Just a little late -- Yoon Ji Hoo one-shot. ~ Prequel is up!


Hwang "Pre" Ha Hyo and Yoon Ji Hoo used to go out. However a problem involving Pre leads Ji Hoo to end it and break up with her. Pre is currently dating another guy(a few friends know who it is) and recently her new boyfriend moved back to Japan due to some drama. What happens when Pre and Ji Hoo cross paths again, let alone, Pre is drunk? 


    It's been almost 2 months, he hasn't seen Pre in almost what felt like forever. The last time he saw her, she was at the hospital; where he finally has given up on her. He was going to leave her alone, for her own happiness, of course because he still cares, he asks about her through Recee, Pre's unnie from time to time. Recently, Pre's boyfriend,Kida, moved back to Japan because of another conflict with his gang, the yellow scarves; and also to have Saki and Izaya stop tormenting her. He was going to visit Pre and cheer her up; but he knew that it would pain her more to see him again. 

    Ji Hoo just walked out of Shinhwa High with F4 and Jan Di; in which they just seperated once again, all of them heading back home; including himself. He was smiling and grinning to himself while walking back; as the minute he turned his back heading home, he could already hear Jan Di yelling at Jun Pyo like usual. 

    "Well if it isn't the use-to-be idol!" an obnoxious yell was heard in the distance, he turned his head across the street, seeing the 3 mean girls back from school: Ginger, Sunny, and Miranda. He walked over to them to see who they were picking on this time; it was Pre. He quickly walked over to them with a rather serious look on his face, and as they noticed him walking towards them; the posse cowards away. He then looks down at the girl on the ground; Pre. His ex-girlfriend, and also the person he cared about the most; regardless on who she loved. 

    "Pre-sshi...?" Ji Hoo spoke up, only to see Pre lift her head up, smiling like a fool. She reeked of alcohol, Ji hoo probably guessed she has been drinking again.

    "Ji Hoo sunbae~" Pre cooed in a rather drunken tone, "You came for me. My prince.~" Ji Hoo ignored her drunk comments and carried her bridal style, towards his limo. By the time he got into the limo, and had his driver drove them away back to his house; she was already passed out. Ji Hoo sighed to himself, "You never change, Pre-sshi." 



     "H-huh?" Pre slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them and then her head, "Damn my head hurts so much." Pre looked around, this was not her house. But she surely recognized this house; she slept over here too many times to remember. It was...

    "Good morning, Pre-sshi," Ji Hoo said in a calm tone, giving her a small smile, "How are you feeling?" Pre felt a little uneasy, she hasn't seen him in awhile. It was a bit too awkward at the moment but she just gave him a simple nod. Ji Hoo walked over to her bed and placed his hand on her forehead.

    "You seem to look okay now, and you seem pretty sane right now," Ji Hoo's smile then turned then faded, giving his face a serious look, "Pre-sshi, tell me. Why were you drunk?"

    "Recee unnie brought me to a bar since she told me that drinking would help calm my nerves..." Pre then sighed to herself, "Since we were flying overseas for vacations she said it'd help for the flight. I tried to avoid it but..well..as you can see." 

Ji Hoo never thought Recee would give Pre the idea to drink; well Pre has grown more mature from last time he saw her. Ji Hoo ruffled her hair, giving her his usual pretty boy smile, something he hasn't done in awhile. However, instead of Pre grinning like an idiot, she looked down; in which Ji Hoo removed his hand from her head.

     "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

     "It's...why did you save me from those mean girls?" Pre asked, her eyes flickering as she looks down on the bed sheets.

     "Because I still love you," Ji Hoo said, in a sincere tone.

     "J-Ji Hoo ah!" Pre yelled, as Ji Hoo was snickering to himself.

     "I'm sorry," Ji Hoo said, calming himself, "You seemed like you were in danger. So I wanted to lend you a hand, nothing's wrong with helping out someone you care about right?"

Pre was astonished by Ji Hoo's words, she froze for a few seconds, until she got back to herself. She just nodded at him once again before looking away from him at the window. Ji Hoo placed his hand over Pre's.

    "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this," Ji Hoo said reassuringly, "I mean, you do love him right?"

Pre didn't speak, she just kept staring down on the bed sheets, but then she looks back at him, smiling weakly at him, "Sunbae, thank you, I'm fine now." 

    "I understand, you don't want me around at the moment," Ji Hoo smiled at her, regardless, "But I'm glad you're alright. Just rest now. I'll leave you alone." 

Ji Hoo left the room, closing the door behind him. After a couple of minutes of staring at the window, she looks at the picture frame next to her; it was an old picture of her and Ji Hoo while they were at the beach a few months back. The tears she was holding back there finally ran down her cheeks. 

    "Sunbae...I'm sorry," she said between sobs, "You could've stayed here with me until I fell back asleep...I'm such a fool." 

She her itouch, inserting her earbuds in her ears, while listening to G.O.'s "Even in my dreams." 

    "Me, who wants you and wants you, I can't even love," Pre sang along softly to herself, "My heart hurts this much. I'll hold your hand tightly like this to show you my feelings. I only want to look at you, I want to give you all my love~"



    Ji Hoo walked back into the room after coming back from an event which lasted for hours, he was exhausted, but he wanted to check on Pre. He saw Pre, sleeping so peacefully. He smiled and leaned towards her, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

    "I love you, Hwang Ha Hyo."

Extended Ending!

    The next morning, Pre was waiting in the living room, waiting for her unnie, Recee to come pick her up. She hasn't spoken a word to the prince since last night; he was cooking her breakfast, but she kept her gaze away from him. 

    "Here Pre-sshi," Ji Hoo said, giving her a reassuring smile, handing her a plate of crepes. Pre digged in, and so did Ji Hoo. Neither of them talked until Pre finished up.

    "Thank you for offering your kind hospitality,sunbae," Pre said formally and calmly.

     "I wasn't offering..." Ji Hoo said, setting down his fork, "I did it because it was you, and I would never stop caring for you." 

Pre gave him a gentle smile, and nodded. Then she heard the honk of her unnie's car. Recee is already here. She stepped up.

    "I'll be going, sunbae," Pre nodded as she gave a last look at him; the person she turned down, the one she refused to come back to. Then she shook her head and headed towards the door, having her fingertips touch the doorknob. Before she could turn the doorknob, someone grabbed her from behind. It was Ji Hoo. He had her spin towards him and set his hands on her shoulders as she turned to him, making her look at him. Pre stood frozen, she didn't know what to do, until Ji Hoo hugged her tightly, like he used to; the old times. She returned the hug, blushing for a couple of seconds before letting go and rushing out the door to her unnie's car.

Ji Hoo chuckled a bit; Pre-sshi didn't change a bit.


    "Okay! What were you doing this time Ha Hyo?!" Recee said quite sternly.

    "N-Nothing!' Pre jumped up, as she laughed quite awkwardly.

     "However...that hug...his embrace...I wish it lasted longer..." she thought to herself, smiling to herself. As she drove off.


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wow i like this!! (Y)
I like this idea, please update!!