
In the time left to live
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Please read the foreword if you have not already, just for clarification. If you really do not want to, here is a brief summary. 

Notice: The context of this may not be completely accurate. The character displayed does have a terminal illness, but I have not stated which and I do not know the exact processes and so not every single detail may be accurate. Also, I'm pretty sure most of you would know this, but this is just a story about a celebrity, it is quite cliche. I have listed in the foreword where exactly I got my inspirations from. However, if it seems to be too similiar to anything, tell me. Thank you. 

3 months. 3 months left to live.

Cliché, yes, but Woohyun needs something to look forward to. He needs something that can cheer him up and that will make his mind forget about being in pain all the time. He needs something to take his mind off death. And one day, God answered his prayers. She was given to him. You were given to him.

Woohyun loved you so much. He cherished you. You were his one thing that he couldn’t let go. You were the only one whom he needed and the only one whom he wanted. Every day, he’d wait for you and he’d find it hard to let you go back. Lying in his hospital bed, you were the only one he would think about. You were the only one left for him. There was nothing else, no one else, apart from you. You were his everything.

“Let’s go to the park today,” the words you said made him surprised and happy at the same time. No one else could have this effect on him. You were a big impact on his life. Being able to walk outside with you, hand in hand, made him swim in bliss. The sunlight was shining down and children were playing around the park, bubbly laughter floating the air. The warm breeze made him feel fresh. It made him feel free. It made him forget about death.

He remembered clearly that day, sitting on the ground and eating food that was not given from the hospital. What did it matter anyways? He was going to go even if he ate healthy, controlled food, given by the hospital. Woohyun remembered himself smiling that day. You were the only one who could make him smile, at least, so happily like that. Woohyun’s happiness was taken away when he found out. His home was, his parents were- they couldn’t see him forever and he couldn’t go back to his house now. His school was taken away and consequently his friends- there was a limit to the number of times they could visit him. Everything was taken away from him because of this illness, everything apart from you and his life. And soon, his life would be taken away too.

2 months. 2 months left to live.

Therefore, he wanted to cherish every happy, bright moment of his life. He needed to. He wanted to make himself happy when he went to the afterlife, if you believe in that sort of thing. The last thing he needed was to live a sad life and then go. That’s why he always tried to stay positive. But that wasn’t very easy when all he did was lie in a bed with beeping monitors connected to him and around him, medicines taken every day without fail and vaccines inserted into him every so often. It wasn’t easy to be optimistic when all around him was death. But there was one person who could make him forget all that. You.

Woohyun never told you about his thoughts on life. About his life. He never let you have an insight on his thoughts about going to the afterlife, or the like, he never let you know what he felt about leaving everyone around him and disappearing one day. He never let you sympathise with him. He didn’t need one more person suffer with him, about him. Especially if that person was his favourite person in the world. He didn’t want the person who made him forget about his worries, share those worries with him. He was determined to let everyone around him at least have slight less of a burden when he went. You didn’t need to know that you were his everything. He knew, and that was enough for him.

It was bad of him, yes, and it was slightly selfish too. Selfish, to not let you know what he thought of you- not tell you how much he loved you. Selfish, to only love you for himself- take your love, but not give it back. It was selfish of him, but he was too caught up with the moment of being alive. Life was what he needed, and to him, it felt like you were his whole life. Why should he let life know that he was in the face of death and that life was the only one that was keeping him alive? That would be such a big burden on life. He didn’t need to tell life. He didn’t need to tell you.

1 month. 1 month left to live.

Woohyun could feel himself getting weaker and weaker by the day. Soon enough, he couldn’t stand and could only sit up with the help of an electronic hospital bed. He could feel himself physically and also mentally get weaker. He thought he could win it. He thought he could overcome all sadness when he had you. But as the time grew nearer, he cried. He cried when he was alone at night. When you, and everyone else who had paid their condolences throughout the day were gone, he was left alone. When he was left alone, in the quiet whirring of the hospital room, he cried.

His heart clenched and so did his feelings. Both hurt so bad. Why did the heart have to do this? He didn’t want t

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Chapter 1: ...OH GIRL.
It's past 11 p.m. over here, and I seriously have to try not crying out loud... "Gawd, why?!" ;w;
They were both such cute, sweet and yet idiotic idiots. I hope they meet each other in heaven, they have to go there- they seemed to be so innocent. ;w;

Girl, I should stop reading your stories, you only make me cry! :C
*goes off to cry under her blanket and cuddle with Kyung---w, wait a sec, I meant Yixing*
Oh, I love those stories~
I'll wait for this! C,: