Second step : What? No. Water fight? I never planned this in the first place.

Mission Possible

“Oh my god, these cute little s are so—”

Jimin woke up to the sounds of phone camera snapping some pictures and he groggily flopped on his elbows, eyes barely opened and hair a bundle of haystack on his head.  In front of him was a very much (obviously) fangirling Yoongi snapping some pictures of the two youngest of the group sleeping in the bed, both swaddled up in a mountain of blankets.

He got up and padded towards Yoongi like a baby penguin with the blanket hugging him and stood beside him. “The hell are you doing early in the morning, hyung?” He asked, words barely coherent from the sleepiness still clogging his head. Yoongi was still taking pictures from different angles, face stretched to a happy grin way too bright in five in the ing morning.

“I’m so using this for blackmails later.” Yoongi murmured, obviously ignoring Jimin’s question. The said male pouted in abondance and glanced forward. But he could see the point. The sight in front was really, ing adorable.

Jungkook’s head was side-planted to Taehyung’s, Taehyung’s mouth slightly opened as Jungkook had his arms around him under the blankets, their legs peeking out of the blankets at every direction at the end of the bed. This was way cuter than the moment when Taehyung was sandwiched between Jimin and Jungkook in the hotel room with Jungkook’s long arms draped over Taehyung’s and Jimin’s middle and his leg hooked over their hips, back-hugging Taehynung.

Really, Jimin thought. Cute ers.

“Come on, hyung. Stop it before they get cardiac arrest from waking up to one of your creepy fangirl mood.” Jimin draped an arm over Yoongi’s shoulder, trying to tug him out of the room but Yoongi elbowed him in the ribs in protest. “Yah, for me to get these high quality of blackmail materials are rare, okay. So don’t spoil it, kid.”

Jimin pouted while rubbing his sore ribs. He headed Yoongi’s words though and pulled the much resisting hyung out, not without getting several smacks on the head and a few attempts of kicks directed to his crotch (not today, hyung, he thought avengingly, once is enough and he got his dignity to spare, okay).

“You’re a joy killer.” Yoongi stated as soon as Jimin pushed him down to sit in the stool in their kitchen. “Please, me? Joy killer?” Jimin said in mock assurance. “Says that to the person who kicked me in the balls for dancing in front of him.”

“What? I was sleeping, idiot. You were getting a death wish by doing that before.” Yoongi retorted. Jimin scoffed and the pale skinned man who contemplated on throwing the banana skin in his hand to him (where that came from only god knows).

“Seriously, you indirectly killed my future babies. How do you feel growing old alone?”

“As long as it’s not me. Plus, did I said anything about me getting married?”

“Hmm. Probably it’s because you’re already old.” This time Yoongi did throw the banana skin across the kitchen and Jimin dodged it off with a snicker. Yoongi mumbled some incoherent words while filling up a cup with water to which Jimin mumbled a soft ‘cute’ at.

“Eish this cute little ers. They’re gonna be the death of me sooner or later.” Jimin blinked at the older just as he’s about to crack an egg open, Yoongi staring holes to his phone screen like its food . A spatula in hand, Jimin peeked behind Yoongi’s head, images of Taehyung and Jungkook in bed on screen.

“You’re still not over that?”

“Taehyung wouldn’t mind if I tweet this but Jungkook wouldn’t live it down.” Jimin could practically feel Yoongi grinning even with his back facing him. “Why would he?”

“Duh.” Yoongi breathed out in a matter-of-factly tone. “He’s a ing shy bunny for god sake. Plus, he’s too protective over the alien. He wouldn’t want the whole world to see Taehyuing’s actual sleeping face, in bed.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow. “Since when have you become so observant? I’ve been taking care of the kid since ages but I never knew he would be like that.”

“That’s proven you didn’t pay enough attention.” Yoongi clicked his tongue, taking a bite of a granola bar. “Or simply because it takes a true expert for this kind of task.”

“Please.” Jimin solemnly said, trudging off towards the stove. “Just shut up hyung before I shove the granola down your throat.”

“Yah, I’m your hyung! Where’s the respect, grasshopper?”

“I ate them.”




“Why does it feel cold in here?” Taehyung and Jungkook raised their eyes from the anime they were watching in Jungkook’s phone to watch as Seokjin slipped in a fairly thick hoodie. Namjoon threw a scarf to him just in time for him to catch it. “Maybe it’s because winter’s coming.”

