
Being Happy

   Jimin sighed for what felt like the 100th time today as he walked to the practice room. It seemed as if that's all he did lately, dance until his legs gave out and he felt like his lungs were caving in. It also seemed that the pain that came after a good practice was all that was keeping him alive nowadays. He just layed (Haha) there, sprawled out in the middle of the floor, wondering when he'd become so numb. When he'd started pretending, when he'd stopped smiling, laughing. He was tired of everything; of pretending to be okay when he wasn't, of having to act as if everything was perfect, beacuse it wasnt. It hadn't been for a long time.

   The only thing that could make him feel anything anymore was practicing, so that's what he did: he worked and worked until his body couldn't take anymore. He was so tired that he didn't even see his hyung in the doorway. " What are you thinking about?" He asked, coming over to sit next to his boyfriend. Jimin startled at first, sitting up, but then offered his hyung a small smile; and stopped when he realized what he was doing. Jimin shoke his head, " Nothing you need to worry about, Hyung." Yoongi looked back at him for a minute. " I worry about you sometimes Jiminnie." He said, lowering his head. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, not only was he causing problems for himself but he was also causing others to worry about him in the process.

   " You know you can tell me anything, right?" Yoongi asked when he saw the troublesome look on the youngers face. Jimin just shoke his head again when he realized something, What did he have to lose. " How do you smile so easily?" Jimin whispered, so quietly that Yoongi had to scoot closer to him to hear. " What do you mean Jimin? You smile all the time." He asked, confused. " But it's not real!!" Jimin shouted. Yoongi jumped in surprise, Himin never yelled. He was always the happy-go-lucky one, Yoongi was always the one who would get too stressed or too worried and Jimin would always be the one to calm him down, not the other way around.

  " I'm done pretending! I'm done acting like everything's okay, that I'm strong. Beacuse everything's not okay, and I'm definitly not strong!" As he yelled his body shoke, as if the yelling and the tears rolling down his face were too much for him to handle all at once. Blankets of water gushed out of his eyes as he looked at Yoong, " I don't know what to do anymore, Hyung." He said in an exhausted voice that broke Yoongi's heart

    Yoongi look ed at him for a moment in utter silence, and then pulled the small boy into his lap, and let him soak his shirt through with tears. While he sobbed Yoongi just sat there, petting his hair and up and down his arms until he calmed down. When he finally felt the youngers breathing slow he tilted his chin up to face him and said, " Park Jimin you are the strongest person I know, and don't let anybody else tell you different." Before crushing his lips to Jimin's in the most loving and warm kiss he'd ever given. Jimin sighed as he let all of his worries melt away into the air as he welcomed Yoongi's warmth with his own, and as he smiled juat one thought stood out from al of the others, He Makes Me Happy.

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ororow #1
yeah, yoonmin! ^o^/
Chapter 1: I'll wait for the next chapter
KiwiFruit #3
Chapter 1: Write a Kaisoo fic! Lol jk. I'm going to post mine soon but it still needs a title...
Yay! Can't wait to read huhuhu