Mr. Collins Mask



 Mr. Collins was a man that was easy to read, the way he looked clearly showed the way he was. Being a Clergyman Mr. Collins remained drapped in the humble black clothes of his trade, and always had a wise quip from one of his many religious books. The joy he found in life was extradited from the pride he found in his patron the wonderful Lady de Bourgh and also through the extensive readings that he would be more than happy to read to anyone who would listen. Unfortunately the excitement he gained from these things only served to bore others, his constant compliments of Lady de Bourgh scared others away, it made him come off as a snivelling wimp who could only follow and not lead, and naive at that for he could not realise just how obsessed he was. Mr. Collins figured that on top of his many wonderful attributes he also held the ability to compliment women, if there was one thing he lacked it was the ability to do so, whether he came up with the ideas in the moment or created them long before the opportunity presented himself. There are two people I would hope to never meet in my life that came from that book and those people would be the Miss Caroline Bingley and Mr. Collins.


 The saying I heard most as a child was do not judge a book by its cover, and I thought it was a very good saying but I still prided myself on my ability to read someone within a glance. I thought myself a master of the first glance, the Lady of the Subconscious, the Queen of ntuition but not all Collins are so obvious as William, some hide themselves behind such well fabricated masks that one cannot know that they stumbled upon the greatest bore of their lives until it is too late. Now I could see my Caroline from a mile away, she was the obvious one, yet she had her own secrets that I hadn’t read. After all this transpired I still held firmly onto my self proclaimed titles of personality genius, after all every one is wrong every once in awhile. Though my misjudgements  were of the most serious degree I still cannot fathom just how hard I stumbled. Of course it all started with video games, after all Collins always did follow in the steps of others so it really should be no surprise that the Collins I met was so deeply entrenched in his mask that his clerical clothes were hidden by swords and long coats.



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