Of Puppies and Hot Chocolate

Vmin Drabbles

based on this au prompt

  • “your dog is fine, but here’s my number anyway” veterinarian au


Today is the first day of spring and while the weather is still rather chilly, cherry blossoms are starting to bloom and Taehyung is this new recruited vet on a small pet clinic in Busan. He’s moved from his home in Daegu to study in Busan to fulfill his dreams as a veterinarian, which is finally comes true. He’s now currently on his leisure time since he got this grave hour shift and it is still rather early in the morning. He's strolling around while checking the pets which stayed in the clinic and playing with them a little before turning to the front desk. And while he’s at it, he hears the phone rings.

“Hello? Help. It’s an emergency.” The voice on the other line says in panic.

“Hello. How can i help you?”

“My- my dog. She’s laboring and I- uh, didn’t really know what to do so...”

“Okay, please calm down. I’m going to go there to help you in a bit. Would you mind giving your address? In the meantime, I need you to get a bowl of warm water and give your dog a bedding and make sure that she’s comfortable. She’ll turn the bedding apart to make sure she’s comfortable, and she’ll be panting heavily but it’s going to be okay. I’ll be at your house at 5 until 10 minutes. And if the first pup is out, she’ll take care of it, and if not, you’ll need to wipe it’s nose and eyes and wipe it with a clean and warm towel to keep it warm.”

“O-okay. Thank you. Please get here faster.”

“I’ll be there shortly, sir. You need to remain calm for your dog to be able to labor properly.”


And after he hangs the phone, Taehyung quickly goes to grab his bags and things and tell his colleagues. Fortunately for him, the emergency caller house is near the clinic and he goes there in his motorbike. Less than 5 minutes later (Yes, his speed are above the limits.), he arrived at the emergency caller house.

riiiinnggg. ringggggg.

Taehyung straighten his coat to look a bit professional, save for his newly dyed lavender hair, as he wait for the owner of the house open the door for him. A little shuffling and more thudding later, he’s met with a rather cute boy around his age, if not a little bit older.

“Hello, you called for an emergency.....?”

“Ah, yes!!! Right this way.”

Taehyung hurried to check on the little corgi and quickly help her calm and comfortable while waiting for the baby to come out.

Several hours later, the little corgi, whose name he learns is Sugar, has delivered her babies safely, with a very little help from Taehyung. After cleaning the puppies and the mother, Taehyung allows himself to relax.

“Um, here.” The dog owner offering him a cup of hot chocolate.

“Thank you.” said Taehyung while sipping the chocolate, while claiming that it’s the most delicious hot chocolate i’ve ever drink and having himself a small and shy thank you in return.

“Oh, anyway, your dog if doing fine. I’m recommending that you look after her since she’s still exhausted from the laboring, and also her puppies. But she’s okay.”

“Thank God, it’s my first time helping my dog delivering her puppies and I’m just scared anything bad will happen. Thank you for coming, um.....”

“Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.”

“Ah, yes, Kim Taehyung-ssi. Thank you so much once again.” 

“Likewise, um..... sorry. I didn’t catch your name while you’re panicking on the phone earlier.” Taehyung scratch the back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

“It’s Jimin. Park Jimin.”

“Ah, Park Jimin-ssi. Okay, since I need to go back to the clinic, here’s my number if you need anything, and if you need anymore house calls. Thank you again for the hot chocolate! It was delicious!!” says Taehyung as he finish packing his things and going back to the clinic.



A week later, while Taehyung is working his yet another grave hour, he got a text from a number he can’t recognized.


from :  055-340-XXXX

kim taehyung-ssi. it’s park jimin. i just wanted to tell you that Sugar and the puppies are doing fine, but will you come over to check on them? oh and um..... i have hot chocolates? if you’re not busy, that is. anw, sorry to bother you this early.


Taehyung can’t help but to smile at the text because it’s so cute and of course he can’t say no to the delicious hot chocolate (or because he just can’t say no to the most adorable pet owner name Jimin?) and quickly text back a reply.


 hi guyss!!! i just kind of wanted to thank you for whose who has been subscribing to this story, and omg the views. so...... this is kind of my present? (and an apology for sporadically update TOWGA. i really am sorry.) (and orz please spare me on the title i literally got no idea how to name this chapter)

p.s : i don't really have any knowledge of dog laboring and delivery irl and just googled in and if there's anything wrong please let me know.


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ayy i got something for you guys as a present for the views. cries thank you so much T___T


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vmin is the cutest
Chapter 7: These are all so good!! And I love when scenarios are built around actual moments~ Thank you for making these♥♥ Ahh... I wish you could make more.....
Chapter 7: I love all the drabbles! VMIN is life!!^^ Update soon! Can't wait to read more cute& fluffy stories
LionRose #4
Chapter 7: So fluff and sooo cuteeeee... Nice work author-nim
jun-kiseob_b2uty #5
Chapter 7: wow, every drables was all so cute. it's really good. i would like to see more of it. well, take your time to make another drabbles and good luck!!
Chapter 7: these stories were so nice and easy to follow! thank you for taking your time to write these :D
Chapter 6: good luck with everything :) hopefully you'll have time to come back and update in the future ^^
Chapter 4: this one was cute and sweet :) i hope they meet again one day too