
3 words, 8 letters

"Just go for it, Amber. If you don't do it now, you will regret it all your life."

Amber stares at the piece of paper in her hand. Is it really a right thing to do? 

Luna looks at her friend who is deep in thought, grab her shoulder softly to gain her attention. 

"Look, Minho oppa is going to be transferred to Hongkong branch. You may not be able to see him again. We don't even know whether he is going to come back to Korea or remain in Hongkong. This is your only chance to confess to him. So, don't waste it, ok?" 

Amber takes a deep breath, considering what to do next. She has been in love with her supervisor in office, Choi Minho for 2 years and she still cannot bring herself to confess to Minho. And today is her last chance, it is Minho's last day in the Seoul branch before being transferred to Hongkong.

You can do it, Amber. She said to herself, gathering every courage she can muster. 


Meet me in Starbucks outside office at 4pm. I want to say something. 

A neatly written post it note is placed on Minho's desk, hoping the owner to notice it. But heaven has other plan for them. 

"Thank you so much Minho, for everything you do for our company. I believe you can be the greatest addition to our Hongkong branch office." Kim Junmyeon, the CEO of YK Corp. looks at one of his finest staffs with proud look. In front of him, Choi Minho standing tall and bows to give Junmyeon the highest respect and gratefulness. 

"It's an honor for me to help you to grow our branch office in Hongkong. I will do my best and don't disappoint you." 

"Thank you. I believe in you. I will have Yifan to take over your work for today. You are dismissed early, you can take all your colleagues in the accounting department to go for a drink for your farewell." Junmyeon then instructs his personal assistant, Sehun to give the CFO, Wu Yifan, the message.


Yifan scowls when he receives the memo from Zitao, his PA. He never like that guy, Choi Minho, and now he has to take over his work for a while until Byun Baekhyun ready to take over the position. Baekhyun better be ready soon, his own works are still pilling over his table and he is too busy to cover these mundane tasks. 

He is actually an okay guy and hard working guy, but because of personal reason, Yifan can't bring himself to like Minho. Maybe it's too personal, he sighs. He shouldn't include personal matters over professional works, so half heartedly, he drags his feet to Minho's desk. 

A post it memo sitting on Minho's desk grabs his attention. Who is still using this kind of cheesy trick nowadays, he chuckles to himself. But his smile is quickly wiped away from his face when he sees the name of the person who writes the memo. 

Amber. A name that haunts him everyday for the past 3 years. The person whom he longs to be with since day one she joined the company. He can still remember the first time he laid his eyes on her, she was just a recent graduate joining as a finance staff in YK Corp. and throughout years grows into the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on. He knows he is love sick, yet everyone in the office knows that Amber only has eyes for Minho. Some men have tried to catch her attention but fails miserably, and he is one of them. 

And the memo in his hand stabs him just right on his heart. She will confess her feelings to Minho. What should I do? 

"Mr. Wu," a masculine voice startles Yifan. He turns around and finds Minho standing in front of him. Unconsciously, he crumples the note on his hand and hides it behind his back. 

"Hi, Minho. Good luck for your new career there." His tone is so awkward, Yifan groans at himself. But, Minho doesn't seem to notice anything wrong. Instead he grabs his jacket and briefcase and getting ready to clear his desk. 

"You going somewhere?" 

"Yes, actually Mr. Kim dismissed me earlier so that I can bid my colleagues farewell. Would you like to come as well, Mr. Wu?"

Yifan shakes his head a little bit too quickly. 

"No, you guys enjoy. Send my regards to Accounting department." 

Minho nods, bows and wordlessly leaves Yifan behind. It is no longer a secret that Minho doesn't really like him either. Well, you can say the feelings is mutual. Both of them had eyed the same CFO position when Choi Siwon left the company. Yet, because of his ability, Junmyeon chose Yifan to take over the position. Add Amber to the equation, then you can get the picture of their relationship.

Yifan let out a big sigh after he makes sure that Minho has left. He stares at the crumpled note in his hand. 4 pm, he checks his watch. It's already 4.23 pm, Amber probably has left Starbucks, he thinks to himself and starts to busy himself to finish checking Minho's work.


It's already dark when he finishes the workload. Everything is recorded well, he must admit that Minho has done a great job. He will do well in Hongkong, Yifan agrees with the CEO's decision. He glances at the clock, 7.30pm. No wonder it's already dark. He gives a yawn and stretchs his body a little bit to let off the tensions in his muscles due to sit for long time. He checks his phone and finds one message from his mom. 

From: Mother
Fan, grabs me a cup of green tea latte when you are on the way home. Thanks.


He enters the coffeeshop, it is packed with people who hang around after working hours, trying to free themselves from workload stres over cups of coffee. 

"One green tea latte and one green tea frappucino, please."
He looks around the coffee shop and finds her sitting at the corner, with dejected face. Why is she still here? He thinks to himself. 

"Amber." A deep voice catches her off guard. She falls asleep while waiting for Minho, groggily looking around. Wu Yifan is standing beside her table with no Minho in sight. Her heart clenches, he is not coming. It's already dark outside. 

"Mr. Wu, what time is it?" Her small voice shakes, she is in the midst of breaking down at anytime. 

"It's 7.45pm."

He is not coming, Amber. He doesn't like you. And the tears just flow freely. But a large warm hand on her back soothes her through the broken heart phase. 

2 years later 

"Both of you have been dating for 2 years, don't you think it is the time to start considering about marriage?"

Yifan glances at his girlfriend who are sitting next to him. Right now, they are having family dinner with his mom, and at the mention of marriage, Amber just goes rigid. Yifan sighs, so she is still not ready. 

"Ma, we are still young. We still need time to know each other better." He reasons, tries to pry himself out of the unwanted topic. 

"I know, it's not that I ask you to get married tomorrow. But start thinking about it." She turns her attention to her son's girlfriend who are fidgeting in her chair. She grabs Amber's hand. 

"Amber, you know I like you so much as Yifan's girlfriend. I want to have you as a daughter in law. Please, think about it, ok?" She pleades, making it hard for Amber to resist. 

"Yes, Mrs. Wu."


Yifan sends her to her apartment with so many things going on his mind. They need to sit down and talk about marriage soon. 

"Amber, about the things that my mom.." His words die on his lips, forgotten as soon as Amber molds her lips with his.

The kiss starts to turn on the heat. When her small hands shrugs his jacket out of his body, the topic of marriage goes out of the window. Then, her skillful fingers his shirt, he doesn't care about anything other than her warm body is presses deliciously against his. Nevertheless, that night, Yifan lost himself to her touch and the topic is remain untouchable. 


His steady breathing sound fills the room. While she is wide awake, he has no trouble sleeping. Amber glances at her boyfriend's sleeping form.

His full mouth slightly agape, helping him to breath. His usual piercing eyes are closed peacefully. He looks younger and less intimidating. 

She remembers the first time they met. He was the manager of finance department and she was a new staff for finance. At the first time, she was intimidated by his looming tall figures, but after a while she found that he is a good man, his outer scary looking appearance didn't match his personality at all. At this thoughts, she smiles to himself.

After two years dating him, she can say he is the biggest dork ever, and she feels silly because she was afraid of him. It is like being afraid of a giant teddy bear. 

How they finally became a couple still blurr for her. After the incident, he looked after her so much. At first she thought because he felt responsible at her state. However, after few months, he confessed to her and she accepted. And here they are, 2 years later. 

She takes a closer look at Yifan. Can she love him like he does to her? Yifan loves her, that's for sure, she knows that. Every cheesy romantic gestures that he does speak louder than words. He is not a man of word, he is a man of work. 

Can she live with him as his wife for the rest of their lives? Do I even love him? The thoughts keep her awake, her mind is reeling.

Yifan stirs in his sleep, and sees Amber wide eyedly staring at the ceiling. He throws his arm around her body, keeping her close to his side. 

"Sleep, honey." he mumbles to her head and falls back asleep in mere minutes. His warm skin and even breathing lulles Amber to sleep.


Yifan arrives at the office the next day with a big smile plasters on his face, making Zitao and Sehun frown. Well, after he starts dating Amber, Yifan turns 180degrees. The cold man image of his melts away turns into some romantic guy that will do everything for his love. The power of love, both of them eyed each other knowingly. 

Junmyeon enters the board directors meeting room with full smiles on his face. And someone enters behind him, wipes away the smile from Yifan's face. Choi Minho is back!


"You sure about that?" 

"Yes of course. I even saw him with my own eyes."

Luna sighs, she doesn't sure how to tell Amber. Sure, Amber will be estatic to hear the news but how about her relationship with Mr. Wu? As her best friend, Luna wants the best for Amber. She knows that her friend hasn't moved on yet from her past crush, she is getting there surely, but, only Amber knows what she feels inside.


Amber's stomach growls, pushing her to go to canteen to grab some snacks. 

"One tuna sandwich." Should I make it two? Does Yifan like tuna sandwich? Her thoughts are interrupted by someone's voice. Someone that she knows really well. 

"You still like tuna sandwich? After all these time, you don't change, Amber." She turns around and finds someone that she has been hoping to see for all these time. 

"Minho oppa?" 


"It's nice to see you again. I miss you."

He looks at her straight in the eyes, making her heart race. Even after 2 years, only him can still make her heart beats like this. 

"I miss you too, oppa." She says with a small voice and looking slightly embarassed, making Minho chuckles. 

"Aigoo, why are you so cute, Amber?" He stares at her from head to toe, "and getting prettier each day,  your hair is longer than the last time I saw you." He fingers one strand of her hair, feeling the textures and memorizing her face details. 

Amber's heart beats fast in her ribcage. This is the answer of what she has been thinking last night. She still in love with Minho, not Yifan. At the thought of her current boyfriend, she slightly recoils from Minho's touch. She is in relationship for goodness's sake! She shouldn't enjoy another's man touch this way. 

"Sorry, oppa. I have a boyfriend already."

Her words catch him by surprise. He already knows since long time ago that she likes him. He always assumes that she is willing to wait for him so he never thinks that she will be in a relationship with somebody else.

"So, who is the lucky guy?"

"Wu Yifan." And the name sending his blood to boil. Wu Yifan always gets in his way and right now, he will take away what belongs to him in the first place. 

"Tonight, let's grab dinner with me." When Amber opens to reject, he adds, "as friends. Yifan will understand." 


The dinner goes smoothly, Minho is just the same person that Amber remembers. The same charming and charismatic man, the funny one, and his intelligence never fail to impress her. 

Sitting with Minho talking about his life in Hongkong reminds her of good times, and she can't help but compare the two men exist in her life.

Minho is like the sun, whose smiles brightens up the world. People are drawn to him because of his charisma. 

On the other hand, Yifan is like a star. Not many people realize his true color. He looks like he is detached and cold when actually he is a warm guy. 

If both of them are having dinner together, they will not be sitting in a posh restaurant like this. Yifan loves to have an impromptu trip, probably he will take her to a nearest sea or even Gangnam river, set down a picnic table and have a dinner there. They will not talk too much but even in silence, they can enjoy their quality time. 

Speaking of Yifan, she doesn't tell him that she is going to have dinner with Minho. She can tell that he will not let her go. So it is better for him not to know. What he doesn't know won't kill him, right? 


Amber who is sitting in front of him changes so much from the little girl he remembers 2 years ago. She has matured and he can see the slight change of her appearance. She dresses well right now, and wears make up. She is getting prettier than how he remembers her.

But she is Yifan's now. He heared that they started dating after he left for Hongkong. And glancing at her hand with no ring, that means he still have the chance. Hopefully he won't blow it. 

"Yifan is really lucky to have you as a girlfriend. I envy him." Amber's cheeks getting warmer, due to his flattery and a glass of red wine in her right hand.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere, oppa."

"Yes I know. I have no chance of being with you. I should have confessed to you long ago. I was stupid at that time." He smiles bashfully at her. His sudden confession strikes her heart again. The painful memory comes back. She smiles bitterly, heaven doesn't give us a chance to be together. 

"Yeah, if you came to Starbucks 2 years ago, probably the story won't be like this." 

