Always the same.


I looked up from My piece of paper at the building. Hmm...SM Entertainment... I wonder if the guys even remembered me. I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the reception. I Gave my ID in and made my way to the personal Studio. I stood at the door a smile on my face as i witnessed my 5 best friends from school.
"Yah Hyung! Give me back my banana milk!" Taemin wailed as Minho dashed around the studio and threw the milk carton to Jonghyun.
"Come and get it Tae" Jonghyun ran past Onew, He was sat with his phone to his ear and a resturant menu in hand. Chicken...Typical. I stiffled a giggle and my eyes Widened as the banana milk carton flew across the room and exploded against the wall.
"Yah! My hair!!!" I knew that voice anywhere. My Best friend of them all, Key. I slipped in through the half open door and leant against the wall.
"Wow, you guys really havent changed at all....." They turned to me and Onew stood with his mouth open.
"Do we know you?" Taemin smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes, He didn't recognize me. I nodded and smiled.
"It's only been 5 years...have you all forgotten me already?" I giggled.
"Chantelle?" Key blinked at me and i nodded again.
"Chan-ah?" Minho's already big eyes widened at me. I met his eyes.
"Hey, Flaming Charisma" I answered him softly. My attention turns as i feel a pull on my arm.
"Noona...did you bring presents?" I giggled and tiptoed to ruffle his hair, humming.
"Wow you grew...Even bling bling is taller than me now." I grinned as i recieved a scowl from Jonghyun.
"Chantelle, you look so...different..." Key tilted his head then smiled before running to hug me, "I'm so proud, you gained the ability to pick clothes for yourself!" I rolled my eyes over his shoulder and Onew laughed. 
"Yah, Tofu! you going to come hug me too? or am I lower than your Chicken now?" Onew smiled and Key moved as Onew came over to hug me. 
"Do i get a hug too shorty?" Jonghyun grinned, relishing the fact that he was now taller than me. I swatted him before he pulled me into a hug.
"Minho-ah...aren't you going to hug Chan too?" Key waved his hand infront of Minho's face. He was stood deadly still, in shock i think. I reached into my bag and pulled out a soft ball. I took aim and threw it smack into his forehead. The others laughed at the familiar memory. 

Flash back (from nobody's point of view)


"Yah! watch where you are throwing that!" The Teenage Korean Boy with feline eyes glared at the girl as she bowed in apology.
"I'm so sorry....." She turned her own light brown eyes over to a male rubbing his head. He look up at the girl, Her slightly chubby features full of worry. The injured male just smiled.
"I'm ok, Nice Arm" The girls features filled with a light blush. She bowed again and turned.
"Hyungs! did you wait long?" A Petite Pretty looking boy whizzed past the girl, "Minho Hyung! You're face is all red! are you ok?" The one Called Minho Nodded. 
"I got hit with a ball that's all." He looked up to two older males.
"Taemin stop fussing over Minho, Why is Key giving that girl death glares?" The taller of the two new arrivals followed Key's gaze.
"hey Jinki hyung, hey Jonghyun Hyung" Minho greeted his friends.
"You and Key ready to start High school tomorrow?" Jonghyun grinned as the two younger males nodded. Taemin whined.
"I want to be in high school too!!!" 


I sighed at the memory, we had eneded up going to the same high school. Key took ages to forgive me for almost 'ruining his perfect face' with my game. Minho snapped back to reality and walked over, he bent down slightly. The hug was awkward. I scrunched my face confusion. Minho usually hugged me the tightest. I looked at the four behind him and they shrugged in unison.
"Well say something Hyung!" Taemin jabbed Minho in the side and He jumped a little.
"W-welcome back Chantelle" Minho murmured and excused himself.
"Wierd... Anyway.." Key folded his arms at me. "Looking good Bunny! You've lost weight." I giggled at my old nickname and span in a circle.
"I was on every athletic team back in America. And i took Dance classes." I shrugged, "The weight kind of lost itself."
"Well you look stunning." Jonghyun winked at me. "If i didnt know who you are i think i'd fall for you." I shoved him playfully.
"I'm going to go shower" Minho appeared at the door, noly to leave again.
"Yay! More Chicken for me!" Onew rubbed his stomach happily and Key hit his arm.
"No, Chantelle can eat Minho's share!" I barely heard them, I was staring at the door. My stomach was twisting in knots. Maybe Minho wasn't as happy as the others to see me....
"Noona, Do you still like Minho-Hyung?" Taemin's voice in my ear made me jump. I blushed and glanced around the room. 
"I Don't know what you mean...." I voice cracked. Damn it!
"Still havnt learnt to lie..." Key poked my cheek Knowingly.
"After 7 years? 5 of which you were in completely different countries?" Onew gave me a soft look. I lowered my head, my cheeks pink.
"How long are you in Korea for?" Jonghyun patted me on the back.
"I'm moving back...." i looked up at their shocked faces and giggled. "I'm back to stay guys" And that's when i was squashed by four over joyed males. I couldn't help thinking that it felt empty without the 5th male their too. 

