The Game of Dance

Simple Love

Taemin took ahold of Onew's hand, leading him down the hallway and into a room. Silently opening the door, Taemin and Onew entered the room, shutting the door ever so slightly.

"What are we doing?" Onew whispered, feeling a pull towards Taemin. Ignoring the fact that some of the pull was from himself, he couldn't help but notice that Taemin was in fact pulling Onew towards him. 

It was too dark to tell, but Taemin smiled, pulling Onew closer. "You'll see..."


Onew jumped up from his sleep, feeling one of his hyungs putting their weight on him. Rubbing his eyes, Onew yawned. "What do you want, Key?" He layed his head back down.

That made Key put his weight back on Onew. "Pabo, it's time to wake up! Everyone else is already at the table ready for breakfast. We are waiting for you." Key tried to make himself heavier. 

Onew pushed Key off. "Yah, just eat without me..." Onew turned to his side.

Key shook his head. "Alright, I guess after breakfast I'll just send Minho and Taemin off alone---" 

Before Key could finish, Onew was up and out the door. Key chuckled and smiled to himself. "Pabo." Key stood up and followed Onew into the kitchen.

Taemin greeted Onew first, getting up from his spot next to Minho and hugging Onew. "Neh, I saved you some extra rice, since you might be hungry..." Taemin said, pulling Onew to an open spot next to him. 

Minho tensed a bit, watching as Taemin pulled Onew next to him, now sitting between him and Onew. His eyes focused down onto his food. 

Taemin didn't notice Minho's tension as he handed Onew his plate. "Here. I made the rice today!" His face beamed with successfulness. He turned back to his own food and started to eat. 

Onew smiled and blushed, taking small bites at first and then bigger ones when he found out just how good the rice was. "Whoa, Taemin. This is good!"

Across from them, Jonghyun piped up. "Seriously. How did you learn to make such good rice?" He stuffed more rice into his face.

Blushing, Taemin explained how he got the recipe from his mother, who got it from her mother and so on and so forth. He explained how it hasn't changed one bit from the original. Smiling like an idiot, he also added, "I'm the first boy in my family to know about it..." Taemin hid his face. 

Wrapping his arms around Taemin's shoulders, Onew chuckled and said, "Well, you must be very pretty." He winked and laughed when he saw Taemin give him a death glare. 

Excusing himself, Minho got up and left the room.

"I wonder what's up with him..." Jonghyun asked, finishing his food and grabbing Key's hand. Turning his attention to Onew and Taemin, Jonghyun spoke, "Key and I are going out for a bit, so the house is left alone with you two and Minho." Jonghyun pulled Key up.

Key gave him the "one minute" look. Nodding, Jonghyun left to go get dressed. 

Key gazed at Onew and Taemin, sending chills down their bodies. Smiling, which only made the chills worse, Key said, "You two try not to have too much fun, alright?" Key stood up, walking away from them and following the direction of Jonghyun, leaving Onew and Taemin in an awkward state.

Onew broke the silence first, "Heh, you want to play a game or something?" He asked, taking their dishes and putting them in the sink. 

Bouncing up, Taemin nodded. "Ne! That sounds like fun! What game should we play?" Taemin grabbed a glass of water, walking close to Onew at the same time.

Thinking, Onew proposed, "Why don't we play some card games?"





"No, it's one, two, three, one, three, and then four!" Taemin explained, trying to show Onew the steps to one of his favorite artists. After a long battle of what games they should play, Taemin got bored and decided to dance. Onew, being curious, asked what dance moves he was learning this week. Telling him, Taemin headed straight into the steps. Amazed, as always, Onew had asked for Taemin to teach him the steps.

And so Taemin was.

Onew scrunched his face. "Bwoh! I am doing that, see?" From what was suppose to be a smooth motion from elbow to finger tips, as Taemin instructed perfectly before, was now just an awkward twist of the elbow and wrist with a few spazzing details from his finger tips. 

Taemin sighed, grabbing Onew's arm. "No, and I wasn't even talking about your arm..." Taemin pointed, trying to get him to look at his feet. "I was trying to tell you that your foot placement is off." Taemin bent down and grabbed Onew's foot. Sliding it to the right position, he said, "See? This is where your foot is suppose to be." Taemin gazed up.

Onew nodded, ignoring the fact that Taemin's head was closer than usual to his crotch. He shook his head, trying to understand the words that were flowing through Taemin's mouth. 

"...and then you'd want to bend your knees..." Taemin slightly tapped the back of Onew's knee, making Onew bend it immediately.  

Keeping a straight face, Onew nodded. 

Getting back up, Taemin instructed, "Okay, now follow me closely. One, two..."

And then Taemin was off, moving so delicately that even a flower was jealous. Chills went down Onew's back as he tried to follow but ended up only watching Taemin move. His arms moved quickly yet slowly at the same time, creating a great disterbance in the balance of motion. His body moved freely, letting go of any emotion or any possible tension--he moved as if he had no bones in his body. Gliding with no effort, Taemin moved his feet from spot to spot, proving that he could dominate the dance floor.


Entranced by Taemin's dancing, Onew forgot what he was doing and accidently ended up running into to Taemin, which sent the both of them to the ground. Taemin landed on top of Onew, sending the wind out of him.

"Yah! What were you doing?" Taemin asked, realizing that his leg was wrapped between Onew's, keeping him from getting up. 

Onew frowned, not knowing how to answer. Because 'I was watching you dance' was totally not creepy, nor romantic, Onew complained to himself. 

"Nothing..." Onew sat up.

Taemin sat up, too, taking his leg back and staring at Onew. He crossed his arms and pouted, "And I was just starting to get to the good part." He scrunched his face.

Onew couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, Taemin..." Onew caught himself leaning over his legs and holding Taemin's face. Without another thought, his lips and Taemin's were together, tongues intertwining. 

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Chapter 9: update really soon <3 ;-D
Chapter 9: I love it, fantastic job, I'm so so glad that Taemin loves Onew; I don't know why Minho is acting the way he is, it's not like him and Taemin ever dated, he asked him on a date, he said he'd think about it then said no, end of; OnTae are really really adorable and cute with each other as always;

The only thing I gotta say is that you keep mixing up the use of hyung; Onew is the oldest so ALL the others are his dongsaeng's, but he can just call them by their name; they'd all call Onew hyung but he doesn't call them that; then it's Jonghyun, so they'd all (but Onew) call Jonghyun hyung; then Key, so only Minho and Taemin call him hyung; then it's Minho, so only Taemin calls him hyung; no one calls Taemin hyung coz he's the youngest, the maknae;

I'm sure that you know the order of their ages, but I just wanted to go through it and explain it properly, I hope it helps.
Lovving this ^__^ Update soon pwease!! <3 <3
OnTae11 #6
I love this!!!! please update more :)
eri_on #7
More..more.. more ... :D
shineeu-kiss #8
Please write more. Its so cute when Taemin kisses Onew XD
Dubu_Sangtae #9
waaa!!! its sooo goood!!! please continue to update!!!^^
pocketberry #10
“Ah! Two days too long!” “Quickly! To the chicken mobile!” These lines got me laughing so much lol~ it's so adorbs YOUR STORY IS JUST THE CUTEST THING EVARRR