And who might you be?

I've got you, baby.

Rest in peace, RiSe and EunB. My heart goes out to their familes, loved ones, and fans. I was never a fan of Ladie's Code, but I wish with everything I am and have that they have the strength to get through this difficult time in their lives.

It didn’t take us long to get our IDs approved by the bouncer, so we made our way in pretty quickly. This surprised me honestly. This was a new club called Neverland and apparently was a hot place to be, so, naturally, the line to get in was ridiculously long, and yet it only took a smile of Que-Min’s to make the bouncer let us pass. It confused me. I asked the moron if she’s been here before, but she said no, then further elaborated due to my confused face; she said bouncers like him usually let cute girls in, especially if they flirt. Party trick, I guess. I need to learn that next time I go out and do something like this. I’m not drop-dead gorgeous like Que-Min, but I do know that I’m a cutie. And I’m not saying that out of vanity, I just have a pretty good self-esteem and great confidence.

Once we finally made it in, the place was huge and filled with thousands of people. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit there, but there were a lot of people here. Most of them could be found sitting off in the sidelines in large or small groups. Funny, you’d think most of the people would be on the dance floor since that’s what this place was built for.

Que-Min suggested we go get some drinks before hitting said dance floor so we wouldn’t dehydrate ourselves. I threw her a look and she replied with: “Nothing with alcohol in it, of course. Just some water or something.” She all but yelled the lines at me due to the loud music. I don’t know what it is about it, but I love the feeling of sound vibrating throughout your entire body. If you’ve never been to a club, have you ever sat in a car that has a loud bass so when you play music it sounds like your body’s beating with it? Yeah, it’s that kind of feeling but ten times more effective and I love it.

I gave her a nod, not really wanting to have a screaming war with the music. The place was a bit dark; only being lit by neon lights hanging from the high ceiling and the walls, so it was hard to watch where you were walking. Plus the billions of bodies morphed into a huge cluster didn’t help, either. I wonder if the people move any closer to one another if they’ll morph into one huge super-human. Huh, I should put a pin in that and think about it another time; sounds like something worth seeing.

We finally reached the bar where a rather tall girl covered from head to toe in white was standing behind the counter—the neon lights making her glow. She was swaying her body to and fro with the beat of the electro-pop song blasting through the speakers. Que-Min pulled herself up onto one of the free barstools and patted the one next to her, beckoning me to join her. Which I did.

When Que-Min was ordering our flavored water, I noticed her eyes were anywhere but looking at the bartender; and said bartender’s eyes were picking my poor moronic friend apart. I tilted my head wondering why she’d do that. It’s not like Que-Min was wearing anything horrible. She was wearing a strapless dress that was loose-fitting, but hugged her body right. I mean, yeah, it was a little on the short side, but it wasn’t anything too bad; perfect for clubbing if you ask me.

“Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks in a second,” the bartender said, turning on her heel and walking away.

I turned to my friend and asked, or rather, yelled, “What was up with her attitude?”

She looked back at me and shrugged. “Dunno, but she was being pretty y.”

“She must be having a bad night or something, or she was jealous from the way she was looking at you.”

She smiled. “She was a pretty girl, nothing to be jealous of.” I nodded in agreement and then noticed the bartender returning with our drinks in hand. She handed Que-Min her drink first and then finally spared a glance my way, handing me my own drink. I noticed when she handed me the glass she gave me a small smile, surprising me; but when she looked back to my friend while Que-Min paid for the waters, her jealous look was back on her face. Just because you think someone’s prettier than you doesn’t give you the right to be rude about it.

Que-Min and I turned around and took sips of our drinks. Miss Moron looked at me with her eyebrows raised and a smile on her lips, mouthing out a ‘wow’ before turning back to the crowd. I glanced behind me to see if the rude bartender was still there only to find out she was gone. Good. I didn’t want her awful attitude to ruin my night.

We quickly finished our drinks and pushed our way through the crowd, arms linked so we wouldn’t get lost. Finding the dance floor we began dancing, swaying and moving with the beat, mixing with the other clubbers as we did so.

Now I wasn’t the world’s greatest dancer, but I knew how to move, especially if I get lost into the song. Dancing is an activity that allows the mind to rest and helps soothe and take away the stress of your everyday life, at least to me it is. I love to dance. It feels damn near therapeutic and I love the way it calms me down. Do you know what I mean? When you get so lost into a song, dancing or not, and it feels like everything else just melts away? Like nothing can touch you, harm you, or even effect you? Blending and bleeding in with the other dancers on the floor, becoming lost in an almost-translucent state? Almost like a Neverland (no pun intended because of the club’s name). It doesn’t even have to be dancing; it could be anything in general to make you feel this way. That’s how it is with me and dancing; just close your eyes, throw your head back and let your body move and get lost in the music.

Que-Min on the other hand, that girl knows how to dance; how to curve, bend, and sway the right way. It’s like her body was built for dancing. When we were younger, there was a time when she wanted to become a dancer, which would suit her just fine. We used to dance in her room to the latest songs, pretending like we were professional dancers. It was times like those that bonded two little girls together. You know, dancing like a maniac and feel no shame for doing it either. But like all dreams when you get older, reality settled in and stomped them out.

She would’ve been an incredible dancer, too. You know how in all those movies there’s the one girl whose dancing captivates everyone around her? Yeah, Que-Min does that. It’s cliché but it’s true . . . and was happening right now. Glancing around, I noticed that a lot of guys, and girls, were watching as my friend danced. Aware of it or not, Que-Min didn’t pay no mind to them and just kept dancing. She probably was aware of them; that girl loves attention. At least she doesn’t let it go to her head and crave the attention like a lovesick teenage girl.