“Where’re you guys going?” The two youngest asked in unison, flushed against each other’s sides on the floor of the living room. “Manager hyung called us and we’re probably out in like two hours.” Seokjin answered, wrapping the scarf around his neck comfortably.

“Yoongi hyung’s not coming with you?”

“Nope. Just the two of us. He and Jimin’re in charge of you two so stay in one piece and eat your dinner.”

“You’re saying as if we’re eight years old and they’re our babysitters.” Both Jungkook and Taehyung pouted as Seokjin and Namjoon put their shoes on at the threshold. “Hyung’s just worried. The last time we both were gone, Taehyung missed dinner and ended up missing breakfast at the next day too because he woke up late, remember? He almost got gastritis for neglecting meals.” Namjoon smiled at them.

“Yea, well, that’s because hyung’s too ignorant over his own health.” Jungkook gently knocked his knuckles on Taehyung’s forehead. The brunette, in retaliation, whined before smacking him across his shoulder. The small squabbling turned out into a small fit involving fingers and kicks and laughter as Jungkook tackles Taehyung to the floor, fingers riding up and down his sides as Taehyung attacked his neck with approximate force, both giggling hard.

Seokjin and Namjoon looked at each other with a smile on their faces before they went out, closing the door on their way out. Yoongi, on the other hand, was in his room, sheets scattered all over his bed with him in the middle, a pencil in his fingers and staring intensely at the words scribbled in a sheet he was holding.

The all-nighter he pulled off for the last few days apparently weren't enough for him to fully express himself into words, words basically jingled themselves all over his fingertips and kept him awake because there’s this feeling pent up in him but he seemed like he couldn’t get it out just right, with the right words.

Sighing silently, Jimin came in just in time to see him running a hand through his hair in frustration, frowning at the mess because Yoongi, much to contrary beliefs, is actually a clean person and rarely got his own room messy like this.

Just then, he noticed the eye bags and the much paleness in his skin, the usual glow of his face faint and lips dry. “Hyung, have you been eating?” he asked, walking towards the rolling chair. Yoongi darted his eyes from sheets after sheets, each one emerging a groan of dissatisfaction from his throat. “I had what you gave me this morning.”

“The granola and omelet? That’s not enough,” Jimin’s frown deepen, clearly worried over the hyung’s eating habit. Yoongi eats a lot at a time, but only when he does. And that’s probably one to two times a day and it’s usually lesser. True, he’s skinny because it’s just the way his body works. But that’s also because he’s not trying to.

“You’re paying most of your attention to something that’s not equally necessary as your basic of living,” Jimin murmured, pushing aside some sheets to make room for him to sit on the bed. Yoongi made a gurggling sound at the back of his throat, scooting away a bit from the younger because Jimin’s a little furball of distraction on everything he does, that’s why.

“Don’t start on me. Unlike you, I can survive on three days straight without having a proper meal. You’d actually keel over over missing lunch in the same day you just had a whole salami and two subway sandwiches as your breakfast,” the ravenette had the shame to pout at his snarky remark (which by two hundred percent the truth) and grabbing a pillow before hitting Yoongi’s head continuously. “Yah! What the —stop it, you punk!” Yoongi screeched, shielding his face with the sheets in hands (failing miserably), cringing at the same time at the crunching sound of the sheets being squashed by his and Jimin’s bodies.

“Jimin! My lyrics! Stop it, damnit!” Jimin gave him one last (hard as rock) blow square in his face before slumping in the bed, huffing sulkily while burying his chin in the wrecked (almost torn) pillow. Yoongi quickly gathered the sheets into his laps (not before violently rubbing at his face from the aftermath of Jimin’s ), momentarily panicking inside for any damage done to his precious lyrics that he’s been working his off for the last two days.

“Oh my god. Look at what you’ve done!” Yoongi squeaked, nursering the crumpled papers. For a moment, Jimin couldn’t stop staring at the older with his hair all mused up from the beating just now, the oversized t-shirt dangerously hanging over his left shoulder and biting his lower lip.

He was, cute. Like, really, really, cute.

At a second, Yoongi was checking over his papers, and the next thing he knew, the sheets got ripped from his hands and small hands tugged him down to the mattress, head buried in the pillows and Jimin was already tucking him under the blankets. “Yah! What the heck?” Yoongi made attempt to get up, but Jimin had already pinned him down by determined hands on his shoulders and face unceremenously serious.

“You need to sleep,” he said, staring down at him. Yoongi glared at him albeit tiredly, grabbing at his wrists to try pry them off his shoulders. “Yah, are you seriously ebing like this to your hyung like that?”

“Formalities, later. Right now, who do you think is acting his age, hmm?” the grips on his shoulders tighten gently, and Yoongi was taller and broader than him, but for the briefest moment, he felt smaller than he should be. Why did Park Jimin, playful flirty cutie Park Jimin of Bangtan Boys suddenly looked more mature than he usually was in daily life.

Then the days of reckless sleep, the hours-long practices and the time hitting his studio and cranking up words hit him like a rock, sleepiness hitting him like the waves and he felt heavy, body slumping positively cozily into the bed and actually appreciating the warmth it provides. His eyes were slowly dropping unwillingly, Jimin’s hands softening against his shoulder before they slided down his sides, giving a few light massages as they went down. It helped eases the tension in his muscles (and his brain).

Yoongi actually fell asleep in less than five minutes he hit the pillows (and he made a mental note to give a thank you card or bring the kid to a meat restaurant the next time they went for this), and in the midst of haziness, he felt a soft pair of lips attached to the skin of his temple, albeit a bit hesitant, long enough to leave a lingering burning sensation that drags through his dreamless sleep till he woke up.


Yoongi woke up in a mass of blankets on his left side, the room’s curtain shut and a bit dark. The empty space beside him felt alarmingly warm, like someone had been sleeping there beside him all the time he had gone to twilight zone, the sheets mused up and, sure enough (and he felt like he’s been enveloped in layers of layers of blankets in the form of strong arms and messy limbs around him when he’s asleep but he brushed it off).

He got out of bed, feeling refreshed and grateful. He slipped out of the room and was greeted by the sound of sizzling and metal clanking away in the kitchen, a delicious aroma filling up the space and he’s practically drooling.

Where’re the kids, he thought. Entered the kitchen, Jimin’s back was facing him, working on some soup and meat. He raised an eyebrow. “Where’s Jin?”

“!” Jimin jumped at the sudden voice, almost hitting the cupboard up ahead and Yoongi thought how could a guy as short as Jimin could reach up there. He turned around sharply, a clipper in hand. “, hyung! You scared me!” he squeaked, holding his chest.

“Clearly,” Yoongi scoffed, taking a seat at the table. Jimin groaned before turning back to making dinner. “How long have I been sleeping?”

“Give or take, probably about ten hours,” Yoongi hummed in reply, not surprised by his counting. He could have gone longer though. “Why’re you making dinner? Where’s Jin?”

“Jin hyung went out with Namjoon to the company, remember?” Jimin gave him a look, taking out the fully cooked stripes of meat out of the pan and into a serving plate, placing it to the table. Yoongi clicked his tongue. “Oh yea.”

“I thought sleep would make you remember things better,” Jimin gave a teasing grin, scooping some soup into four bowls. Yoongi got up and went to his side, grabbing the bowls for him. He knew the pain of cooking for a whole family to eat so why not help him a bit?

“Not if you sleep longer than you need,” he replied, setting the hot bowl onto the trays and getting another full one from Jimin. “But you need those long-hours of sleep,” Jimin stated, earning an eye roll from the other.

“Where’re the kids?” Jimin turned the stove off before giving him a bemused look. “Who?” Yoongi raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders, eyes wide as if to emphasize his point. Jimin blinked, then realization hit him and his lips formed an ‘o’.

“You know, I’m starting to think you’re second mom-to-be in here considering the fact that only Jin hyung called those two and me kids,” Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and went to take the tray of food to the living room. “The influence of a great mom/dad. You can never get away without it when you’re practically living under the same roof with for 4 years.”

Jimin helped Yoongi set the table for dinner, the food seemed to be less than their normal proportions because Namjoon and Seokjin will be having their dinner outside while they’re at it (Jimin called it a date to which Yoongi agreed without hesitance) so it was easier.

