The Store

One window makes all the difference

When they reached the area where Seunghyun’s record store was, Jiyong looked around with curious eyes, trying to remember it all, so he would be able to find it again. Seunghyun stopped in front of one of the stores, where half of the façade was of glass and Jiyong could spot shelves and lower CD display racks filled with cd’s. After Seunghyun had unlocked the door - on the way over he had explained that after a while he had found out that there was no reason to open early on Saturdays. Jiyong stepped in after Seunghyun and Charlie – that instantly left to a dog basket and flopped down there. He let his eyes run around the room and his first thought was cozy. It seemed like a place where you wanted to hang out even if you didn’t need any new albums.

“There is a study area past the desk, you can make some coffee if you want to, or look around while I get stuff ready.” Seunghyun uttered while walking behind the desk turning on the lights in the shop.

A study area and coffee, either Seunghyun was a brilliant businessman or he had focused on making this a really comfortable place to be, Jiyong was sure it was the latter. While Seunghyun started opening the store, Jiyong began exploring.

He started with following Seunghyun’s instructions and walked past the desk, to find a coffee machine and he could see it wasn’t one of those who made half-bad coffee, he also noticed the sign on it saying that people could just take a cup, as long as they made sure it looked okay after use.

“You really do like coffee don’t you?” Jiyong asked aloud.

“Yeah… Caffeine addict would be a good word to describe me with.” Seunghyun almost mumbled or maybe it was because he was standing around a corner.

Jiyong couldn’t stop himself and therefor made himself a cup of coffee, and then one for Seunghyun. He made sure to keep it black since he had noticed that Seunghyun had drank it that way back in the apartment. Leaving his own cup on a table, he walked back to the desk, clearing his throat to get Seunghyun’s attention, since he had his back turned to him.

“I made you coffee, it’s black…” Jiyong mumbled under his breath and he could feel the blush creeping up his cheeks.

“Huh... ” Seunghyun said while turning around, his hair looking very tousled, which made him look adorable in Jiyong’s eyes.

“Oh, thank you so much.” As Seunghyun spoke, Jiyong noticed a bright blush on his cheeks.

“It’s nothing really; I’ll get back to looking around so you can get everything ready.” Jiyong had already started to walk back, but he couldn’t avoid seeing the shy smile grazing Seunghyun’s lips.

Jiyong gently picked up his cup and began inspecting the bookshelves that was in the study area, clearly books that could be useful for students. He also noticed the table and sitting arrangements was very well balanced, there was couches but also very comfortable looking work chairs with normal tables, clearly showing that you were allowed to sit here for a long time, but also showing you could work there. Jiyong also noticed a backdoor that had a window of glass in it, and he couldn’t help imagine that behind that door, there was outside sitting arrangements for summer days.  

Jiyong turned around when the bell over the door rung, for some odd reason he hadn’t noticed the sound when he entered the store, maybe because he was so busy with taking everything in. In walked a guy with brown hair and a fringe that made sure he couldn’t see out of his right eye. The guy had the biggest smile Jiyong had ever seen, it was brighter than Yongbae’s and that was saying something. Other than that, he looked rather normal wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket on top of it.

“Hey hyung!” The guy beamed, and even though Jiyong couldn’t see it he knew the guy was walking towards the desk where Seunghyun was. Jiyong had no idea why, but he slowly started walking back towards the desk, very interested in who the guy was.

“Hey Dae, what are you doing here? I told you, you didn’t had to come in today.” Seunghyun said while walking away from the desk to give this guy, apparently called Dae a hug, a very friendly hug at that, or so Jiyong thought.

“Hyung I thought you knew by now I don’t have a life until I have made sure you’re awake.” Dae said with a huge grin on his face clearly joking with Seunghyun, but Jiyong couldn’t help wonder what he meant.

“It was once Dae, like two years ago, it’s time to let it go… Oh and this is Jiyong by the way.” Seunghyun said and looked at Jiyong for what couldn’t have been more than 5 seconds, before he looked down with a blush coloring his cheeks. Jiyong hadn’t even noticed that he had stepped out in the open, being drawn by curiosity. What he didn’t fail to spot was the smug-like smile that slipped over Dae’s lips after Seunghyun had blushed and looked down.

“Nice to meet you Jiyong, I have never seen you around before… I’m Daesung by the way, but as you could hear this bingu usually calls me Dae.”  Daesung looked almost thoughtful while mentioning that he had never seen Jiyong before, still smiling though. Jiyong knotted his eyebrows together when Daesung called Seunghyun a bingu, and his eyes instantly flew to him, noticing the smile that clearly said he had given up trying to change that nickname but he didn’t really like it.

