Unexpected events

Change of Scene

"Oh my god, Jjong!" Key shouted in shock, interspersed with giggles and pants, as a result of their mile long run away from the London Police. Because they were in London. And, until very recently, had been in a bar.

Currently they were standing out in some street, the night sky above them visible in between the buildings. The light provided from street lamps, home windows and a variety of public establishments lit the area enough to feel fairly safe (although Jonghyun found that the city as a whole generated so much light pollution that not a single star was visible).

They had been trekking around London all day, admiring Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and the like. Pictures and selcas were taken at every opportunity (sure they got a few looks from 'locals', but who cared? It was their holiday, free to spend how they wanted). Dinner was at a nice Korean restaurant (Jonghyun hadn’t been such a fan of the fish and chips at lunchtime, so had bargained with his boyfriend for the evening meal). Then after the fancy meal, they had headed to a bar to extend their evening, having a couple of drinks.

Unfortunately, whilst in aforementioned bar, some dumb guy had come up to them and started laughing at Key's accent. Obviously Jonghyun didn't speak enough English to actually understand the exact words spoken, but it was evident enough that what was said to his boyfriend was not merely a casual enquiry for the time. Key responded with a scathing retort, as he was apt to do when idiots made dumb comments.

Sadly, the beefy guy wasn't too impressed with the attitude, again yelling something insulting about ‘bloody foreigners’. One got the impression that this guy ought to have stopped drinking a while ago, so as to have saved himself the embarrassment.

Naturally, when the guy began to take a step in Key's direction, Jonghyun snapped straight to guard dog status over his boyfriend, standing up and moving right to Key's side. After all, he was the one with all the muscle, and this fool looked like the type who'd rather fight than talk it out. Kim Jonghyun certainly wasn't about to have his boyfriend's pretty face bruised up if he could at all avoid it.

After another few words that Jonghyun still didn't understand, a sigh from Key, and a punch or two later, there was the sudden unexpected arrival of the cops. It became quickly apparent that the pair would probably benefit if they were to exit the establishment pretty sharpish. And so they did. For the first little while they were actually followed by a few members of said police, but luckily Jonghyun and Key managed to lose them along the way, with a number of sharp turns. And thus resulting in their current location: stood in the middle of a deserted street, high from the adrenaline released because of the chase.

Walking over to the shorter and hugging him while still laughing, Key panted, "I can't believe that just happened! ... God that’ll just sound ridiculous to everyone! Chased by the police... after getting in a fight... with some jerk in a bar..."

Jonghyun hadn't been able to form words yet, still busy puffing, panting and laughing. Finally he managed a sentence, "Yeah… that was... not exactly how I expected our evening to go... You're okay, right?!" 

"I'm fine, I'm fine... You sound more out of breath than me..." This was said with yet more laughter.

A quick look towards the upturned mouth of the blonde and Jonghyun couldn't help but angle his head to quickly press his lips against his boyfriend’s. As the pair came back down to earth again after the excitement of the last twenty minutes or so, a thought crossed both their minds at the same time: "Um, Key..." Jjong began, "I don’t suppose… you have any idea where we are right now?"

Key nodded his head slightly in thought. "Hmm... well… judging by where we were…and where we’ve run to... not a clue…" The elder’s face fell as this sank in, although Key was quick to continue his sentence in a bid to salvage the situation.

"Saying that, I reckon we should go this way," he said pointing back the way they came. "After all, we can't have gone that far. Best part is I saw a bus stop back that way, so we can check it out, hopefully it'll have our route? Well… if there are actually buses still running at this time?"

A quick glance at his phone revealed that it was, surprisingly, only a quarter to twelve. The whole episode had taken a lot less time than either of them had hoped for. And yet, it had rather tired them both out – the pair figured the bus stop plan definitely had merit. 

Making their way back down the street they came, taking a left at one corner then a right at the next, they made it to a slightly more populated street, even at this time of night. One was able to presume it was the club-going crowd. It was kind of nice to have more people around them again, making it feel slightly less like they were the only people around , therefore less of a target for potential petty thieves, as both foreigners and strangers to the area. Saying that, the pair were both intensely hoping that they weren't about to bump into any of the guys from earlier. While unlikely, it was still a definite possibility, so they kept a careful eye out as they made their way over to the bus stop.

Finding a timetable for their desired route (it was luck in itself that the bus they wanted came this way) they discovered the last bus was at 11:59pm. Looking at their watches, they observed the time was 11:57pm. With a little more good fortune, in two minutes a bus ought to be along that would conveniently drop them right at the doorstep of their hotel.

For the two minutes at the bus stop, the pair remained in silence, taking in the atmosphere around them. Dark, yet somehow so lit up, and quiet, yet with the thudding of the bass from a nearby club or two, along with the scattered speech and laughter of passers-by. A siren sounded in the distance, making the pair exchange wry smiles, with wonderings of what could have been. Fresh night air, yet mixed with the tang of smoke from those people hanging around outside of the clubs. Honestly, Key had tried it once, during his ‘irresponsible teenage years’ but the experience wasn’t… well… He hadn’t felt like experimenting again. A few years down the line and he was incredibly glad that it hadn’t stuck as a habit.

