KyungmiElf: Out of the Picture

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Out of thePicture

The morning Kim Minseok woke up to was not, in any way and angle, pleasant.

The moment he opened his still-sleepy eyes, the curtains of his room were already drawn back, making the intense light from the outside world temporarily blind him. With still closed eyes, he pushed the covers away from his body and swung his legs to the side of his bed only to yelp in pain and quickly withdraw his bare feet from the ground. With eyes squinting open, he glares at the floor only to see the poor, broken state of his precious alarm clock. And then something clicks in his brain which made him grab his phone from the night table before muttering a series of curses while darting to the bathroom to wash and change in exactly ten minutes.

Kim Minseok has overslept.

He dashes towards the kitchen in lightning speed – his hair still soaking wet, the white shirt of his uniform crumpled messily buttoned, and his backpack zipped wide open and overflowing with papers and notebooks. Minseok ripped a sticky note pasted on the refrigerator to see that it was from his Mom telling him that his breakfast was on the sink. He dumped the note into the trash bin and grabbed a carton of milk before going to the counter to eat his meal in exactly two minutes. As soon as Minseok held onto the plate, his wild and crazy dog came bounding towards him, and running in circles around his legs, making him stumble backwards.

“Aish! Daemin, stop! No!” Minseok accidentally lost his balance and dropped his plate of steaming baozi onto the sink.

Minseok internally cried.

When he thought that getting out of his house would save him from having such a bad day (not that it wasn’t already), he just had be seconds late for the bus to leave him to run to school. It didn’t help either that when he arrived; he was seconds late as the bell rang and the gate of the school closed.

Minseok was starting to lose his sanity.

He had to climb one of the trees lining the wall of his school to get to the other side and just when he was about to balance his foot on top of the wall, the branch snapped and decided to let him fall onto the hard dirt. Minseok therefore believes that branches have a thing against him.

He decided to skip first period and hang out in the garden of the school alone. As he sat on one of the benches, he let out a sigh and stared at the sky. He had a crappy morning but, at least, he was finally at school.

At least, he’ll be seeing Jongdae.

Minseok smiled at the thought and let out another sigh. Jongdae, better known by the school as Chen, was his ignorant, naïve, and insensitive bastard of a best friend and he’s one and only crush for the past three years.

Why Minseok developed a crush on him was beyond his thinking capacity.

School always seemed brighter and more fun when Chen was with him. Hell, he hated to admit it, but sometimes (okay, most times) he would prefer school over holidays and breaks just because he can’t bear to part from his best friend. Maybe it was the way Chen was always beside him and laughing that throaty laugh of his, or maybe it was the way his lips curved into a unique Cheshire smile which made his heart beat faster.

Whatever the reason, Minseok knew that Chen was irreplaceable in his heart.

And he knew that Chen would be able to make his day look good.

When the bell for the end of first period went off, Minseok hurriedly made his way to the classroom. His feet seemed to be more willing to see Chen than his mind was (so not true). He avoided the crowd of students in the hallways until he arrived at the rowdy classroom. Minseok panted for breath as he directed his gaze to that familiar seat.

Minseok smiled as he saw Chen sitting on his own desk while scribbling something on the table. He took a step inside the room and was about to call out when he abruptly stopped. Chen was laughing and due to the students blocking his view, he couldn’t see what was happening with his friend. Minseok silently cursed his height as he stood on his tippy toes. When the last student got out the room, Minseok turned back to Chen’s seat only to have his smile, as fast as it appeared, disappear at the sight.

Chen was talking to a stranger, and not just any stranger.

Chen was laughing and smiling with a gorgeous male stranger.

It took a lot of his patience (and self-control) not to scream his lungs out. Minseok’s day was completely ruined.


When Jongdae noticed Minseok’s empty seat when he arrived, he frowned. Minseok was always the first one to arrive and greet him with a cheery ‘Good Morning’, give him a bag filled with cookies or gummy bears (which he totally loves), and most of all, let him copy any homework he was too lazy to know about.

As class started and Minseok’s seat remained empty, Jongdae found it hard to focus his attention on the teacher in front especially since he would keep staring at the seat next to him thinking what ever happened to Minseok.


Jongdae turned his attention back to the front when he heard the unfamiliar voice. In front of the class stood a childlike, brown-haired, doe-eyed boy?

“My name is Luhan and I came from Beijing. It’s nice to meet you all. Please take good care of me.” the boy bowed before smiling at the class.

