` the second letter

Letters To You { HIATUS }

the second letter






16th February 2014

Dear Minji,

I hope you're coping well at school! I know it's the exam period now, and it when I can't be with you to help you relieve your stress because I'm having comeback promotions right now :( I'd probably get you even more distracted though, because my irresistable cuteness is just too charming for you ^~^ So maybe it's a good idea we are separated for a while keke. You sounded really stressed and tired on the phone just now Jiminnie is worried for you~ :( hwaiting for your math exam tomorrow you will definitely do well because you're so smart!

This reminds me of the second time we met. We agreed to meet up at the same coffee shop so I could return you your handkerchief. I reached ten minutes early, hoping to give a good impression, but you were already there before me. When I sat down you were immersed in your books, and it was only then that I noticed math books sprawled all over the tiny table. I greeted you, and when you looked up with a scowl I could tell you were really frustrated. I passed you the handkerchief and you took it hastily without saying anything. I decided to start a conversation, but little did I know a simple question like "Are you having your exams now?" would lead to an onslaught of rants and complaints from you. When you were done you apologised for your bad manners and irritable attitude but I found it charming how you could go on and on about how you would never understand calculus and trigonometry formulas to a person you had only met for the second time. It was cute.

Since I was equally weak at math, I offered to bring you to a "tutor" who was a good friend of mine and was really smart. You were slightly hesitant but my strong charms must have attracted you *wink* and you agreed to go with me. When I opened the door to a bunch of six other males you were shocked. The guys were equally shocked as well. They all thought I had gotten a girlfriend they didn't know of. "I... I think I should go home." You retreated and I hurriedly assured you they were just my friends and were equally as friendly as me. I managed to convince you to come in and I introduced Namjoon-hyung to be the "tutor" I was talking about. The next few hours were filled with laughter as Joonie-hyung finally helped you to understand the math concepts and the guys were just happy to have a girl in the dorm after living together as a bunch of males for so long. I started to get a bit worried that you would fall for Namjoon-hyung because he was so smart.

When the "tutoring session" ended the sky was already pitch black, and I offered to walk you home. On the way I subtly yet not so subtly asked you about your impression of Joonie-hyung, and you told me he was really smart and funny and felt like a nice oppa. My heart felt like fireworks had just gone off and I heaved a sigh of relief. Then you asked me why the seven of us were staying together, and I revealed that we were all trainees at BigHit preparing to debut as a group. You didn't start squealing about how you had gotten to know a soon-to-be idol; instead you smiled and cheered me on. I found you interesting and different from the rest; you were unique.

Kyaa Jin-hyung is nagging at me to sleep already. Hwaiting for your math exam! I hope to hear a happier Minji the next time I call ^^

Hugs and kisses XOXO,

Your charming boyfriend Jimin






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Chapter 2: so cute aiyo