“Where are they really?” the rapper huffed. “I think they’re outsi—”

“Jungkook, sto—WAAAAAH!” a loud yell and a strangled guffaw came from outside the dorm, alongside a loud thud against the window, precisely the front yard.

“Mmm, bingo.”

A loud thud again and this time, a ten-second long earth shattering scream followed, pads of brisk footsteps against a puddle of mud and a laughter that could beat the clowns.

“What the ?” Yoongi made his way towards the door, opening it and dodging his head just in time to avoid a hand-sized balloon filled with water, water splashed against the back of his shirt and hair as it collided with the door, making a mess everywhere near the threshold. “Wha—what the are you two doing?!”

His yelling had affectively stopped Taehyung and Jungkook midway from throwing their heavy balloons towards each other square in the face, shirts almost drenched and faces smeared with mud, a pile of balloons filled with water scattered everywhere on the ground. “Why the are two playing water fight at the upcoming winter of all the time?? R’you trying to kill yourselves with flu??”

They both blinked innocently at him, side-eyeing each other before shrugging, the grins coming back at their faces and—

Oh shoot.

Jimin almost tripped on his own foot when he heard a screech akin to a raccoon stuck in a wire trap and he fumbles with the empty bowls in hands. He looked at the door, mortified for a moment, before he practically threw the bowls onto the table and jogged towards the door, and found Yoongi virtually planted himself to the closed door, face horrified and out of breath, hair and shirt wet.

Jimin eyed him, skeptical and in disbelief. “What the heck happened?” he asked, highly aware of the chuckles radiating from outside the threshold. Yoongi’s face went from pale to hard, fists tightening against the door as he said, “Imma kill them children.”

Jimin went to the window and took a peek, Taehyung yelling and running away from Jungkook with a handful of mud to be smeared to his face, which was almost unrecognizable by now. “…Okay?”

“They ing threw water balloons at me, at me,” Jimin’s hum at his remark was neither an agreement nor disapproval. “Did you planned this beforehand?”

“What? No. Water fight? I never planned this in the first place,” Yoongi snarled, before his face went blank suddenly, mirth coming its way into his eyes. Jimin raised an eyebrow. “What is it, hyung?”

“Now that you said that, I got a plan,” the older’s grin full of mischief and mirth drew out a sigh of exhaustion from Jimin. “Dear god, save these poor souls from this demon man.”

“Ohoho this’s gonna be brilliant!”

“I’m gonna get Taehyung’s lucky lion plushy now.”


“Mwuahaha! You’ll never catch meh!”

“Jungkook, come back here!” Taehyung yelled, chasing after Jungkook around the front yard like they’re five year olds playing cops-and-robbers with fake swords made of woods and Superman’s red cloth on. He stopped in his track, his abdomen tightening from how much he’s running and he should have know, that chasing after a boy who’s practically living the life of an athlete and younger than him and has energy that would still bounced off the wall even after 18 hours straight of practice.

Jungkook was halfway from climbing up the small oak tree at their yard when he saw Taehyung crouched down, holding his stomach and face tightening. He felt guilty for a moment and quickly hopped off the trunk, trudging towards the older man.

“Hyung, you okay?” he asked, bending down towards the other. Taehyung held up a palm to his face and flashed a sheepish smile. “Yea, just, stomach cramp. I haven’t run that fast and long for like ages,” He confessed, rubbing at his belly. Jungkook was about to turn around to get warm water for the other but halted in his step, eyes wide almost comically.

Yoongi’s grin was by far scarier than a serial killer’s for a guy who’s holding up the mouth of a water hose straight to his face, fingers ready to pull the trigger, and Jungkook dramatically raised his hands up in the air. “Hyung, you don’t have to do this.”

“Oh yes I can, kids. This’s what you get for messing with an old granp, champ,” he replied clicking his tongue, and Jungkook vaguely heard the sound of face-palming in the background (cue Jimin who’s dying out of embarrassment at the looks given by the pass-by-ers).


“Bow down before me, peasants!” Jungkook squeaked before running towards his side just as Yoongi pulled the trigger, water hitting on full blast and Taehyung’s shriek of surprise and slight pain resonating in the air. 

