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Here is the second part, again, not beta-ed so if you see anything wrong, just send me a message. Comments, subscriptions and upvotes are really appreciated and will make me consider whether or not to continue writing more Sekai.^^ This is 7,322 words long. Enjoy

“Look, about last night. I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me, but it was wrong. I mean, I have a boyfriend. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea, let’s just focus on the project for today and forget about what happened yesterday.” Jongin rambled when he knocked on Sehun’s door the next morning.

“What are you even talking about?” Sehun smiled, winking. Jongin smiled back with appreciation before letting himself in.

“So I have been thinking about questions that I need to include in the questionnaire. I thought about having things like current income with approximate values and number of siblings and such, is there anything you think I can add?”

“Hmm, how about whether they are single, in a relationship, married?” Jongin nodded writing it down on his laptop as Sehun continued to copy another one of his paintings in black and white.

“I just finished this painting, Jongin hyung, what do you think?” Sehun asked after a couple of hours.

“Sehun ah, this is amazing. Do you mind if I can take a picture of this so I can add this into my dissertation? It will give me the opportunity to write about your perspective of Greyscale.” Sehun nodded and handed his camera over to the older male. “If you just email the pictures to me, then I can add it in. Oh and before I forget, Luhan hyung is having a leaving party before he goes to China. He wants you to go because he noticed that we have been spending lots of time together. There will be alcohol, but don’t worry, I won’t be drinking. I will look after you and you can always leave early.”

“Sure, it will be nice meeting your friends anyway.”

“Great, I will pick you up on Thursday at seven. I have to go now, Luhan wants to go to the cinema tonight. Apparently there is a reshowing of Back to the Future and he wants to see it.” Jongin stood up and put his laptop in his bag.

“Alright, I will see you then.” Sehun smiled, waving to Jongin before walking back to his artwork. He finally had the courage to apply to study art. He had the belief that he could achieve so much even with having lost the colour in his vision.



Sehun was having a panic. It was precisely 6.30pm and he had no idea what to wear. Jongin was going to be at his house in thirty minutes and at this moment in time, it seemed as if he was going to be going to the party in just a pair of boxers. Did he have to wear a suit? Or could he get away with just wearing casual clothing? He could go smart casual, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. Yes, that could work. Sehun rushed to his closet, pulling out a pair of skinny jeans to which he assumed was navy in colour and a shirt. He put on the clothes and stared at his reflection in the mirror before putting his thumbs up in approval.

The doorbell rang, and Sehun gulped and walked to the door. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Jongin standing at the door with jeans and a t-shirt. “Are you ready?” Sehun nodded and closed the door behind him, following the older man to the car.

The drive didn’t take too long, probably ten minutes before approaching a large house. Sehun could already hear the music coming from the building as he followed Jongin to the front door. The older male opened the door and showed him to the living room where everyone was stood up in a small circle, chatting. “Guys, this is Sehun, he has been helping me with my project over the past few weeks. Luhan hyung wanted me to bring him along.”

“I guess it is time to get the party started!” One of the men shouts, turning up the volume and handing a bottle of alcohol to Sehun. He accepted the drink and took a sip from it. He found it quite hard to join in any of the conversations and found himself standing on the side of the room most of the night.

He felt a hand grab his arm and he lets himself get pulled by the unknown person to one of the smaller bedrooms. “You don’t know me, but I am Luhan, Jongin’s boyfriend.” Sehun stared at the male. If he could describe Luhan in one word, he would have used the word beautiful. Luhan had a large doe-like eyes and light, curly hair. Any person would die to have his looks. He knew it was a big deal since Sehun could only see in black and white now. ”I am happy that you are willing to help him in his final year project, I mean, he can’t stop talking about how well his project is going. I really am happy, but I am also very concerned. I am worried about what you are doing with Jongin. Are you seducing him? He doesn’t stop talking about you either.”

“Luhan hyung, I am honestly not seducing Jongin. I only want to help him with his project. I felt awful because I spilt coffee the first time I met him and it got all over his work and so I offered to help him. There is nothing going on between us, I promise.” Sehun explained, pulling his arm back slightly from Luhan’s grip.

“Alright, if you say so, but even though I will be gone in another country doesn’t mean you can pounce on him, alright?” Luhan snarled before walking away towards the living room. Sehun breathed heavily, regaining his composure before stepping out of the room and walking to the front door. He had had enough and was ready to go home.

“Hey, Sehun ah, where are you going?” Sehun turned to see Jongin smiling at him with a clear liquid in his hand.

“I am going home, I am feeling a bit tired and I think I want to finish my painting tomorrow.” Sehun opened the door, letting the cold air hit his skin.

“I can take you home, Sehun ah, the party is getting a little bit boring anyway. I think they are getting to the stage where they are getting a bit too drunk and I don’t particularly want to be there to look after them if they chunder.” Jongin laughed, walking behind Sehun.

“Jongin hyung, I think you should stay. You are the person who is studying medicine so you should be the one looking after them. Am I not correct?”

