

“You realise they’re all ing right?”


“What!?” Sanghyuk squealed. “The hyungs?”


Jaehwan nodded. “Pretty sure that’s all Hakyeon had in mind when he made this trip,” he said. “Or did you not notice that we’re sharing a bed?”


The pair was side by side in a double bed, Jaehwan casually staring up at the ceiling with one hand resting over the other on top of the covers. Sanghyuk was now sitting upright, staring at him in shock.


“I thought there just wasn’t a two bed option…”


“No I’m pretty sure he’s trying to set us up.”


“Why do you think the others are together though?”


“Cos he ing told me,” Jaehwan responded.


“He told you?”


“Well sort of. He was talking about how Taekwoon and Hongbin are obsessed with each other and this trip will make them see that, and then he winked really obviously like he always does.”


“And him and Wonshik?” Sanghyuk asked hesitantly.


“I was in their room yesterday and they’re sharing a bed too. Plus you know how those two are.”


“Right, so…everyone’s hooking up…as we speak…” Sanghyuk said slowly.


“Yep,” Jaehwan said the word in English, popping the P for extra dramatic effect.


Suddenly Sanghyuk leaned down and kissed him, moving back after a second to stare at him in anticipation.


“What was that?” Jaehwan asked, eyebrows raised.


“I just wanted to try it. I mean if the hyungs are all hooking up then…”


“Then we should too?”


“I don’t know I just thought…”


Jaehwan grinned as he pulled Sanghyuk back down to join their lips again, the teen falling on top of him rather ungracefully. Jaehwan separated them after a minute.

“We’re not having ,” he said seriously. Sanghyuk’s features twitched. Was he disappointed? “We shouldn’t be doing something just because the others are,” he continued. “But if you really want to we can think about it.”


Sanghyuk nodded slowly. He was probably realising he didn’t really want to sleep with Jaehwan. “Something to consider for the future I guess,” he said after a moment. He looked awkward. “Can we still…?”


“What, kiss?” Jaehwan asked, eyebrows raised in question. Sanghyuk nodded. Jaehwan smiled again. “Absolutely.”



The pair emerged in the morning at eleven o’clock. It was rare they got to sleep in this late, Jaehwan being busy with uni, Sanghyuk, with high school.


They’d spent part of the night kissing, and then spent hours just talking, finally getting to sleep at 2am.


When they made it down the wide staircase into the lounge area, they were surprised to find the room darkened, curtains pulled shut and no lights on.


It was then Jaehwan spotted the couch scene.


“Shhh!” he hissed, covering Sanghyuk’s mouth, the teen screwing up his nose in confusion and annoyance. Jaehwan pointed to the sofa.


Taekwoon and Hongbin were fast asleep together under a thick, fuzzy blanket. Jaehwan could see clothing on the floor beside them.


“I en told you!” he whispered, releasing the younger boy.


“I do not need to see this, oh my God,” Sanghyuk muttered, going pale.


As Jaehwan had found out last night, Sanghyuk really had no issue with his hyungs hooking up, or even being with one himself, it was simply that he didn’t want the details of their relationships. And Jaehwan figured seeing two of them on top of each other, under a blanket, was too much information for his innocent brain.


He just snorted and yanked him off towards the kitchen.


The younger hoisted himself up to sit on the counter, seeming to have forgotten about Taekwoon and Hongbin now. Jaehwan went to the fridge and pulled out the ice cream Hakyeon had bought a few days ago.


“Ice cream?” Sanghyuk deadpanned. “In this weather? It’s like minus twenty degrees out here.”


“Can it; it’s the only sugar we have right now,” Jaehwan laughed, hopping up to sit beside Sanghyuk and handing him a spoon.


For a while they just ate in silence, casually swinging their legs over the edge of the counter. Jaehwan reached into the container with his finger, scooping out a blob and smearing it on Sanghyuk’s cheek.


“What was that for?”


