Bang Yongguk


I am Bang Yongguk. I am 18 years old and I am a student on a boarding school. I woke up early in the morning and needed some time to get ready to stand up. But after I stood in the middle of the room I yawned loudly and slurped to my wardrobe. There I took my jeans and a shirt and put they on. Afterwards I stepped outside and ran into Junhong. Junhong is three years younger than me and also a student here. I know him since he is here.

“Junhong, what the hell…” I said, but he hugged me.

“Hyung! Happy Birthday!” he said. “I am waiting here for hours for your awake. Why the hell you slept so long?” I laughed after I saw his funny face.

“You’re looking really cute when you get angry, Jun. I like that.” I looked at him and noticed that his eyes were sparkling.  Then he took my hand.

“Please come with me, okay?” He smiled. I closed my door and took the key with me. Jun threw me to the cafeteria and there he let me sitting onto a chair. On the table, there stood a cake with my name on it. I smiled at Junhong. “It took me hours to make the cake, please enjoy the cake.” he said lovely. I nodded ant took the knife and cut two pieces from the cake. I gave him a piece and I took my own to eat it. And the cake was really, really tasty! Junhong spend so much time to bake a cake for me. That makes me smile and let me enjoy the cake more than normal.



Everything was fine until this day. But somehow I noticed that Junhong is a very special friend to me. It turned out that the day got more special than it was.

-Bang Yongguk


In the afternoon we spend time with each other. There was nothing special because everyday I am out with him. We sat on a bench and I texted some friends at home with my cell phone. Jun sat next to me and looked on my display.

“Ji-Eun? Isn’t she your ex?” he asked, I approved. “Why the neck you message her?” Jun wasn’t in a good mood to talk about Ji-Eun because we were going to lost each other because of this girl. But that’s another story.

“I didn’t message her, she messaged me and tell me happy birthday. Don’t worry little brother.” I said. It’s the truth. But he didn’t seem to be satisfied. “Jun...” I took his hand and cuddled him. “Everything is fine, believe me. No girl will break our friendship again, okay?” He accepted that and let me continue my texting. Somehow I felt bad because of messaging Ji-Eun. Right at this moment I stopped.

Later we went inside. We both went to my room and there we wanted to watch a movie. Jun discussed a long time about the film, but finally we came together for a horror film. I knew that Junhong is afraid of this kind of movies, so I wanted him to be scared. But I regret it right after the movie. Jun didn’t want to go out of my room and didn’t want to sleep in his bed alone. So there was no other way then letting Jun sleeping here. He cuddled himself into my blanket and my pillow but he let me have my own place in the bed. I laid me beside him and looked at him. He closed his eyes and smiled.

“Wish you a good night, hyung.” He whispered.

“You too.” I returned. Then I fell asleep.



I never ever want to forget this night. Jun slept the first time so close beside me. I liked to watch him after I awaked and suddenly I wanted to kiss his cheek. But this wasn’t the only strange feeling I got. The next days they piled up.

-Bang Yongguk


“Hyung!” Jun shouted out. Let us go outside to get some ice cream.”

“Are you pregnant?” I asked him. I looked onto my plate and still inspected my meal. I just waited that the mashed potatoes start to move away by their own. “We got some food right now and this morning you polished off seven pieces of toast with cheese.”

“Hyung, please!” He begged me. I sighed and stood up. Maybe his idea wasn’t that bad because I didn’t like my food and wanted to eat something else. Maybe we find a pizza restaurant there… Jun took my hand and threw me into my room.

“Take your jacket and your shoes; I’ll be back in some minutes.” He said and went into his own room. I shrug my shoulders and let him go. In my room I waited for many minutes. After a half an hour I wasn’t sure anymore that he’ll come back, so I stood up and wanted to ask him where he is. I opened his door and find him in his bed. I stepped to him and looked at him.

“Junhong?” I asked. “Is anything wrong?”

“Go away…” he said very sad and powerless. I took his blanket and it didn’t take me long to recognize that he’s .

“What happened?”


“Did anybody you?”

“I don’t know.” I don’t know? That was all what Jun had to say to me.

“Don’t with me, okay? What the hell happened?” But Jun didn’t tell me anything. I was despaired and left the room. Jun seemed to didn’t want me be in his room. I closed the door and thought about him. Nothing made me angrier than the aspect that somebody my little brother!



I noticed that Jun wasn’t longer my little brother. I seemed to lose him again. The days went by and he didn’t talk to me anymore. He also didn’t want to go out with me and I didn’t saw him in school. Slowly but surely I asked myself what was wrong with him. I missed him incredible much and started to look after him during the lessons. As I found him, everything got clear, but the situation got harder than before.

-Bang Yongguk 

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Chapter 3: Awwwwww Daehyunnie !!!!
Chapter 3: uuu daehyuunniiee~