I took my attention off of Miss Moron and focused more on the music; swaying and swishing at the right times (at least I hope it was the right time), and let myself once again become lost in the music.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but my body was beginning to complain. My feet, legs, arms, and just about everything else was hurting and in need of a rest . . . or to go home. I slowed my dancing down and turned to Que-Min, wiping the sweat from my brow. She wasn’t behind me, so I glanced around, wondering if she moved off to some other place to dance, but I couldn’t see her. I began pushing through the people as best as I could, searching for the short brunette. She couldn’t have gone far. I doubt she was just ditch me here, unless she found a guy. But she’d at least tell me she was going off somewhere else before actually running off.

I grew frustrated at my lack of progress after at least five minutes of searching. But then again the dance floor was covered with people, so the chances of me finding a short girl in a dark room were slim. I didn’t care; I was tired, sweaty, achy, and couldn’t find my only ride home. At this moment I regretted not saving money up for my own vehicle. It’s something that I always said I would start with my next paycheck, but never did. Fully regretting it, just saying.

I huffed and dragged myself away from the dance floor and back over to the bar. Maybe she was over there getting water or something. And lo-and-behold! There she was, sitting in one of the stools, sipping on a drink. So help me god, if she was drinking even the slightest drop of liquor I’m going to gut her.

I finally reached the bar, standing a few feet from where the subject in question was, but stopped before I said or done anything else. It wasn’t her sitting there; just another girl wearing a similar dress. Her hair wasn’t even brown, it looked black in this dull lighting. I huffed and took a seat, a few stools away from the Que-Min look-a-like. I noticed the y bartender from earlier and wondered if she would recognize me or not. I know she’d recognize Miss Moron with the way she was eyeing her; maybe she’s seen her? Couldn’t hurt to ask, so I did.

I called her over as best as I could due to the loud music, waving my arm around to grab her attention. Thankfully she took notice of it and slid her way down the bar and in front of me.

She smiled and said: “Hey there, what can I do for you?”

I felt the need to smile back, but then I remembered she acted like a to my best friend for no reason. So I didn’t. But I did reply with: “Do you remember seeing me here awhile ago with another girl?”

The bartender drew her brows together but nodded. “Yeah, I remember.”

Great! I wonder if she‘s seen Que-Min. “Have you seen that girl I was with since then? I can’t seem to find her.”

She rolled her eyes. “She’s probably off screwing some guy, so just give her a few and you’ll see her again.”

Wait—what? “Excuse me?”

“Excuse me, what? I’m only telling the truth,” she bit back.

I shot her a glare. “Just because you want to act like a jealous doesn’t give you any right to talk about a girl who’s twice your beauty.”

The girl actually looked amused, letting out a snicker. “You’re serious? I’m not jealous of a .”

I was seriously three seconds from knocking her flat, and I’m not the violent type. But she’s seriously pissing me off. “That’s awfully funny considering she’s more concealed than you are. At least her outfit’s not leaving anything to the imagination.” With that I got up and walked away, muttering ‘’ and flipping her off. What loads of help she turned out to be. Sheesh, I felt like a hard-. I’ve never acted or felt this cool before. Hah.

I once again found myself bobbing and weaving through the crowd; only this crowd wasn’t dancing. I decided to take a quick look at the people grouped together on the outskirts of the club, hoping to find my MIA friend there amongst them. At this moment, I kind of wished I brought my phone, but Que-Min told me not to because it might get lost or stolen. She said she’d take her phone with her because mine was a birthday gift from my mom and it’d be a shame if it was lost. The last time I went to a club I brought it with me, nothing happened but I guessed it would’ve been safer to leave it in the car. But I can’t get in the car because the moron has the keys, and said moron was missing. Daaaamn.

I was about to call it quits and just ask a random person if I could use their phone, but I was stopped by a rather tall guy blocking my way. I glanced up at him and muttered a ‘sorry’, trying to move past him, but he grabbed my upper arms and stopped me from doing so. The hell was this guy doing?

“Excuse you? Please let me go,” I told him. In the back of my mind, I noticed this tall fella was actually kind of cute, but at the moment he was making me mad so I didn’t find it relevant.

He grinned and shook his head mockingly. “Sorry, but I have someone who wants to speak with you,” he told me. God, his voice is really deep. But who the hell could this person be?

I tried once again to pull from his grip, but it only tightened, making my chest flutter with fear. “I don’t give a damn; let me go!” I bit out, trying to put up a brave front.

He bit his lip and shook his head, making me walk backwards. Panic seized my heart and I struggled more to get out of his grip. “S-stop it and let me go!” I all but yelled, but ended up wincing as Mr. Tall-Guy-Deep-Voice tightened his grip again.

He stopped and glanced down at me, noticing my pained look he lightened his death-grip, thankfully. “Sorry, but you were struggling.” He told me. No, really? It may be because you’re a stranger that’s pulling me to a dark corner!

I growled. “Because you’re pushing me back for some unknown reason!” I tried pulling myself from him again, but his grip was iron and wouldn’t budge.

“Because I told you someone wanted to talk to you.”

“And who the hell would that be?” I sneered.

And at that moment another pair of hands settled themselves down on my shoulders and a mouth at my ear. I froze up completely as soon as I felt the offending appendages on my body, barely registering Mr. Tall-Guy-Deep-Voice’s own leaving my arms. The presence behind me made the hairs on the nape of my neck stand to attention. The mere fact that this person was behind me was enough to strike even more fear into my heart and paralyze me. Who the hell is this person?

“That would be me,” another deep voice all but purred.

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haruhaaru #1
Chapter 5: holy! please update soon. the story is so interesting and amazing so far :oooo
sheloveskookie #2
Chapter 4: omo this is soo good! please update :D cant wait for chapter 5!! p.s Im a huge fan of Zico <3
Chapter 3: Plz update soon