Chapter 11



She looked down self-consciously at her uniform, noticing that the other boys were looking at the uniform as well. Going through the boys’ minds was not what she was thinking, behind the dirty uniform, the soaked hair and the purplish tinge of her skin was an innocent little girl. Who had not been treated with respect for quite sometimes, who had not been taken care of.

Her round eyes, small lips, long slender legs and perfect curves made them gulp. *How can someone so perfect be bullied so much* Snapping out of their dazed thoughts, they noticed that she was still cowering in fear. Some of the boys chuckled before the tallest one held out his hand,

“Hey there, my name is Sungyeol.” He noticed that her scared expression turned into one of pure happiness. *Why are they being so friendly, aren’t they supposed to be the kingkas?* Sungyeol kept his hand in mid air, looking down at his hand, back at Mi Young and back at his hand until she understood his message. She hesitantly slid her hand into his before shaking it lightly and pulling her hand out of his.

“I’m Woohyun; I hope we can be friends.” One of the boys said as he gave Mi Young an adorable eye smile.

“I’M SUNGJONG!” The cute looking boy cheered as he jumped up and down. Mi Young couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.

“I’m Hoya, the dance machine!”

“Jang Dongwoo. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Mi Young nodded at his politeness, and smiled at him.

“L.” The last boy said, his lack of words was slightly confusing. It seemed like he had much to hide from her.

“I think you already know me, but my name’s Sunggyu.”

“I-I-I’m Mi Young.” Mi Young stuttered, as she was embarrassed by the attention. She looked down slightly, avoiding the boys’ gazes. The boys soon continued inspecting her clothes; Sungjong even had the courage to ask her what had happened. She shook her head, not wanting the kingkas to confront the queenkas. She would be known as a baby, who couldn’t solve her own problems, and relied on other people to help her.

For some strange reason, after the kingkas had talked to her, she found no reason to jump off the side of building. Now that the kingkas were her friends, she felt protected, secure, no longer a target of bullying. This was what she thought, but as she was no friends with the kingkas, more bullying was headed her way.


DADADA i guess i did triple update ^^ hehe (:

learning about public transport so i can get to school next year, WHY THE HELL DOES THE SCHOOL HAVE TO BE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE?! aish... seriously ==' if it was only in 1 zone, i would save $20 :3 

so confused right now... 

WELL thanks everyone for subscribing, commenting and reading <3


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deedee26 #1
Chapter 22: Both of them are my bias.. auch..
yooamie #2
Chapter 33: awh this was a lovely story c: the ending was very cute!
ur welcome ^^
@Smileandbehappy: oh jinjja? HAPPY EXTREMELY BELATED BIRTHDAY XD <3
@xforeverinspirit:my birthday is on the 26 after ur birthday,it is mine
@Misc_Lee: thankyou for reading (: i dunno but to me they look alike xD
i really like this fic !! daebakk ~~ LOL .. Taemin as Sungjong's son .. ahahaha ... look alike much !!
@Emilyly : haha of course i needed to add some 'yadong' couple-ness into it (: thankyou for reading ^^
LOL!! i love this bit 8D<br />
“Yah, our kids should get married.” Hoya just laughed and shrugged,<br />
“We’ll see.” Dongwoo and Hoya hi fived before walking over to their kids<br />
Mi young ended up with Gyugyu yay~ <br />
SO SWEEETTT !! [ dont mind the capsLock] xDD