“I need a reason to do weird things?”


Sanghyuk just grinned, not even wiping it off.


Jaehwan’s eyes widened a little at the first thought that popped into his mind. He decided to follow it, leaning in close to the teen and the ice cream off his cheek, pulling back with a sly smirk on his face.


Sanghyuk turned to him, just staring for a moment, before lunging at Jaehwan, the metal spoon he held clattering to the floor as he joined their lips.


Jaehwan pushed the ice cream behind them, grinning into the kiss and placing one hand on the back of Sanghyuk’s neck, the other tangling in his hair.




They snapped apart. Hakyeon was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, his arms folded and a rather annoying know-it-all smirk on his lips. Wonshik was standing behind him, looking tired, but curious.


“Yes your plan worked, congratulations,” Jaehwan said sarcastically, sliding off the counter to pick up Sanghyuk’s spoon. “I assume you saw the lovebirds on the couch?”


“Of course. So did you two sleep together!?”


Sanghyuk sounded like he was choking.


Jaehwan smiled sweetly at the oldest. “You don’t need to know our business,” he said coolly.


“Come onnnnnnnn, if it weren’t for me we wouldn’t even be here!” Hakyeon whined.


“Oh fine, you big baby,” Jaehwan said, stretching his leg out to lazily kick Hakyeon’s shin. “We didn’t do anything. We just talked.”


“Well that’s boring,” Hakyeon pouted. Jaehwan shrugged, smiling. “You’ve clearly been up for a while,” the oldest continued, eyeing the ice cream, “so do me a favour and go wake Taekwoonie and Hongbin, would you? I can’t, I need coffee!” he said before Jaehwan could protest.


He sighed. “Want to come assist?” he said, spinning around to Sanghyuk.


“I really don’t,” the boy replied, pulling a face. He scowled when Jaehwan just glared at him, hopping off the counter to follow him out of the kitchen.


Jaehwan led him back to the lounge area, slipping his hand into Sanghyuk’s as they walked. He pulled him over to the couch, careful not to step on the discarded pants, and gently poked Taekwoon’s shoulder that was peeking out from under the blanket.


“You know, we have to use that couch too,” Sanghyuk whispered in protest.


Jaehwan laughed silently, poking Taekwoon again.


He stirred, brows knitting together and turning his head slightly to press into Hongbin’s hair. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking up at the pair beside him.


“Rise and shine, sleeping beauties,” Jaehwan smirked.


“ off,” Taekwoon muttered. The words were so strange coming from him and his gentle voice.


“The only ing happening around here is what you two clearly did last night. And you know, Hakyeon and Wonshik, but that’s beside the point,” Jaehwan rambled. He glanced back to Sanghyuk to see him looking like he’d been on a lemon.


“What about you two, you seem awfully touchy,” Taekwoon stated, his eyes watching their clasped hands.


“Ah but I am not about to taint young Sanghyuk’s innocence. We are completely pure, unlike you,” Jaehwan smiled.

At this point Hongbin was starting to wake.


“Go away, hyung,” he muttered, shifting to turn away from Jaehwan.


“We’re supposed to be best friends,” the older said dramatically, faking hurt.


Hongbin looked over his shoulder, glaring at him. He then seemed to realise the situation, as his eyes widened and he flushed deep red.


“Well if you want us to get up, maybe you should leave so we can get decent!” he squeaked.


“You’re never getting decent after that,” Jaehwan scoffed, snatching Sanghyuk’s wrist and hurrying away before Taekwoon could hit him. 


I don't know I honestly don't know anymore.

I hope you enjoyed this. 

It's 3am so I'm slightly delirious and giddy and I probably think this is ten thousand times better than it actually is right now. 

If you would like to message me about any of my fics you can contact me on my tumblrrr. Thanks for reading, lovelies~

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tayzia #1
Chapter 1: Haha, I liked this. Hyuken forever~ ^ ^