Jongin sighed with a sarcastic disapproving look. “Fine! I will stay, but call me when you get home so that I know that you are safe. I will see you again some other time, alright?” Sehun nodded before walking down the driveway, finally letting the tears that he was holding fall down his cheeks silently.



Sehun had been working on his painting for around three hours when his phone went off. “Jongin hyung? What’s up? Why are you calling?”

“H-he has gone. He has left me behind to go to China.” Sehun could hear Jongin sobbing across the phone.

“Are you still at the airport? Gimpo International Airport? If you are, then I will come to find you because you are definitely not in the position to drive yourself back to Seoul.”

“Y-yes I am.” Sehun stood up and left his apartment without a second hesitance, walking to the bus stop to take it to the airport. It was an agonising one hour before Sehun arrived at the airport. He ran to the waiting area where he knew Jongin would be waiting for him.

“Jongin hyung! Are you alright? I was so worried!” Sehun cried, rushing to the older male and enveloping him in a hug.

“Yes, I think I am fine. I think I have dried myself out of tears. I am actually feeling rather tired. It is weird how tiring crying makes you.”

“You can’t drive in this condition home! We can take the bus and collect your car back from the airport tomorrow.”

Jongin shook his head. “I can’t do that, parking here is extortionately expensive and I would cry if I saw my bank account. We can just sit at a café for a little while and let me gain some energy from drinking coffee.” Sehun nodded, walking towards a nearby café which was located at the front of the airport. “I am really sorry for making you come all the way here. I guess it was just a huge shock to the system to think that Luhan hyung has finally gone. I really didn’t think he would leave me so easily. Thinking about it, he should be arriving in Beijing soon. I told him to call me when he arrives and the flight is about one hour thirty minutes.”

Jongin’s phone rang and he answered the phone immediately. “Luhan hyung. I miss you so much already. Have you arrived? Good. I feel so much better after talking to you. Call me again when you get home, alright? Don’t worry about me, I was a bit upset at first, but I am feeling better now. Sehun is with me to keep me company. We are going to do some work together on my project. Well we are thinking about going through some of the questionnaire results that we have already collected. I also want to make sure his health hasn’t changed since last time. Alright, well we will Skype tonight. I want to see your face again because I miss you so much. I love you, hyung. Bye.”

Jongin smiled as he ended the call. “I think I feel better now, shall we drive you home now?” Sehun nodded.

“Jongin hyung, why did you lie to Luhan ssi? Why did you tell him that we were going to be working on your project?” Sehun asked when they got into the car and drove off towards the centre of Seoul.

“Luhan hyung told me off for talking about you before he left, so I have to be very careful with my words. I don’t see the problem with hanging out with you, you are my friend after all.” Sehun shrugged, letting silence take over the rest of the journey.



It had been two weeks since Luhan left Seoul to go back to China and Jongin was getting more and more concerned. The day his boyfriend left, they Skyped, but since then, they hadn’t spoken to each other since. Jongin had tried to contact the older male: calling his mobile phone (which rang through to voicemail every single time) and waiting for him to go online on Skype (which never seemed to happen).

It was in the evening that Jongin received a text from Luhan, requesting to speak to him on Skype in five minutes. Jongin hurriedly typed a response saying that it was fine by him.

When Luhan’s face appeared once the call had connected, Jongin smiled brightly at the older male. “Luhan hyung! I missed you so much! Why haven’t you called me?”

Luhan sighed. Jongin noticed the bags under the older male’s eyes and also the interesting new hair colour. “I’m sorry, Jongin ah. I have been really busy in trying to enrol. I just haven’t had the time. Tonight is pretty much the first time I have been free since arriving here. How is it for you back in Seoul?”

“Well it is alright, I am finding it hard without you. But I am coping, and I am trying to cook more complex meals other than instant noodles. How about you in China?”

“Well it is nice to be back home where everyone is speaking my mother tongue. But that isn’t why I wanted to call you right now. I have something really serious I need to talk to you about, and I am worried with how you will respond. The truth is, I think we should end our relationship.”

Jongin paused as he tried to take the information in, tears started invading his vision. “What? Is it something I have done wrong? I can change. Please don’t do this to me, I need you!”

“You haven’t done anything wrong. I have done the most awful things and in all honesty, I have been thinking about breaking up with you for a while. Long story short, I cheated on you. I didn’t tell you because I still loved you. And then when you started spending more and more time with Sehun and didn’t leave any time for me, I started cheating on you with more people. Coming back to China has been the best decision in my life really. I have met someone, and I really think I love him. We just sort of clicked. I know it is wrong for me to break up with you to chase after someone else, but I just think that we have lost the spark in our relationship.”

Jongin was lost for words. He could feel his eyes prickling as he tried to hold his tears from falling in front of the person he loved. “Hyung… please don’t do this to me. Please say that this is just a nightmare and tell me to wake up.”

“Jongin ah. It is the truth. I don’t want to lie and ruin your life further. You deserve to be happy too and I am holding not just you, but myself back too. I am so sorry for having to tell it to you in these circumstances.”