Jungkook was on the ground, balled up in the look of a seven year old fetus with his palms flat against his ears. He slowly cracked an eye opened, curious, when nothing hit him in the form of sharp needle-like droplets. What greeted him though managed to crack him up, and so did Yoongi whose head thrown to the back as he guffawing.


Jungkook laughed his off when he saw the look Taehyung gave after being drenched to the skin, cool droplets dripped down from his hair soaking through his clothes and shoes. Taehyung gritted his teeth in annoyance and embarrassment as the maknae rolled on the ground, clutching at his poor belly.

Yoongi stood a fair distance away from them with a satisfied grin on his face with Jimin standing beside him with a disbelief look on his face, mouth hung open at his older hyung’s tactics.

Taehyung’s face resorted to a deeper shade of red when Jungkook didn’t show any signs of stopping which made him more frustrated than he already was. “Shut up! Jungkook, how could you??” he yelled. Jungkook doesn’t care and continued making fun of the poor hyung.

Having enough, Taehyung snatched the water hose from Yoongi’s hand (who gladly gave it to him) and directed the head of it towards Jungkook. The aforementioned immediately stopped, eyes wide and mouth opened a bit. His hands shot up in surrender.

“Hey hey hey hyung. Don’t. Don’t you dare,” he warned with a steady tone, eyes threatening with his lips pursed into thin lines but Taehyung knew better. Taehyung gritted his teeth tighter.

“Eat this, twerp!” he yelled and pulled the trigger. Jungkook screeched like a dying cat as the cold water hit his body, instantaneously soaking him of his fairly thin attire.

He ran around the front yard, flailing his arms around as he’s trying to get away from Taehyung who’s continuously spraying icy cold water to him, yelling exactly like a gorilla, or more like a monkey he is, didn’t care at all about the stares the passer-by-ers gave.

“Hyung! Hyung hyung HYUNG! Stop it! Cold!” Jungkook screamed (in a not so manly way), arms thrown around to prevent the water from further drenching him but to no vain.

“Serves you right, you dummy!” Taehyung yelled, unsympathetic, and continued running after the maknae, didn’t really care about getting himself wet from their rather stupidly cute antics.

Jimin stared in disbelief at the two idiots, shoulders slack in a hopeless way at their childish antics. Yoongi had been cackling like an old man beside him for the past three minutes of their water fight.

“These…kids. I can’t even…” Jimin eyed crazily at the two as Jungkook suddenly tripped on his own clumsy foot and fall flat on his face. Following suit, Taehyung pounced over his stomach, causing Jungkook to cut short of breath for a moment.

Yoongi chuckled as he patted Jimin’s back. “Now look who’s talking,” Jimin glared a skeptical look at the older and the latter just shrugged his shoulders and walked over towards the water pipe.

Jimin sighed and turned back to observe the now arguing maknaes, Jungkook grabbing Taehyung’s wrists to halt him from spraying water to him again, who was also sitting on top of his stomach which, double the trouble.

“Hyung, stop it! It’s cold! It’s ing cold, I told you! Damnit!” Jungkook yelled on top of his lungs, body wriggling underneath Taehyung to get out, because right now, Taehyung looked like he’s about ready to kill him.

With cold water.

Right in the face.

That’s outrageously cruel, man.

“Serves you right!” Taehyung successfully swatted Jungkook’s hands away and aimed the mouth of the water hose to Jungkook’s face. Jungkook immediately crossed his arms in front of his face with a shriek similar to that of a mouse.

“Eat this!” Jungkook shut his eyes tightly, ready to receive the impact of the water to his face which would definitely hurts. Five seconds past and nothing happened. He slowly peeled his eyes open and was met with a wide-eyed Taehyung, who’s looking just as bewildered as he was.

Jungkook blinked. Taehyung mimicked him. He pulls the triggers multiple times but no water came out, not even a drop. He then furiously shakes the hose to get it to work but nothing happens.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. Taehyung’s shoulders fell.

“Oh, come on,” he whined. In that one second of off-guard, Jungkook immediately swatted the hose from his hand, grabbed the latter’s shoulders and rolled them over the ground, catching the aforementioned off-guarded.

They both rolled on the wet ground for a moment, yelling and screaming while definitely looking like a cat and a dog quarrelling, excluding the scratches and barks and hisses and angry meows.