"Starbucks? What is it about?" Minho frowns, doesn't recall anything about Starbucks.

"I left you a memo, on your desk, to meet you in Starbucks. I was preparing to confess to you." She says dejectedly. 

His mind flashbacks to the fateful day, two years ago. He remembered now, Yifan was taking care of his work at that day. Was it him? He then looks at Amber, and the dark side takes the best of him.

"I remember now. I think I saw Yifan in my office at that day. Ask him, probably he knows something about it."


She is agitated. She is torn between trusting Yifan or Minho. She wants to trust Yifan, but she has a feeling that it is not coincidence Yifan went to Starbucks and found her at that night. 

She goes back home with worried hearts. She wants to ask Yifan but afraid of what his answer. But she never knows until she tries. 


Yifan is waiting for Amber at her flat. He prepares some dinner for her. With Minho around, he should work harder to grab Amber's attention. Eventhough she is his right now, but with Minho around, he can't be so sure anymore about their future.

The sound of door opens startles him. He quickly go out from the kitchen and greets Amber. 

"Welcome home. I have prepared your favorite." He ushers Amber to the table that has been set. "I learn to from Kyungsoo, but don't expect me to be as good as him." He smiles at her, but when she only stares at him, he senses something wrong. 

"Amber, what happens? Talk to me."

"Do you know anything about the memo I left on Minho oppa's desk at that day?" 

All the color drains from his face. He can't reply her anything. And his lack of response makes her seething. 

"So you knew! And you threw away the note? I don't want to think lowly of you, but you disappoint me, oppa! You did this so that you can be with me, right? I have never thought that you are this cunning. I hate you!" She shoves him away from her and quickly runs to her bedroom and locks herself up. 

Yifan is in state of shock. How did she know? He truly has messed things up. He think he can bury the past and starting a new, but what you sow, you reap. He sighs, he never knows loving someone will hurt you like this. Physically and mentally hurt. He has hurt Amber, betrays her trust. The fact that he knows that he is the wrong one, stings his heart. He feels the burning sensation in his eyes. He drags his heavy limb to Amber's bedroom door. 

"Amber, open the door. Let's talk."

"No, I don't want to talk, you bastard! Go! I don't want to see your face anymore!" Her broken voice breaks his heart even more. 

"Ok. But I need to say something. It's true that I have found the memo and took it away before Minho read. But, no. I am not sorry for stealing you from Minho. No, in fact it is the best decision that I have made. I am sorry that I have hurt you, I didn't mean to. I hope you can understand." 

With that, he exits her flat with heavy heart. 


"Do you believe him, Luna? After what he has done, he still has nerves to say that he loves me. He doesn't feel sorry about what he has done. If you like someone, you won't hurt him, right? And how I can trust him, after this?" She cries so hard, her voice raw. Lune cringes to her phone the first time she receives the call. 

"Take a deep breath, Amber." She complies.

"I can understand that. I can understand you mad at him. But from what I get, you are not mad because he took away the chance of you being with Minho oppa. You mad because he betrays your trust and you don't know how to trust him again. Now, tell me Amber. Do you even can say that you still love Minho?"

Luna question silences her. She calls her bestfriend to help her solve the problem, but she only adds more confusion. Dear heart, can you help me for this? 

She lays on her bed, only yesterday, spending night in Yifan's arm. Before she knows it, all kinds of emotions rush into her. 

She can still smell his faint cologne,  trace his body line, feel his breath, feel his touch over her body that always gives her the best pleasure, hear his assuring words. She can't take it anymore. Under the moonlight, she accepts the thing that she has denied for so long. She falls in love with Wu Yifan, long time ago before she even realizes. 


"You need to talk with him." Luna assures her. It makes her smiles a little bit upon remembering it was Luna who pushed her to confess to Minho 2 years ago. And right now, she is about to confess to another man and Luna helps her again. It's funny how everything can change in short time. 

Baekhyun, her manager, enters the office briskly. 

"Amber, what is this about? Do you know anything about Wu Yifan's transfer to Beijing?" He demands an answer from her, but she doesn't have any. Hell, she even just heard about this. 