A bus did indeed finally turn up, after another five minutes on top of the expected two. The surly bus driver grunted as Key asked for tickets and handed over the money. Making their way towards the back of the bus, Jonghyun took the window seat, sneakily glancing over at Key to see where he was looking. Upon seeing him staring in the other direction Jonghyun figured it was alright to put his head on the other's shoulder, like the cuddly little skinship-loving puppy he was.

Key felt the pressure on his shoulder and was far from surprised. He acknowledged it with a slight press of his head against the top of Jonghyun's, before moving back to his previous position, watching the world go by through the windows on the other side of the bus.

Key had always loved cities. Not that he had anything against quiet places, but he reckoned he was definitely a city-boy at heart. They were completely fascinating: so many people all in one space, tall buildings, so many lights eternally on, and that sense of life always so apparent. Cities were always vibrant, with so much to do and discover, he felt. And so different as well, the more he visited different countries, the more he felt it. They all reflected aspects of each country’s culture, and of course, no two were ever quite the same.

Minutes passed with Key being mesmerised by the bright lights and shapes out the window, interspersed with reaffirmations of Jonghyun's wakefulness in the form of small affectionate kisses pressed to his neck from time. That was the other thing that Key liked about London. While, okay, they weren't about to start making out in public (but then no one really ought to be doing that anyway, Key thought. Small signs of affection were fine, but he wasn't really a fan of just seeing other people's tongues tangling in public) little things like this were essentially fine. Perhaps an odd look or two, and maybe they'd just been lucky to have avoided homophobes, but Key definitely felt much more okay about Jjong kissing him like this in public. If they were back in Korea, he'd definitely have pushed him away on the first try. That is, if Jonghyun would even try to do that in the first place (unlikely). The pair of them definitely felt less inhibited here and Key had to say he rather enjoyed it.

Actually looking out the window with the self-set mission to identify their location, Key realised he could recognise where they were. The area had the glow of nightlife, vastly changing its appearance from that of the daytime, but he made sure to press the stop button while he nudged the boy on his shoulder gently. "Jjong, we're here."

The bus slowed, the boys stepped off with a tired "thanks", with the doors closing abruptly behind them, driving off again before the couple even had time to turn around to face the doors of their hotel. 

"Definitely a good idea to get the bus," Jonghyun agreed in a sleepy voice. Quite when he had got so dozy he wasn't 100% sure. He surmised it was probably a result of his comfortable, warm pillow combined with the soothing motion of the bus.

And so, the two of them made their way up the steps and through the door, transitioning from the night scenery to that of the brightly lit hotel lobby, causing them both to squint at the contrast. Making their way over to the lift, neither said anything more as Jonghyun keyed in their floor number.

Although 12:30 wasn't exactly the latest night they'd ever had, they'd only arrived in England two days prior. This meant there was a fair amount of jet lag clinging onto them and they were messing around with their sleep schedule as they tried to adjust to the current time zone. At the same time, the couple had been trying to see every significant tourist destination in the city, and everything added together had rather run down the pair's energy reserves.

The shorter moved to stand next to Key again, slinking an arm around his waist as they smoothly rose up through the floors. With the slight creak and clatter of sliding doors, the corridor was revealed to their sight. They stepped onto the slightly worn carpet, walked forwards, left, right, left. It was a path that Jonghyun was convinced they'd never remember when they first arrived, yet it was already ingrained after only two days.

Slipping the key card in the door and gaining the green light of acceptance, Key pushed the handle down. Stepping through and searching blindly for the light switch, the elder followed him in and closed the door behind them. Eventually they were once again able to see, and made their way further inside, not that there was that much further inside to go. 

They were both just enough awake to acknowledge that yes, brushing their teeth was a good idea, afterwards moving on to stripping off their clothes so as to slip into the double bed (that was rather on the small side). Not that they really minded, they enjoyed the cuddling. It was more the principle, having paid for a nice room and all.

Anyway, Jonghyun made it into the bed first, sliding under soft cotton sheets and curling up in the warmth. Key was still enough awake to also remember that he had put on just a little eyeliner (which now seemed a lifetime ago) and so that needed to be removed. Returning from the en suite, Key looked fondly over to his boyfriend already settled in bed, looking as comfortable as could be. Seconds later he was reaching out for the light again, this time to turn it off, before joining Jonghyun in the bed.

As one might expect, as soon as he was between the sheets, Jonghyun shuffled up behind him to, unsurprisingly, snuggle. He wrapped his arms around the pale waist and drew Kibum's back towards his front so they were spooning. Key in turn placed his hands on top of the other's, appreciating the contact, although perhaps less likely to initiate it.

The pair knew that by morning their legs would be tangled so closely together that if it wasn't for their difference in height and skin colour (how was Key so pale?) they might almost not know whose were whose. And that was fine with them. A couple more kisses were laid on Key's bare neck, slightly more intimate than those given on the bus. Key turned his head for a final goodnight kiss, and their heartbeats synchronised as the pair drifted off into sleep.




Well, there we have it. Just a cute little episode in the lives of Jongkey couple on holiday... Hope you enjoyed?

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Very cute! I always adore well written fluff
FreezingLove #2
Chapter 1: I really liked the idea.It was a little random,but not really!!
I especially liked the last part!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute and fluffy lovely :3 you did amazing here, I can imagine every detail so well <333