Sharing Affections


What if TWO hoy boy groups wanted YOU to be their ONE girlfriend?


Kang EunKyung hated her freshman year at Busan High School (for reasons that will be explained later). So it was a BLESSING when her parents said that they had to move from Busan to Seoul. She was so excited for her sophomore year. "Finally, I can have a normal year", EunKyung thought. Too bad that because of BTS and GOT7, her year would be anything but........


BTS and GOT7 were two hot rookie boy groups. They both went to Seoul High School. If you wanted to be in a Kpop boy/girl group, there were two SPECIFIC rules that you MUST follow:

1.) You must continue high school.

2.) You must share one girl/boyfriend with your members. You will have one girl/boyfriend every six months. You can pick him/her and he/she can't say no. You can break up with him/her before the six months are up, and she/he can't refuse. After six months, he/she can choose to stay, leave, or if two groups both want him/her, she has to choose either one of them, or neither of them.

Both BTS and GOT7 were very picky about their girls lately, because with all their past girlfriends, they were interested in her, but she was just interested with their money or was a crazy fangirl they found out after a while. Both groups didn't think that they would find a NORMAL girl, until on the first day of the school year, a sophomore named Kang EunKyung came as a new student......


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