“You did it on purpose! You left the country so that when you told me, you wouldn’t have to feel guilty.”

“I still want to be friends with you, Jongin ah.”

Jongin could see the sorrow in Luhan’s eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to continue to look at the older man in the eyes. “You know that isn’t possible. We ruined four years of friendship by starting the relationship in the first place. I can’t believe that you cheated on me after five years since we first started dating. I trusted you.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Goodbye, Luhan ssi. Goodbye.” Jongin pressed the end call button, letting the tears finally fall down his cheeks. He stood up and left the house. It was raining, but he walked in an aimless direction along with the flow of traffic. He didn’t know what to think. How could Luhan have cheated on him and let Jongin continue to live life oblivious to it? And then tell him in a different country where he couldn’t go and approach the older male.

He walked around the city for around an hour before knocking on a door and revealing a shocked Sehun in his pyjamas. “Jongin hyung, what are you doing here at eleven at night? Wait, are you wet? Are you crying? Come in, I will lend you some clothes so you can have a shower.” Sehun pulled the crying male into his apartment and towards the bedroom to find some clothes. “Here, I think these will fit you. They are just some thin clothes, but I assumed you wouldn’t want to sleep in anything too thick.” Jongin nodded and headed towards the door without saying a single word.

Jongin exited the bathroom twenty minutes later in Sehun’s clothes. “I am sorry about my spontaneous appearance. I guess the news shocked me and I wasn’t sure how to process it. You were the first person that came into mind to get comfort from.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. It is getting late anyway, you can use the bed and I will just sleep on the sofa.”

“No, I want to tell you know. If I tell you, I think I will finally be able to over it and continue with life.” Sehun nodded, urging Jongin to join him on the sofa. “Luhan… he broke up with me. He said that he cheated on me and that he isn’t sure that he loves me anymore. It really hurt. I still love him so much.” Jongin explained as he cried. Sehun wrapped his arms around the younger male in comfort and whispered soft words of reassurance. “I knew a long distance relationship would be difficult, but I didn’t think he would have cheated on me.”

Sehun sighed, helping the older male stand up and they walked to the bedroom. Jongin got into the bed and lay down. “Don’t leave me yet.”

“I won’t.” Sehun smiled, grabbing Jongin’s hand and sat on the floor. He watched as Jongin fell asleep, his own eyes feeling heavy in the process. He woke up the next morning, in the same position, Jongin’s hand still holding his hand tightly.



When Sehun received a phone call from Jongin a week later, he ran to the older male’s house. “Jongin hyung? Are you okay? What is wrong? Tell me, hyung!”

“I- I can’t see. The colours. They have all gone!” Jongin cried, refusing to look up from his position. Sehun understood what Jongin was going through; the same thoughts that he experienced when it first happened to him, but worse. Jongin had been working so hard for many years trying to become a doctor and all of that could go to waste if he didn’t get it back soon.

“Jongin, it is okay. We can get through it. You have been so focussed on your work, but try to think of it as a positive thing and use it as part of your experiment. We don’t need to tell your lecturers yet. And if you get your sight back, you can talk about

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970 streak #1
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Great concept and good plot.
Familal love - storge - has to be strong to get prevent the person from having greyscale at the age of 17. Aside from that, Jongin was in a satisfying romantic relationship, too.
On the other and, Sehun didn't have a close relationship with his patents which subsequently affected his vision. But it also showed that romantic love can help the person overcome his world of black and white and every shade of grey.
But then, what happens when one of the partners pass sway? Will the grief causr greyscale again? Or will it depend on how srong their love is to transcend the separation and loneliness? I am readibg too much into thid. 🤔
Oh dear. My comment is a spoiler. Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️
970 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh dear! What came over Jongin to do that?
Chapter 3: Oh my god ! Glad that i made it to read this awesome story !
How can u come up to a very nice idea about greyscale ?
And thank u so so much for sharing this story and i hope u not deleting this. :-)
Chapter 2: O M G.
The best fanfic I read it in my life and I mean this words. It's really the best. No matter what I write it will not explain what I feeling what's in my mind . I'm in love with it. That what I can say.
minhamii0 #5
Chapter 3: such a beautiful story why r u deleting it ???, but i had the chance to read it and i'm happy ^^
Chapter 3: NO T.T why u want to delete it T.Ti love ur work already..and i really confuse with LJ Bc
Chapter 2: tis is cool like seriously soo sooo sooooooo cool T.T omg i love this sooo sooo soooo sooo much TnT
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Great plot you have here. Congrats. You managed to capture me into this story.. Gonna keep reading to see how it turns out =^.^=
Arah_Sekai #9
Chapter 2: Oh God!! This was really awesome!
You manage to describe the story and the evolution of their relationship without stalling too much and at the same time without rushing things. That's really extraordinary considering that it's a one shot even if it is a quite long one.
Sooo Congrats :3
CuTAEpie #10
Chapter 2: Awww :3 loved it!