Of Sandwiches and Hourglasses

Bang Bang

Minyoung's POV

"Jeon Jungkook, if you don't wake up this instant I swear to God I will pour sweet tea all over your filthy body and you'll be disguting, wet and sticky--"

No response.

"That's it." I got out of his dish sofa and made my way out of his room. I felt something grab my wrist and instictively, I yelped. 

"So now you want to make me wet and sticky?" He asked with his eyes closed, lips tugging into a smile.

My eyes widened. "Byuntae! Wake up!"

"I AM awake. Can't you see? Can't you hear? Can a sleeping man talk? Feel? I-"

I shot him a glare that said 'shut the up or I will ing kill you' and he stopped and gulped. Now that his eyes were open, he realised that I was already wearing my school uniform, and had a sandwich wrapped in plastic in my hands.


"You have ten minutes to get to school," I laughed evilly and threw his uniform at him before running out. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!! Revenge is sweet.

Jungkook's POV

I had an internal panic attack before jumping out of bed and rushed straight to the bathroom. In my hurry, I accidentally placed soap on my toothbrush and had to waste a precious minute trying to wash the soap out of the bristles, but the soap kept foaming up and it was straight-up gross. I left my toothbrush in the sink and grabbed Minyoung's spare toothbrush-- she only used it when others were in the main bathroom, so she wouldn't be mad right? 

In that moment, health education classes ran through my head all at once. "Do not share toothbrushes, waterbottles, food, underwear..."

"Ah it," I brushed my teeth with her pink toothbrush anyway. What would I get? AIDS?

Or maybe Eternal Cuteness Syndrome?

Once I had sloppily gotten ready for school, I was about to rush out of the door when I realised there was something on the dining table.


Here's a sandwich."

Taped to an apple. I rolled my eyes and looked at the back of the sticky note.

"JK, look in your backpack.

Much hate,


I smiled. Thank you.


Minyoung and I were neighbours. But we weren't next-door neighbours in those cliche dramas-- Minyoung and her mother lived in our attic. When Minyoung was three, her father declared bankruptcy and left the family alone in their rented one-room apartment. When the landlord realised they had stopped paying the rent, he kicked them out onto the streets. My mother, being Mrs Park's best friend since their university days, immediately demanded that they stay with us.

"I can't believe you hid it from me from one whole MONTH, Jiyeon." My mom chided. "You and Minyoung can sleep in Jungkook's room, Jungkook will move to the attic."

"Eomma!" Three-year-old me protested. "The attic is scary."

Minyoung, hearing the word 'scary', burst into tears.

My eyes widened, momentarily shocked. I had made a girl cry? I was immediately filled with regret. I walked over to Minyoung, and gave her my lollipop that I was on. "Here. I'm sorry I made you cry."

The two mothers cooed, "AWWW."

Minyoung stopped crying and slowly smiled. "I don't think the attic is scary. Oppa will protect me and give me lollipops when I'm sad." She giggled.

Then I smiled. That very day, she and her mom moved into our pretty much empty attic. 

I momentarily frowned. I've always felt like I had the responsibility to give her a better living environment. I don't remember much about the attic, but mom has always told me not to go in there. I don't know what she's hiding from me, but I do know that my father has disappeared since I was two. Life's easier without a strict father right? Mrs Park has always treated me like a son, and so did my mom to Minyoung. We were like brother and sister, with a shared two moms. Come to think about it, that sounded really wrong. I smiled to myself as I flashed a smile at the security guard ahjumma, who was about to close the gates. When she noticed me, she immediately pushed the gates open again and let me in.

"Thanks!" I called out and ran to my first class just as the bell rang-- Math, with Minyoung.

My heart lifted a little when I realised anything involving that girl wouldn't be as bad as it was supposed to be. Just like how living without a dad was supposed to be hard, I guess.

When I entered the classroom, I immediately noticed Minyoung talking to her friend MinAh. "Hey guys!" I walked over and flopped down onto the seat between them.

MinAh cringed. "Rude." 

Minyoung pouted. "Thought you would be late, damnit."

I chuckled. "It's not that easy to get rid of me, you know."

Minyoung's POV

I decided to stay silent and let Jungkook talk to MinAh. I knew MinAh liked Jungkook, and I was always trying to hook them up, but always failed.

"Hey Minyoung, MinAh, wanna follow the boys to practice today? We just finished learning our new choreo." 

I lifted my head at the mention of my name, and raised my eyebrows at MinAh. "Sure!" She agreed and I guessed I had no choice, so I nodded. "Fine with me."

"You guys have to tell me what you think honestly okay?" Jungkook told us sincerely.

MinAh and I nodded, and Jungkook opened his mouth to speak again when the bald Math teacher Mr Kim stomped into the classroom, obviously in a bad mood.

I sighed. And another boring day begins...

I turned my hourglass on my desk upside down. The sand would finish running at one hour, which was when this period ended. It kind of gave me motivation. Made time pass a little faster.

I caught Jungkook staring at my hourglass. "She got a body like an hourglass, but I can give it to you all the time~" He sang softly.

I shook my head. Time never passes quickly when you're around Jeon Jungkook.


author's note:

what do you guys think? is it horrible? hahaha hope you enjoyed anyway, look forward to the next chapter.


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Vtae84 #1
Chapter 1: I think im gonna love this..