Jongdae could hear the girls (and some boys) swooning at the new student and he mentally rolled his eyes and scoffed. Leave it to the naïve ones to immediately fall for good looks and pretty smiles. Jongdae sighed. If Minseok was here, he would agree with whatever Jongdae was thinking right now.


Jongdae looked up to see the boy named Luhan smile at him while passing by to take the seat behind Minseok’s empty one. He raised a brow at the smiling boy in curiosity but was just returned with a wave. Jongdae rolled his eyes and dismissed the action before returning his attention to the board that was now half-filled with words he did not understand. He would have to ask Minseok to explain Calculus to him later.

When the bell for next period rang, Jongdae watched as the class turned into a talking frenzy for the next five minutes. He stared out of the window when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head, he was greeted by Luhan’s smile and a simple ‘Hello’.

“Hi, I’m Luhan.”

“I know. You told us your name earlier, remember?” Jongdae answered matter-of-factly to which Luhan just giggled.

“Well, since you know mine, can I know yours?”

“It’s Jongdae, but you can call me Chen.”

“Nice to meet you. Hey, can we be friends?”

“What makes you think that I want to be friends with you?” Chen snorted.

“Well because I’m… Luhan!” Luhan laughed and Chen couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy’s slight weirdness and conceit.

He spent the next few minutes listening to Luhan’s crazy stories and jokes and laughing his off. Fairly enough, Chen found Luhan quite funny and at the same time humble for not bragging about his looks. He was cracking up from one joke about deers and lightning when he heard a loud thud from the doorway. Turning, he found Minseok standing there all panting and a shocked expression plastered on his face.

Without a second thought, Chen launched himself onto the paralyzed boy and trapped him in a tight bear hug.

“Minnie! You’re here! I thought you were going to be absent.” Chen pouted as he released Minseok.

“I got up on the wrong side of the bed…and I overslept.” Minseok rubbed the back of his neck.

“Wow, that’s a first.”

“Tell me about it.” Minseok chuckled and Chen smiled before remembering something.

“Oh yeah, I want to introduce you to someone.” Chen dragged Minseok by the wrist to where Luhan was.

“This is Luhan, he’s a transferee. Luhan, this is Kim Minseok, better known as Xiumin.” Chen draped a shoulder over Xiumin as he introduced his best friend to his hope-to-be friend.

“Hi…” Minseok replied.

“Hi! It’s nice to meet you.” Luhan offered a hand which Xiumin slowly shook.

Chen was smiling. It was a win-win! Now he has two awesome friends.

Chen didn’t know just how wrong he was.


When Luhan was little, he always got what he wanted.

The moment Chen called out to the boy named Minseok or Xiumin, Luhan was what they called starstruck. And when Chen pulled the boy towards his direction, he couldn’t help but squeal at the thought of being able to talk to him and glance at him up close. So when Luhan shook Xiumin’s hand, he was sure that there was a spark as skin met with skin. He had to control himself from just hugging the chubby-cheeked boy in front of him. Luhan swore he felt his heart skip a beat. And now, he knows what he wants.

Luhan wants Minseok.

But he knew that there would be a problem. Luhan is not as innocent and clueless as he looks. He knows that his current object of affection was crushing on the boy who had an arm draped over him. Minseok’s blushing cheeks and lip-biting proved it.

Kim Minseok was in love with Kim Jongdae.

But the latter was utterly clueless. And Luhan found that as a good thing. It gave him a chance to steal Xiumin’s attention away from Chen.

All Luhan had to do now was kick Chen out of the picture.


The moment Minseok shook hands with Luhan, he took it as a declaration of war. He could see through his fast glances the way Luhan was looking at Chen as the latter introduced them to each other.

Jongdae was his.

So when lunch came and Luhan decided to join them, Xiumin made sure that he would sit in between the two. He sighed in relief when Luhan took the seat to his right and Chen on his left. He was contented until Luhan decided to talk about him.

“So, Chen, what’s Xiumin like?” Luhan asked as he munched on his sandwich.

“He’s a neat freak but he’s really smart.” Chen grinned proudly.

“Favorite food?”

“Baozi. Lots and lots of baozi.”

“Favorite movie?”

“There’s too many to mention.”

“Most embarrassing experience.”

“Oh, when he-”

“Enough!” Xiumin slammed the table as he stood up.

He glared at Luhan who just smiled at him. Luhan was seriously testing him by trying to find something to humiliate him in front of Chen. Well, he wasn’t going to stand it. Xiumin got up from the table and excused himself to get a can of soda.