"What are you talking about, Manager Byun?" 

"President Kim just told me about this. Wu Yifan demands to be transferred to Beijing branch as soon as possible. In fact, his flight is 4 hours from now."

Amber is stunned, making Baekhyun and Luna irritated.

"What are you waiting for Amber? Find him and bring him back here again! I am not ready to take over his jobs here!" Baekhyun screeches. 


Amber finds Zitao in Yifan's office. He looks annoyed at her. 

"What do you want, Amber noona?" 

"Is it true?"

"Hyung is going to Beijing? Yes, that's true. And all because of you. He said you didn't want to see him again and he wants to give you space and chance with your beloved, Minho." His sarcastic tone doesn't go unnoticed by Amber, but she doesn't pay him any mind. 

"Where is he now?"

"He is on the way to Incheon Airport. He wants to leave quietly, he doesn't even let me to send him off."

"Send me there, Tao. I need to talk to him." 

He looks at her suspiciously,
"What else do you want, noona? You have hurt him badly. He gives you what you want, and now what else do you need? If you hurt him again, I won't forgive you." He says protectively. 

"I need to tell him, that I love him. That I need him and I want to be with him. Please help me, Tao." She pleads and bows before Tao.

"Noona, get up. I know that both of you need to settle this things. That's why I book 1 ticket under your name." Amber looks at him, surprise is clearly shown in her eyes. He is standing in front of her with one ticket to Beijing in his hand, making her squeals with happiness. 

"Thank you, Zitao! Thank you so much." She hugs him tightly, making Tao blushes.

"That's enough, noona. Let's go to airport. Bring him back here. If he is not here, I don't have anyone to annoy." 


Yifan looks over his shoulder. A part of him hoping that Amber comes to him. He wants to see her before he leaves. But he knows, he won't be able to leave when he sees her. He takes a deep breath. It is for everyone's best. 

He takes a look at people in the airport. He hates airport, it reminds him of separation. He spots some couples bidding each other farewell and he eyed them enviously. He walks slowly to his flight gate. He reasons to enjoy Seoul one last time before flying. But deep in his heart, he knows, he is waiting for Amber to come and probably give him a farewell hug. But it is only a dream. She won't even care. Heck, probably she is glad to get rid of someone as useless as me. 

A final call to board makes his last shed of hope vanishes. She won't come. He walks slowly to the plane and sit over his designated seat near the aisle. He looks over the window and takes a final look at Seoul, the place where his dream starts and ends.

"Excuse me, I believe it is my seat." He quickly stands up and gives way to the woman. 



That night, both of them confess their feelings to each other. No more lies, no more secrets. Only the truth, love and affection are expressed through words and deeds. 

Both of them lay satisfied after few rounds of make up and under the moonlight, a promise ring on her left hand shines. 

"Tell me a lie."

"I don't know anything about the memo." 

"Tell me a truth."

He stares at her, directly at her soul. Her heart clenches at the sight of his perfect face. 

"I love you."

"I love you too, Yifan."

3 words, 8 letters, say it and I am yours. 


A/N: another oneshot for our favorite couple! Yay! I write this in rush and not really confident about how this thing will turn out. Give your comments down below, I want to hear from you!


Please be patient for Picture Perfect! I am going to finish it soon!



Ana <3

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llama1023 #1
Chapter 1: ♥♥ this is cute
Chapter 1: Yay! I am reading all of your stories, one by one right now :)

I am a big fan of your writing now! :)
shioshilee #3
Chapter 1: this made my day >_< '3 word 8 letters. Say it and im yours'
Chapter 1: Ahaha. Made me smile like a dork
Peipei510510 #5
Chapter 1: Sweet! Love all your story.
Chapter 1: This story is perfect, you have become my favorite author.
I come to feel the emotion in your fanfic character
keep write krisber fanfic , fighting
kimkim96 #7
Chapter 1: Awwwww my god. Im in love
Chapter 1: awww this was nice :)
Chapter 1: Its so good. Much angst but ends with sweet way~ me like!
aayykkk~ this is just so beautiful (*´∇`*) I have no words bc of its perfection. haha! You're jjang authornim o/