“Nice to meet you to Daesung. And yes I have never been here before…” As Jiyong talked, he stuck out his hand so he could greet Daesung probably. Daesung took his hand almost instantly and shook it pretty well before letting go.

“What brings you to Seunghyun’s awesome store? That he refuses to call awesome, because he is such a humble hyung.” Daesung rambled of in one go, clearly both making fun of Seunghyun, but also praising him at the same time, while still smiling.

Jiyong noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Seunghyun once again blushed, and how he slowly shuffled away from them, heading for the study area.

“When you two are done talking, I need some help upstairs Dae.” Seunghyun’s voice sounded slightly shy and a tad bit scared. Jiyong couldn’t figure out if he should tell the truth or not. Honestly, he knew he would look like a freak in Daesung’s eyes, something he almost knew wouldn’t be that great, if he ever saw Seunghyun again after this.

“Well he lives in the same apartment complex as my best friend, and last night after a party I thought I crashed on my friends couch, but it turned out to be Seunghyun’s. I don’t exactly understand why but he didn’t kick me out, but let me sleep on the couch, until Charlie woke me. And uhm even after that he didn’t kick me out but let me stay and we ended up talking, and here I am.” Jiyong said the last bit while scratching the back of his neck, and moving a bit aimlessly and restlessly on his feet. 

“That is uhm… interesting and weird. And so much Seunghyun, trust me I should know I grew up with the guy. He can barely kill a mosquito – and not just because of bad motoric or eye sight.” Daesung said with a smile that clearly indicated that he cared about Seunghyun as a brother.

“Sorry Jiyong but I better go help him, especially since he actually said he needed it.” Daesung added and quickly left for the back door too.

Now that Jiyong was alone in the store he didn’t know what he should do, but after a quick glance around he realized that he had plenty to do. He could browse through all of the CD’s or most of them. Still with the cup of coffee in hand, he began checking them out. The first genre he found was alternative where he found names he had never heard about before like Milo Greene and Woodkid but also Muse and other well-known artists. And so it began, he found names he had never heard about such as: Dúné, Carpark North, 100 Monkeys and a duo called Paul McDonald & Nikki Reed. He also found well-known names like Kings of Leon, Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Green Day & the Beatles. Surprisingly enough he also found his own CD’s, Taeyang’s, Seungri’s and even Tablo’s and Epik High’s. Jiyong wasn’t even surprised when he found some of SHINee’s, SNSD’s and others albums. Jiyong honestly believed Seunghyun now when he had said, that he probably had an album that everybody would like. Jiyong rarely found a record store where there was such a big variety.

When Jiyong heard voices, definitely Daesung and Seunghyun bickering about something. It almost scared Jiyong that he could recognize Seunghyun’s voice, but with that deep voice the male had he couldn’t really blame himself.

“But you said that they didn’t have to get down here before next week, hyung.” Daesung said, clearly not having any issues with both talking and carrying a rather heavy looking box.

“I know but I changed my mind, besides they need to be labeled and put into the system, and for once I would like to be ahead of something okay?” Seunghyun said also carrying on a heavy looking box, clearly struggling a bit more than Daesung.

“Whatever you say hyung.” Daesung said and a knowingly smile slipped over his lips.

Mumbling something under his breath Seunghyun sighed and placed the box behind the desk before stretching, and Daesung placed his box on what looked to be on top of the first box.

“But since you don’t need me anymore, I should probably get going, that and I have a lunch appointment with my parents. See you later hyung.” Daesung said with a smile, hugging Seunghyun and then turning to leave when he spotted Jiyong.

“Take care Jiyong and please don’t give him a caffeine poisoning or let him break anything, including himself.” Daesung said still smiling but Jiyong had an odd feeling that the look Daesung gave him was trying to look through his soul.

“Nice shirt by the way.” With those words, Daesung left the store, waving goodbye to Jiyong and Seunghyun.

Jiyong looked down at himself and the shirt- Seunghyun’s shirt- he had completely forgotten he was wearing it. When Jiyong looked up at Seunghyun he noticed that he was busy doing something, but Jiyong could still spot the blush on his cheekbones.

“You were right when you said you were pretty sure everybody can find an album in here that they like.” Jiyong said smiling still looking at Seunghyun, before he fixed his gaze on the empty cup.

“Your shop is really impressive Seunghyun.” As Jiyong talked, he could feel a blush spreading on his cheeks and without looking up, he could sense Seunghyun’s eyes on him.

“Thank you Jiyong.” Seunghyun said and as Jiyong looked up to meet his gaze, he was met with a dimpled smile. Jiyong couldn’t help but move nervously on his feet not really sure what he was supposed to do now.