Jimin rubbed his face multiple times in exasperation, shaking his head side to side at their beyond-the-outer-space-weirdest acts. Yoongi, on the other hand, was grinning like a madman at the interactions between those two. He had his feet stomped over the other part of the hose to prevent the water from flowing, which is the reason to why it didn’t work before Jungkook tackled the dark brown-haired male to the ground.

Jimin gave a look at the older. ‘Are you serious?’ he mouthed in disbelief. Yoongi flashed a coy smile and dragged the freed hose towards him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook successfully pinned the older’s wrists to the cold ground above the latter’s head. Jungkook grinned mischievously as Taehyung trashed around beneath him helplessly.

“Jungkook, let go!” Taehyung gritted his teeth, slightly embarrassed with the close proximity and the fact that Jungkook’s wet clothed body is on top of him and the way the ravennete’s pinning him, it looks like he’s harassing him. Which is never good to the public’s point of view.

“No way,” Jungkook stuck his tongue out at him. Taehyung groaned.

“Jungkook, get off of me.”


“I swear, get off of me before—”

“Oh yea, what’ll you do?”

“I’ll—I’ll do something,” Jungkook leaned down, grinning in satisfaction when Taehyung turned his face to the side, the tip of his ears red.


“I’m waiting,” he sang. Taehyung snapped his face towards the front, his nose narrowly missing from brushing against Jungkook’s lips. Jungkook suddenly felt way conscious over the swift movement and their proximity but he could care less. It’s not everyday he gets to have Taehyung like this, all fidgety and shy and so out of character (and most of all, underneath him, pun aside, alright). The older stared at him, face dead serious.

“I’ll bite your nose.”


Taehyung narrowed his eyes, trying so hard to cover his embarrassment.


“Weird alien.”

“Dumb bunny.”

“I’m a cute bunny.”

“And I’m a handsome alien.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes I am.”

“Am not.”

“Am too!”

“Am not.”

“Am too!”

“You’re more of a pretty alien than a handsome alien so, am not,” Taehyung wanted to fire back wanted to give him a good bite, but somehow his cheeks and the area around his neck felt way too warm despite the wetness and coldness clinging to his skin, and Jungkook’s victorious grin was way too wide for his liking.

“Get. Off. We’re both gonna catch a cold by this point,” Taehyung sighed in defeat, wriggling his hands in Jungkook’s holds. Jungkook pouted in mock reconsideration.

“Well, serves you right for shooting me. Look at me, I’m all wet because of you.”

“Well in your face for laughing at me,” Taehyung retorted.

“Well it wasn’t me who started shooting in the first place!”

“Well neither did I!”

Both of them stared at each other with a dumbfounded look before they realized the malicious presence a few feet besides them. Slowly, they turned their faces towards it, their eyes widening in horror when their eyes met the view of Yoongi facing the mouth of the water hose towards them, smirking slyly.

“Eeeepppp!!” in a split of a second, both of them shrieked, arms flailing around to cover themselves from the full blast of water hitting them. Yoongi laughed maniacally as he shot the screaming teenagers with the icy cold water.

“Hyung, stop! STOP! It’s cold! It’s cold! It’s freaking cold! Wyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!”

Yoongi chased them around the backyard (and the history repeats itself), spraying the cold water towards the two running maknaes. Jimin, on the other hand, was hitting his head non-stop at the nearest wall.

Yoongi switched the tap off, dropped the hose to the ground and placed his hands on his hips in a strict posture after he finally stopped. Now, both of the maknaes are wet to the skin, practically shivering from the coldness of the water and the cold air of upcoming winter.

“Hyung...” they whined in frustration and Jungkook sneezed at the end of the whines. Yoongi put his creepy smile on his face and uttered eerily. “Now, if you’re both done with your childish remarks and bickering, get inside, take a hot shower and go eat your dinner!”

Their shoulders slacken in defeat and they both sulkily dragged their feet inside the dorm, slightly shivering. Yoongi’s strict eyes followed their movements, but quickly turned into crescent shapes as he smiled in satisfaction when they got inside the door.

Jimin crab-walked towards his side, his poker face on. He raised an eyebrow, looking at the direction where the kids went to. “Did you just discreetly turn their whole game into one of your plans of getting them together?”

“Min Yoongi always succeed,” Yoongi remarked with a wide creepy gummy grin. Jimin sighed.

