

A orange haired man pulls his pajama pants over his boxers. He smiles, and pushes his hair back. He reaches for his shirt, and hits the counter.
"N, where is my shirt?!" He yells, walking out of their bathroom.
"I don't know," a silver haired man says, looking to his lover.
"N," the man growls, noticing his grey tank top on his lover.
"What Ravi?" N questions. Ravi rolls his eyes, and walks to their white bed. N smiles, and runs at him. They fall, and  N snuggles into Ravi's neck. Ravi laughs deeply, and moves them closer to the center off the bed. Ravi pull a cover over their bodies, and protectively covers N's with his arm.
"You are not supposed to sleep with products in your hair, that’s gross," N comments, smiling widely.
"You are gross. You’re the one who stole my used tank top and tackled me to bed, refusing to let me go," Ravi replies, rubbing his boyfriend's neck.
"Do I hear you complaining?" N questions.
"Thought so," N whispers, snuggling closer into Ravi neck. Ravi smiles, and lays his head on N's. Ravi kisses his forehead, rather his bangs. N giggles when deep snores reach his ears.






A/N: Fluff! Isn't it fluffy? I needed something, to make me feel happy. And so fluff! (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 1: So fluffy!!!!!!ah i shouldn't be reading navi fluff wen i'm writing navi practically ripping eachother's throats lol this is really cute!
KpopWednesdayite #2
Chapter 1: so so cute! ^^
Chapter 1: cute , i loved the sketching its really creative