 4: First off..OMO Fluffiness! That said..yeah, those window embrasues are dabomb!
Sapphire_Archer #8
Chapter 5: Jongin and Sehun literally have the ideal relationship; mutual understanding, doing little acts of love and appreciating what the others does for him. Love this chapter, its so calm and fluffy. Jongin seems like Sehun's protector and guardian angel and Sehun is just too adorable for his own good. He appreciates what Jongin does for him, but what got me hooked was the deep bond they have for each other. Absolutely love the way you portray the both of them. <3
Chapter 4: This is so cute and fluffy and Sehun ruining Jongin's mom's favorite is probably what's going to happen to me and my future mother-in-law, except I'm doing it on purpose. I hope Sehun buys her a new shirt or something to make up for it. I really like hjow you wrote Sehun and Jongin's relationship. I like how it's so balanced. Sehun is the spoiled one, but it's okay because Jongin likes spoiling him. ^^ Sekai already have the perfect relationship in real life and the way you write it makes it that much better.
Chapter 4: I love this fic... So cute, and fluffy, and squishy, and romantic, and now I want to have a a boyfriend, so that I can experience this... Omg, thank you for make my day. Love youu