“Oh boy.”

The pale boy grinned until he was reminded of the younger’s presence beside him and immediately, he turned towards the jet black-haired boy, accusing finger pointing towards the dorm.

“Park Jimin! Get inside and eat your dinner before I shoved it into your mouth!”




Jungkook sneezed for the fourth time already in less than five minute they were in the house. He groggily rubbed at his now red nose with the hem of his wet shirt and snorted a few times. This earned a worry look from Taehyung who’s slipping out of his wet shirt.

“Jungkook, you okay? You don’t seem good,” Taehyung asked worriedly and dumped the shirt into the basket’s reserved for dirty clothes. He stepped towards Jungkook who’s checking his face in the mirror.

Jungkook crinkled his nose as he noticed his nose runny and getting red. “I’m okay. Just a nor—aa…ha—Ha—CHUUU!” the maknae sneezed hard till he was holding the sink for support. Taehyung quickly patted his back.

“I forgot that you’re easily infected with flu and cold. I’m sorry,” Taehyung apologized, lower lips puckered, a sign that he’s regretting over it and he’s worried. Jungkook’s eyes gazed over Taehyung’s pouting face at the corner of his eyes behind his fringes. Taehyung’s worry face somehow had his stomach flipping, which was not good. He doesn’t like a Taehyung without a smile.

“No, this’s okay. It’ll be gone in a night,” he pulled at the hem of his shirt and pulled over, sighing in relief at the loss of coldness. “But—”

Taehyung wanted to object, but Jungkook was already reaching over, cradling the back of his head gently before leaning forward, pressing a two second long, smacking kiss to his forehead, and he was already pulling away but Taehyung could still feel the warmth lingering on the skin where Jungkook’s lips had attached themselves to.

 Jungkook pouted, like he’s tasted something weird and Taehyung’s hand came up to cup his own forehead. “Hmm…I guess you yourselves are catching a cold,” Taehyung blinked rapidly, like he’s still in a daze, and Jungkook was somewhat proud of himself from actually freaking out from his deed just now.

“Looks like we’ll have to take care of ourselves, right? Yoongi wouldn’t be too pleased to take care of two brats in one go,” he grinned, petting Taehyung’s hair softly before getting into shower, pulling the curtains and turning the hot shower in full blast.

Taehyung’s face was beyond blank, hand still cupping his forehead. Somewhere inside of him, he was grateful that for once, Jungkook still doesn’t want to take a shower with him because he couldn’t bear the other seeing him flushing ten shades of red just from his affectionate gesture.

It’s just a brotherly gesture from a dongsaeng to his hyung, Taehyung. He reminded himself, hand slipping down his cheek to his side. Get over with it.


I don’t know what I just wrote 5400 words of crap ok bye

p/s ; cminka unnie beware wait for my spams on your entry imma getcha after im done with my homework (im watching you…)

MoonLuhan, you too


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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 2: OMG this ft is so freaking sweet and fluffy I can't----
I wanna know Yoongi's next plan and I am craving for more taekook so please update soon, author-nim, I beg youuuuu!!
Chapter 2: Hahahahaha Yoongi's fangirl mode is so daebak xD hahahaha
I hope he finally succeeds to get Taekook together ^^
Please update soon author-nim ~
kokochan62 #4
Chapter 2: Sooo cute ! I loved it so much !! Please update soon XD
Chapter 2: I CANN'T BREtHE
xXvkookXx #6
Chapter 2: omfg this is soooooooooooooooooooooooo undeniably cute <3
all the taekook and the yoonmin aguguguguguguguguguu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Chapter 1: lmao min yoongi and his determination :'))
poor hoseok got to be dragged into the horror movie night as well :3
but what got me cackling so hard is the mental image of jimin got freaked out when yoongi had the flvshlight on under his face :))))))
and i'm gushing so hard at the taekook's fluffy mushy interaction;;;;
liltaetae #9
Chapter 2: I'm crying ;; u ;; This is sooooooooo cute, so amusing, so fun to read ajhvdieksvdkvksd <3
All hail Yoongi, the captain of Taekook cruise!!!! :D
I can't wait to see what our captain has for the boys next :3
Fighting, author-nim!! <3
mongtae2 #10
Chapter 2: yoongi my maaaaannnnnn
what a fangirl lol