
The One Who's Always There.

"Just come by around 3; I'll try and make it back" Himchan said through the phone placed on the table; it was on loudspeaker. Seulbi nodded, though she knew Himchan couldn't see her, and swirled the lemon pulp around in her mug of tea. 

Himchan was attending a business meeting with Yongguk, his best friend and co-worker. Out of panic, Seulbi had called him last night; it was nearly past midnight but Himchan still answered, sleepily telling her to relax and take deep breaths. Much to her dismay, that was when she found out he was out of town. Despite all Himchan had insisted that very night that he would try his very best to see her as soon as possible and that he'll call her again in the morning. Seulbi was comforted for a while, but she did feel a bit guilty now that she thought about it. Himchan was a busy man. Being the heir to his father's company, he was next in line to become the next CEO. It was a wonder how they were even friends; Himchan was rich and fancy, the heir to a promising business world. Seulbi was just a writer, publishing articles only every now and then. She part-timed as a photographer sometimes. Himchan insisted that it was nothing, that all the important stuff was already settled and he had nothing else to see to.

But still, Seulbi didn't want to come off as selfish. Himchan had done so much for her. He was the one who found her in front of the mall at 1 a.m. in the morning, drunk and broken thanks to Daehyun. He was the one who helped her get over Daehyun. And Seulbi actually thought then that she could finally move on.

But Jung Daehyun was the devil who brought Hell.

Seubli and Daehyun had broken up for almost a month now, after he dumped her for 'some chick he met at work'; Daehyun was a model. That was how they even met, when Seulbi was part-timing as a photographer. Seulbi was devastated of course, even Himchan shook his head when he found out. It was a ridiculous reason,but Seulbi had to move on.

Daehyun, on the other hand, seemed to playing some game with her.

He had started calling Seulbi up again, barely two weeks after he said that they were done, and he started sending her text messages, saying things like how he missed her and all kinds of crap, so frequently that at one point, Seulbi had smashed her phone up against the wall, irritated. The phone and number she was using now was new, much thanks to Himchan. When his calls and messages were ignored, Daehyun had dared tocome to her apartment, knocking on the door, insisting the same crap he sent her through the phone. Seulbi guessed that Daehyun was drunk then. Petrified, she called Himchan yet again, whispering to him frantically through the phone for help in the bathroom, fearing that Daehyun might hear her. Himchan had sent a couple of body guards to watch over her apartment and forbid Daehyun from coming up again. That had stopped Daehyun for a bit, and Seulbi had some peace for a while, but after the club incident, it was clear that he wasn't giving up easily. Daehyun was sick. No, he wasn't just sick, Seulbi thought. He was down-right crazy. She sighed.

"Well okay then Channie. I'll see you then" she said. 

"Alright. The passcode's still the same by the way" Himchan managed to say before Seulbi hung up, chugging down the rest of her tea. Maybe it was because she was a bit hung over, but her head was starting to throb a bit more now. She cursed Daehyun again.


Himchan sighed, staring at the now blank screen of his phone. A hand on his shoulder made him turn. "Why the frown Chan?" Yongguk asked. The corners of Himchans lips pulled up slighty and he shrugged. 

"I don't know, stuff" he said.

Yongguk pursed his lip at him. "Uh huh. You talked to Seulbi again didn't you? Don't think I didn't hear you last night". Himchan rolled his eyes and Yongguk smirked. "Well well...aren't you two getting close...".

Himchan snorted. But it was true, he thought. He did realise that he was calling Seulbi a lot more often now, and that he always felt a bit more excited to see her. He could probably say now, without batting a single eyelash, that she was the first person he thought of when he woke up and the last when he was falling asleep. Maybe it was out of worry. But Himchan felt it was becoming more than just making sure that Seulbi wasn't out drunk somewhere. The realisation probably hit him everyday. Daehyun had left Seulbi for the most foolish reason, and she was left to crumble in the worst way a guy could ever let a girl down in Himchan's book. Some part of him warned him, he had entered uncharted waters now. 

But what's done is done. 

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uhhh idk how to make this story longer so it's probably just gonna be like 4 chapters max sorry


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Biancer #1
Chapter 2: I really like your story so far! It's well written and enchanting. Well done! (: