It's Time to Duel


"Jodi. Wake up Jodi. Time for class." Sumi whispered. "Already? Okay. Ten minutes." Jodi said slowly got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face. "I  can do this. Another day, another duel. Su Mi, let's go" Jo Di smiled. They head down the long blue and white halls slowly, looking at all the paintings of strong duelest and powerful cards. Jo Di stopped in front of a painting of Dark Magician, her favourite card. Sumi grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the painting. "Look! It's Queen and Princess!" a student said as they reached the grand golden staircase. All of the Obelisk students crowded the base and watched Sumi and Jodi walk down the stairs. "Wow. You people need to get a life." Jo Hyun chuckled. "Jo Hyun. Su Hun. Let's head to class together." Su Mi smiled. "Whatever you say lil sis." Su Hun joked. They all walked down the staircase together and they paused at the tall white french door, smiling. "Time to duel." Jodi smiled. "Gaja." Suhun opened the doors and they headed out. "We're here! Miss us yet?" Suhun posed. "Suhun move. You're an embarassment to the whole school." Jo Di pushed Su Hun from the door. They went to their seats and Jodi went to sleep right away. "Miss Gu. This is no place to sleep." professor Kim snapped. Jo Di just snored. "Jodi, the professor is mad. Wake up." Su Mi poked Jodi in her side. Jodi glared at the professor and went straight to her phone. "Today class we going to..." Professer Kim started. Thirty minutes later a strange person barged into the room. "Hands up were I can see them." he said. everyone except Jo Di, who was still playing on her phone, throw their hands in the air. "Hands in the air now." he shouted. "Who the do you think I am? I am Queen. The best duelest in this here school. Now shut up an leave. We're trying to learn." Jo Di said sarcasticly. "I will not leave. I challenge you to a duel." the man said pulling out a deck. "You're on." Jo Di get up from her seat and headed down to the Obelisk Dueling Arena to start the duel.


They got to the arena and went to oppsite sides of the large stadium. "You go first child." the man snarled. "Fine by me tough guy. I draw! I summon Maiden of Macabre in ATTACK mode. I end my turn." Jo Di said as she put down her card. "Tsk. A strong card on your first turn. I draw! I summon Dancing Dragon in ATTACK mode and emd my turn." he said.  "700 ATTACK POINTS (AP). You have a lot to learn. Fine, I draw. Which card to play. I call Bull Blader onto the field. With this card I attack Dancing Dragon." Jo Di said. "Dang it. Don't know what to do." the shady man sighed. "I end my turn." Jo Di smiled. Jo Di: 4,000 LP (LIFE POINTS), weird man: 3,100 LP. "You're strong for a child. Draw. Ice Dragon show yourself. I play the field card Lunamarie. This card treats all water type cards as UMI and gains 1,000 AP. Turn done." the man laughed. Jo Di shook her head and sighed. "I draw. X-Saber Uruz, I summon you! Maiden of Macabre attack Ice Dragon now! I end my turn." Jo Di growled. "No! Wait a minute-" "Shut up and duel you twit!" Su Hun shouted. "Since I have two dragon cards in my grave yard I can now banish them from the duel and summon Starlight Dragon. Down side is I can't attack this turn so I'll end my turn." the man started to laugh like a mad man. "Only 2,000 AP. Disapointment, I draw! I summon Ape Magician to the field! I equip the spell card Sword of Deep-Seated to Maiden of Macabre so now she has 2,200 AP! Macabre attack Starlight Dragon!" Jo Di commanded. "Not so fasr. Starlight Dragon's effect kicks in. I can use the weakest card on you field, destroy it and you take damage equal to the atack points to it." the man laugh. "If you hadn't realize genius, her weakest card is Ape Magician with 800 AP." Ravi shouted out. The man let out a gasp. "No! I'm ruined!" he threw a tantrum. 

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