“Yah, Xiumin. What do you think of Chen?”

Xiumin almost spitted the soda in his mouth as he heard Luhan’s question from behind him. Was he seriously asking that? Xiumin was right. Luhan did like Chen. Xiumin clenched the can in his hand. Hard. He angrily pointed a finger at Luhan and exclaimed in the most angry, pissed off, and possessive tone he could muster.

“Stay away from Jongdae! He’s mine! Not yours! He’ll never fall for you! So stay away!” and with that, Xiumin stomped away as he forcefully threw the can to the ground.

To say that Luhan was surprised would be an understatement. Well, he wasn’t certainly expecting that kind of outburst. He just wanted to confirm if he’s theory was right when Xiumin suddenly blurted out another idea. An idea that made Luhan smirk as he walked after Xiumin back to the cafeteria.

He knows the perfect way to push Chen out of the picture.


When Luhan started to ask questions about Xiumin, Chen found it quite weird, especially when Xiumin suddenly stood up and went out of the cafeteria followed by Luhan.

He was playing with the fork of his food when something clicked in his head. Chen was slow, he had to admit to himself, but it didn’t mean that he was dumb, and right now, Chen was sure that Luhan had a crush on his best friend.

He inwardly laughed at the realization until another one hit him.

If Luhan had a crush on Xiumin and if ever Xiumin feels the same way (he was hoping that his bestie wasn’t), then that would mean that there’d be no more morning greetings, no more tutorials, no more treats, and most of all…

No more Xiumin.

Because having three people in that picture was just wrong.

And Chen knew that he was the one opt to be kicked out... Well, not if he can help it, because two can play at that game. Chen smirked as he saw a smiling Luhan and a blushing Xiumin re-enter the cafeteria.

He was going to just have to kick Luhan out of the picture.


It’s been a week since Luhan transferred and Xiumin has been trying his best to avert Luhan’s attention to him so that the latter won’t have a chance to talk or get to know Chen. Chen on the other hand was feeling so lost when Xiumin would always talk to Luhan and ignore his existence.

Xiumin and Chen were busy reading underneath a tree in the school’s garden when they both heard Luhan call out to them in his most sickly sweet voice.

“Minnie, Chennie, can one of you help me find the library?”

As if on cue, both Xiumin and Chen looked at each other before shouting at the same time.

“I’ll go with you!”

“I’ll you!”

The shock on their faces as they both grabbed Luhan on either arm was indescribable. Xiumin was planning to the boy so that he won’t be alone with Chen and Chen was doing the same thing. Unknown to them though, Luhan was smirking like the devil he was.

“Aniya, I’ll just drag Xiumin, okay?” Luhan smiled at the disappointed Chen then turned to link his arms with the shocked (yet relieved) Xiumin.

Oh how Xiumin wished he could rip his arm off from Luhan’s tight grip. It’s like the boy wasn’t planning on letting him go. And as they walked towards the library, Xiumin tried to keep a straight face when Luhan started asking things about Chen.

“So, Minnie~, what does Chen hate the most in the world?”

Xiumin had to raise a brow at the question. Why would Luhan need to know that? Xiumin narrowed his eyes at the brown-haired deer (yes, Xiumin thinks he looks like a deer). Was Luhan trying to find a way to destroy his friendship with Chen?

Well whatever the reason, Xiumin wasn’t going to let his guard down.

“Chen hates liars and secretive people, those who have hidden agenda and those who like to manipulate people, and most of all, betrayers.” Xiumin stressed out.

“Oh…” was Luhan’s answer as he picked out a book from the shelf.

“Stay away from Chen.” Xiumin silently murmured, his back faced from Luhan as he picked a book from the opposite shelf, but Luhan heard.

The next thing Xiumin knew, he was pinned to the shelf and facing a smirking Luhan whose face was inches away from his. Xiumin felt his breath get stuck in his throat but he tried to feel not intimidated.

“Why should I?” Luhan whispered in his ear.

If they weren’t in the library, Xiumin would scream the hell out of himself, but they were in the library and screaming would earn him detention and rumors if people ever saw the position he was in.

“Let. Me. Go.” Xumin hissed through clenched teeth and Luhan only chuckled.


“I am going to kill y-”

“What is going on here?”

Xiumin turned to see a panting and surprised Chen who had his eyes glued to them. Xiumin gulped and pushed Luhan away as Chen spat a series of bad words before walking away. Xiumin tried to desperately catch up with his friend but Chen turned a deaf ear at him.

