
3 Heirs

Huifang clutched her phone in her lap as they drove down the roads. Genglin turned his head slightly while still focusing on the road. “Huifang, your father’s voice… What did it sound like?”

“He sounded very shocked,” Huifang told him. “But it was more as though he was astonished. It wasn’t a bad shock.”

Genglin nodded. “Maybe things are looking up for you.”

Huifang didn’t want to be hopeful but her friend was being positive so maybe she should be too.

Outside her house parked next to the street lamp was a black car. Huifang raised her eyebrows at the luxurious vehicle with the hood ornament. Was the news that her parents had spent half their savings on a new ride?

Genglin pulled to the side and she opened the door. “Do you want me to come in?”

Huifang declined the offer. “I’ll be alright. Thanks for the lift.”

“No problem, give me a call later.”

“Have a good night.”

She waved him off as the car disappeared. Opening the gate to her front house she walked up the driveway to the front door and slipped off her shoes.

“I’m home—“

Huifang didn’t expect to see her parents, in their casual clothing, sitting in the living area opposite a man formally dressed. On their shabby coffee table was a manila folder with one word on the front.

Her father stood and his kind face met hers. “Huifang, join us we have just found out the most wonderful news.” As she sat down beside her parents her mother reached over and clasped her hand.

“Jian Huifang,” the man said across the table. “It is nice to meet you. I am Li Donglin; and I used to assist Jian Kuanyin in his financial.”

She looked at her parents confused. “Who is Jian Kuanyin?”

“My older brother,” her father answered. “Don’t you remember your uncle?”

Huifang couldn’t say she hadn’t. Donglin continued. “Anyhow the reason I am here is because my client Jian Kuanyin recently passed away. He died this morning in his sleep.”

Huifang felt remorse for her father. “I’m sorry dad.”

Her father nodded. “I just wish I had been there for him more. He was very lonely up until his death. Having no family nearby, just work colleagues is no way to pass on.”

“And according to his will whoever he has listed as his heir will gain his entire fortune including his home, car and the shares of Taiwan Cooperative Bank.”

Huifang faced Mr Li. “And what does that have to do with us?”

He took the folder off the table and opened it like he was reading a menu. “In the time of my passing I Jian Kuanyin leave the entirety of my possessions with my niece, Jian Huifang.”

Huifang fell forward from the shock and her parents had to reel her back. “I-I’m the heir?” She exclaimed certain she was going crazy. “But that cannot be!”


“It’s true,” she started in her defence. “I barely knew him, let alone see him except for the occasional Christmas celebration, even then he only stayed for an hour.”

“Huifang,” her father cut in. “You may not feel worthy to receive such an inheritance. But I knew my brother. I knew that he was very fond of you and watched over you growing up from his position. It was because of his great business skills that he gained such wealth which was used to assist in your school and then college fees.  Don’t shy away from this gift. He would have wanted you to have it.”

She stared down at the table. For a moment she couldn’t speak. After some time she exhaled out ready to accept. “Alright, I’ll accept this blessing.”

Donglin’s face brightened slightly. “Ah excellent news now… There is just one condition.”

The Jian’s all shared the same expression of surprise.

“Mr Jian was a business man so his condition is simply that you keep everything except for the shares which Ms Huifang will split in half with one company of her choosing.” He opened up his brief case and passed out some stapled documents. “These companies are the top three in the Taiwanese stock market.”

Huifang could only read the names of the companies before her brain started to spin. “Fortunately I have arranged a meeting with the Chief Executive Officers. It will be at the Grand Hotel at ten thirty am. I’ll call tomorrow with the details.”

Her parents smiled and nodded. “She’ll be there; we will make sure of it.”




Sitting on the floor in the living room Huifang opened the lid of the cardboard box which was what her uncle had left. There was more in the house they had been told and his most important items had been the ones which were brought that morning.

Huifang didn’t find anything that was of initial interest to her. The old photographs were of her uncle and people she’d never met. The watch would be valuable so she would give it to her father but otherwise she could do without the silver engraved lighter, jade cufflinks, the video tapes or the business diary.

“Why did you give me your whole life’s worth when I barely remember you being in my life?”

She placed the lid back on the box and returned it to the spot under the table. Standing she got her phone out to send a message to Genglin.

You’re in the wrong career.

He replied quickly to that.

What does that mean?

She burst into laughter before sending another message back.

My uncle passed away and I’ve inherited everything he owns.

Genglin didn’t answer straight away. She wondered whether she was bothering him, since it was a work day. When her phone did beep again it was half an hour after her previous message.

Sorry had a problem come up in the marketing. Can I call you after work?

Yeah, I’m not sure if you met him. His name was Jian Kuanyin. The funeral for him is on Friday.

The ceremony for her Uncle was small while the wake had hundreds of people passing through the large mansion which he lived in. Huifang couldn’t believe how many people contributed envelopes of pay to her parents to help with the funeral costs although a lot of the preparations were taken care of his assistant Donglin.

A lot of the guests said their condolences to her. However Huifang didn’t feel she deserved any.  The ones that she did receive should have gone to her father who still managed to politely greet everyone while still retaining a sombre expression. She wondered how much she missed him. She also wondered whether she had done the right thing by accepting the inheritance.



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Chapter 2: It's interesting.. Can't wait to read more
Chapter 2: Ur story sounds so interestin'. Update soon
xinli_ang #3
Chapter 2: Well, that's exactly the problem with suddenly inheriting something huge from someone you barely know. You have no idea what to do when you're there. xD And LOL reading from it like reading from a menu? xD