“I guess you want your shirt back at some time?” Seunghyun asked out of the sudden, snapping Jiyong back to reality.

“Ah yes, I suppose you want your own back as well?” Jiyong looked at Seunghyun with curious eyes, already knowing the answer.

“If you don’t mind, but your shirt is back in my apartment.” Seunghyun said and a slight blush once again showed on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck.

“That’s right…” Jiyong said and aimed his eyes on the floor moving something invisible around with his foot.

“Uhm maybe…” Before Seunghyun could finish his sentence a phone started ringing, Jiyong didn’t even have the time to consider if it was his own, before Seunghyun had his own pressed to his ear, miming sorry to him.

“What do you want Daesung?” Seunghyun looked annoyed, but as Daesung talked on the other end of the phone, his expression began looking shocked.

“You’re kidding right? Daesung this isn’t something to joke with.” As Seunghyun listened to Daesung, his face looked more and more shocked.

“Dae, why couldn’t... No, I don’t believe you forgot… Seriously Dae.” Seunghyun looked a very odd mix between happy and pissed off.

“I promise I’ll check it out later. Talk to you later.” When Seunghyun hung up, he looked a bit confused but also very happy judging from the smile spreading over his lips.

“What’s up?” Jiyong couldn’t help but ask, it seemed like good news but also it was news that was hard to digest. Seunghyun looked at Jiyong with big eyes clearly having been lost in his own world for a while there.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’ll find out later.” Seunghyun said while still smiling with his dimples on display.

“Oh okay then… So what do you normally do when here is no customers?” Jiyong looked around the place wondering if there would show anybody up soon; he would love to see what kind of people came here.

“Depends on my mood.” Seunghyun said and looked around as well, before he found something behind the desk Jiyong couldn’t see before a jaw filled with candy was reached out towards him. He noticed that Seunghyun already was chewing on some candy before he took a piece himself, a gummy worm.

“Thank you.” Jiyong mumbled already chewing happily on the worm. Seunghyun just sent him a smile.

For a while nobody said anything but it wasn’t for very long before they started up an eager conversation about music. Seunghyun pointed out some of his favorite albums in the store and Jiyong found some of his own favorite albums in the store as well. Jiyong found it interesting when people came in to the store, if they came their often Seunghyun greeted them by name and talked with them about this and that. Some of those people even used the study area not that Jiyong was surprised by that. If somebody came into the store that Seunghyun didn’t know, he was extremely kind and introduced himself, told them if they needed anything he was willing to help. It wasn’t until hours later Jiyong received a text from Yongbae, that reminded him that he had promised he would join his program today as a guest, just for the heck of it. Jiyong was extremely surprised time had went by so fast in the small yet cozy store, maybe it was just Seunghyun’s company that had made him forget everything about time?

“Seunghyun I need a piece of paper, if you don’t mind?” Jiyong announced looking up from his phone.

“Uhm sure, here.” Seunghyun handed over the paper to Jiyong while talking, along with a pencil. Quickly Jiyong wrote down his number with the text, “call me or you’ll never see your shirt again” on it before handing it back to Seunghyun.

“I have to go, but I suppose I’ll see you again sooner or later, so bye for now Seunghyun.”

“Huh..? Oh, see you Jiyong.” Seunghyun sounded very confused, and he looked very confused with wide eyes and a pouting bottom lip. Jiyong waved at Seunghyun when he left the store. The moment he was out of sight from the windows, he found his phone and dialed Yongbae’s number; it didn’t take long before his friend picked up the phone.

“Hey Ji, what’s up?” came the cheerful answer from Yongbae.

“We need to talk.”


So I'm back for now and I'm so sorry for not having updtaed in I don't know how long. School takes a lot of my time so I don't always have the time to sit down and write, but I know how the next few chapters are going to be I just need to write them. Seriously I still need a beta because I'm pretty sure my motivation will go up if I know somebody else can help me with my grammar.

Again sorry for the delay, tell me what you think in the comments it would mean a lot to me.

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MaryGTop #1
Chapter 2: This was very very cute. I really hope you have the time to update soon ^^
Chapter 1: I am in love with this story. The sweetness of each character, and the premise...please do continue this story soon, for I shall read every word written!

emsxxxfitzo #3
Chapter 1: Such a sweet first meeting >.<
I'm glad Seunghyun didn't immediately kick Jiyong out hehe xD
Giyongchy_Love #4
Chapter 1: Amazing! Aww, that was cute! It was detailed and refreshing; I'd love to read more xoxo