6pm and i'm stood outside the dorm of my 5 friends. I scowled a little as i recalled the invitation to dinner.
"You should come over for dinner!" Taemin clapped. He was quite happily reverting back to childhhod memories.
"Yes! I'll cook! Now, Listen to Umma and wear something pretty ok?" Key patted me on the bum and Jonghyun pretended to be jelous.
"Yeobo!" He pretended to be heartbroken at Key. "Are you cheating on me now with our Daughter?!" I had laughed at the familiar scene, so they were still acting like a married couple.
I snapped back to the present as the door opened.
"Chan-ah! You're early!" Onew opened the door and offered me in.
"I brought wine...." I handed him a bottle and went to take off my shoes.
"Don't take your shoes off. Key is determined to make this a proper dinner party." I blinked but nodded and followed him through to the main room, I looked round in awe. A door opened to my left. 
"Key have you seen my Pants?" I followed the voice and turned back round again covering my face as i blushed. Minho is only wearing a towel...oh god.... Minho noticed me and i heard his door slam again.
I slid my hands away from my face slowly. I swallowed and twiddled with the nd of my hair nervously. Onew chuckled beside me and went to knock on jonghyun and taemin's door.
"Our Guest is here boys." The followed him out and stopped, they blinked a few times staring.
"Noona!" Taemin grinned and wrapped me in a hug. "Very pretty!" He moved out the way as Key came out from the kitchen wearing a pink apron.
"I'll be the judge of that!" He looked me over and his lips turned up into a smile. "Perfect, Minho is going to be shocked when he sees you properly!" I shushed him and grimaced hoping Minho hadn't heard. I didn't need to worry as i heard soft thuds coming from Minho's room. 
"Why is he kicking his football in his room?" Key had obviously been too busy with cooking before..... I turned red..
"Chan...why are you blushing?" Jonghyun looked at me incredulously. Onew was giggling like a little kid.
"Minho came out in just a towel, Chantelle saw him and he got embarrassed" He laughed out loud and Minho's door opened. Clonk! A pair of socks hit Onew on The back of his head. I looked up and my eyes met with a very red Minho. He exited his room and shut his door. Wow, Minho....looks really handsome... I swear i stopped breathing. Minho smiled a little, embarrassed.
"Sorry about....yeah....I didn't know you were here.." He looked at the floor.
"Well....This got awkward..." Jonghyun grinned and Key came to th rescue.
"Food's done!" He smiled from the doorway.

"So Chantelle, Any cute guys in your life?" I almost choked on my wine. I knew what Key was doing . I swallowed my wine and smiled brightly at him.
"Ofcourse. There are five gorgeous dorks in my life" I sruck my tongue out and Taemin laughed. 
"She owned you hyung!" I grinned.
"Ther is a reason we are best friends Kim Kibum" I poked him, "I'm smarter than you, and i match your crafty ways" Even Minho laughed. 
"You said you were athletic back in America?" Onew took a sip of his wine,  now wanting to know what i had done whilst living in America. 
"All sorts. I was on the Track meet team. Swim team. Diving Team. Soccer...." Minho's ears perked up and he looked round.
"Soccer?" I nodded.
"Mid field" I grinned and for the first time, Minho Genuinely smiled back. I felt my face heat up.
"Anything else? you said you did dance." Taemin asked.
"Mhm. Everything from ballet to hip hop." I looked proud of myself then that faltered. "Though nothing compared to you guys."
"You watched us perform?" Their eyes widened i let out a burst of laughter.
"Every L.A performance. Front row." I winked. "Had to support my favourite guys." I took a sip of my wine and looked at them. Key Scowled.
"Why didn't you come say hi?!" He pouted and pushed me away, "Umma is angry with you!" He pushed me again and i fell against Minho. I coughed and moved back straight, thankful i hadn't spilt my drink. Key sulked into jonghuins shoulder, "Yeobo! Our Daughter hates us!"
"Hey Chantelle, Do you remember the time you had a crush on Minho?" Jonghyun winked. I stopped dead still. I didn't move. Please God....tell me that question was in my head.....
"You were Crushing on me?!" Minho stared at me and i blushed right to the top of my head. I nodded silently. 
"When?" The other four shuffled away. Typical, drop me in it and run. They always did that.
"During school." I shrugged.
"When did you stop?" I blinked and blushed more.
"She didn't stop!" Key's sing song voice came from his doorway as he entered his room.
"Yah, Master Key! Get back here!" I stood to go beat up my best friend. Minho took my wrist gently and pulled me down. He turned my head to look at him.
"Really?" Minho stared at me.
"Yah....Flaming Charisma...." I gulped. 
"I Liked you in school too....." I widened my eyes and he removed his hand from my chin nodding.
"When did you stop?" I shuffled my foot on the floor.
"He didn't! Right hyung?" Minho threw a cushion at taemin as he skipped past with Banana Milk. He cleared his throat.
"What loud mouth said..." He smiled shyly. 
"So....." I played with my hair again and Minho leaned towards me. I moved back.
"Oh For goodness sake Chantelle!" Minho cupped my face, "Stay still! I waited years to do this!" He leant towards me and my eyes fluttered shut as his lips connected with mine in a gentle kiss.
"ABOUT TIME!" The other four had appeared out of nowhere. I looked at them in suprise.
"Now Minho, you've tainted my baby girls lips.You better Be making her your girlfriend!" Key was wagging his finger at Minho. I felt arms wrap around my waist and Minho pulled me against his chest. The tight hug i've missed most! I smiled shyly as he hugged me.
"Don't worry... I will be. I'm not loosing her again!" Minho placed his hand on the back of my head and my hair. 
I was happy to be back with My Dorky Adorable friends. And Best of All, Minho likes me too! And for just as long as me! I made the right choice in coming back. Definately.


Hope you enjoyed this little story. I realised i hadn't written any love stories about Minho. I you enjoy My writing i suggest you check out my Authored stories and co- authored stories!

Shinee Baby:

GentleMan's Dignity 2:


Shinee Experience ():

And co-authored with Namine-Kaila
I want to Know you:

Please do check them out, comment and if you enjoy...Subscribe to us!


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