“Yah, Chen! Hold up! It’s not what you think!”

“What should I think about? You should have told me that you were seeing Luhan, Min. You know that I hate secrets between us.” Chen solemnly answered before walking away without another word.

“But I’m not. I was trying to make him stay away from you…”Xiumin whispered to the wind as he had his head low.

From the library’s window, Luhan smiled in victory.


“We need to talk.”

Luhan looked up from his seat to meet Chen’s glaring eyes. He stood up from his seat and followed Chen to the park.

“Yah, stay away from Xiumin. I’m warning you…” Chen growled.

“Says the one who’s been ignoring him for days…” Luhan spat back.

Chen averted his gaze and clicked his tongue. It was true that he has been ignoring Xiumin for days, but not because he was angry, but because he felt so flustered and awkward. Chen didn’t want to be a third wheel, but he just couldn’t let go of his best friend. He couldn’t let Xiumin go because he-

“Do you have feelings for Xiumin?”


Chen stared with shocked eyes at Luhan who was wearing a sad smile. Chen didn’t understand why Luhan was hugging him right now, nor did he understand why he just let him do it.

In the years that Xiumin has been by his side, Chen never paid much attention to what he really felt for the chubby-cheeked boy. Call him insensitive… because he was. When Chen felt Luhan release him from the hug and stare at something behind him, Chen turned around to see a teary-eyed Minseok a few meters away.


Xiumin seemed to snap out of a reverie when he softly called out his name. And when Xiumin started to run, Chen found himself running after the person he has been in love with but was too stupid to realize.


Xiumin was feeling down. Chen has right down ignored him for the last couple of days and it was like hell. It didn’t help that Luhan would annoy the hell out of him with questions that just earned more glares from Chen.

And now, seeing Chen being enveloped in a hug by Luhan, Xiumin felt so…helpless. When Chen called out to him, his first instinct was to run away and hide somewhere. As he blindly ran through the crowded halls with Chen calling him from behind, Xiumin didn’t see the platinum haired boy standing in front of him, making him forcefully collide with the said male and fall onto the tiled floor.

“Ow…” Xiumin groaned as he rubbed his forehead.

“Yah, are you okay?”

Xiumin looked up to see the male he collided into reach out a hand which he thankfully took as he was helped up to his feet.



Seeing Xiumin holding hands with an unknown boy was the last straw for Chen.


He stomped his way towards the two and, without thinking, swung a fist at the other male who easily dodged and Chen stumbled to the ground from the unaccepted force.

“Chen!” Xiumin kneeled down beside him and looked at him with worried eyes.

Chen took this as his chance.

Without another word, he captured Xiumin’s lips with his in front of the entire crowd, shocking the other male. And when he pulled back, Xiumin was sporting a cute beet red face and embarrassed eyes as the crowd broke into whispers, whistles, and fits of giggles.

“W-what was that f-”

“Don’t go anywhere! Don’t abandon me! Please don’t ignore me…” Chen begged.

“What are you talking about? You’re the one that’s been igno-”

“I love you, Minseok.”

Xiumin couldn’t say a word.

“I’ve been in love with you but I was just too blind to see it.” Chen finally confessed, hoping that Xiumin would reciprocate or at least tell him that he feels something, even just a tiny bit.

“Is that all?”

Chen looked at Xiumin, confused. What else was he supposed to say?

“For the record, I have the hugest crush on you for the longest time now…”

Chen found himself flashing that Cheshire smile of his as he stared at Xiumin’s blushing cheeks and pouting lips. Not needing to control himself, Chen allowed himself to envelope the smaller boy in his arms.

“I thought you liked Luhan…” Xiumin mumbled and Chen chuckled.

“He’s not in any way as cute as you, Minnie…” Chen pinched the bridge of Xiumin’s nose in playfulness when someone cleared their throat.

Turning, Xiumin immediately hid his face in Chen’s chest as he noticed the stares of the entire crowd on them. Among them was a smiling Luhan who mouthed the words ‘Goodluck’, making Chen smile and give a thumbs up.

Now that there were only the two of them left in the picture, Chen was certain that his life was about to get more exciting…and he would make sure of that. 

A/N: Midnight here. I hope you enjoy this fic. I'm not so sure of what I've written, so I apologize for not meeting your expectations (if that were the case). But still, thank you for requesting~! Please upvote and subscribe if you think the story is great. Thanks Again! Please leave a feedback if you want. xD

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