Some news


"This is so freaking boring. I just want to duel." Jo Di sighed. "Come on Jo Di. This class is important for up and coming duelist like us." a classmate said. "That's easy for you Sumi. I can't work like this. You know that. I'd rather be out there dueling with the best of them." Jo Di whispered. "You just want to see Yusei again. You like him." Sumi smiled. "No I don't. We're just friends." Jo Di growled. Sumi just giggled. "...and that concludes this lesson for today. Don't forget that there is a test next week." the professor said. "Thank the stars this class is over." She said to herself and walked out of class. She walked down the halls towards her locker when she saw a crowd of girls surrounding it. "Yah! Move away from the lockers! Leave now or prepare to meet your maker. By duel." Jo Di commanded. All the girls looked in her direction, then each other and left in a hurry. "Are you okay Yusei?" Jo Di asked. "I'm fine, thanks to you." Yusei smiled. "Jo Hyun is meeting me in the blue cafeteria. Come if you dare. Lots of girls there." Jo Di smiled. Yusei laughed and followed her to the cafeteria.

"Yusei! It's been a while." Jo Hyun stood up to greet him. "Hey Jo Hyun. I've got some good news for the both of you." Yusei said and sat down. "What is it Yusei?" Jo Di asked. "Yeah. Tell us. Tell us now." Jo Hyun begged. "From what I heard the World Grand Prix will be held in Seoul in August." Yusei said. Jo Di gave a huge smile and Jo Hyun started to bite his lower lip. "That's only 7 months away. I can't wait." Jo Hyun said. "I can't either. I will be champion again. I'm unbeatable." Jo Di said with confidence. She crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair with pride. "Pride is ugly on you." Yusei whispered in Jo Di's ear. Her face turned a bright tomato red and punched Yusei in the arm playfully.

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Ravi oppa!