Chapter 2 - I just made friends with The Taehyun of BTS?!

Boy In Luv

Tae was walking towards her next lesson, maths in s15. she arrived at the classroom, the teacher wasn't here yet and everyone was in their seats, chatting and messing about. she took a deep sigh and walked pass all the noisy children and sat in her seat, which was in the very top right corner of the classroom. her and juengya sit together on the two seated table. "where were you?" juenggie looked up at her friend. "oh...i-i just stopped at my locker to get my math note book" she said with a goofy smile, trying to make it look like she was telling the truth. her friend shrugged it off and stuck one of her headphones back in her ear and began mouthing the words to her favourite song 'No more Dream' by BTS, obviously.
the class door opend and the teacher walked in, ajusting his tie. everyone amedianlty stopped chating and got their maths note books outready to start the lesson. "Alright everyone, pass these books down to everyone down your row." he said setting down piles of books on each row.

There was six rows, Tae was on the sixth row including juenggie too. everyone passed the books out and was told to turn to page 86, until the class door opend again. Bts's Jungkook walked in with a sigh and a small smile, seeing all the class whispering and quietly squealing. Taerin smiled to herself, but then dropped wide open and heart beat sped up as soon as V walked in flicking his hair to the side. She hid her face with the math textbook, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.Taking three deep breaths, she slowly moved the textbook, placing it back on the table  flat. she putted on her poker face and pretended to flick through her math notes, trying to ignore all the excitement of Jungkook and V being in the same class as her. The teacher banged his fist on the table three times getting everyones attention. "Calm down, calm down! settle now...Everyone we have new transfer students into this school, as you've all heared. Bts, also knowned as Bangtan Boys, have come to this school." everyone squealed again.

he sighed and banged his fist on the table again. "Settle down! or you'll all be coming back to my class at the end of the day for half an hour!" they all shutted up straight after his sentence. "Good. NOW, as you can see, we are a very lucky class to have two of the members attend our lessons." "kya~-!" a girl squealed at the front of the class, she covered and silenced herself as soon as she saw the teacher glare at her, deadly. "so, please introduce yourselves, boys." he gave a warm smile to the quiet idols who stood at the front of the class. "Annyeonghaseyeo~! My name is Jungkook and i'm the youngest member of BTS. Please look after me well~! kamsahamnida~!" he winked with a peace sign after doing his formal 90 degree bow, everyone bowed back. next it was V. "annyeong, i'm V, also knowned as Taehyun. i hope we all get to be friends and please put me in your care~!kamsahamnida~!" he bowed and everyone bowed back, but as everyone went to bow back at him he flash a quick smile at Taerin with a wink along with it.

Taerin caught this with her very own eyes and blushed eyes wide open. she averted her eyes once again, V pouted.
"Alright~ everyone, we will begin class after we change the seating plan, so everyone  stand up and go to the back of the class, including you two, Jungkook-ah, Taehyung-ah." they both nodded and join the rest of the class at the back. "okay,on row1, table 1, we'll have seungho and Joon, table 2 Hyuna and Sohee, table 3, G.O and Mir. Row 2, table 1, Taemin and Minho, table 2, Key and Jonghyun, table 3, Sehun and Luhan. Row 3, table 1, Kyungsoo and Jongin, table 2, Kris and Tao, table 3, Yixing and Minseok." All the fellow class members of taerin sat in their new seats. the last row was next, so she was obviously gonna be on their  with Juenggie. Tae looked over at her friend and saw that she was freaking out cause she was standing inbetween Jungkook and V, She was stood next to Jungkook, giggling at her begging to pounce on V. Taerin shook her head meaning no and juengya pouted at her. Taehyung then looked over at Taerin and gave a warm smile at her. she blushed, ignoring  handsome man,he pouted again in the corner of her eye.

"Row 4, table 1, Chanyeol and baekhyun." the two boys hurriedly sat down smiling at each other and giggling, they were gay after all, and a popular cute couple in school.  Tae's mind flashed a point in her head. the only people left was her, Jeungya, Jungkook and V. That means she could be sitting with jeungya, jungkook OR taehyung oppa. she began to panick, gulping while closing her eyes, her mind was screaming 'not me and v,not me and v!!!!' the results exact was? "table 2, Jeungya and Taerin" tae sighed in releif, but she was only a little bit disappointed. "Wait, hol' up, change of plan, you and taerin speak to much during lessons, it's time for a change." Oh Crap."Jeungya,instead of tae, you'll be with....Jungkook." 


Jeungya was satisfied, even though it would be better if V was next to her is what she thought, but it's okay, she likes Jungkook as well, but V better. Jungkook shuffled  his way  to his seat, where jeungya was already sat at, waiting for him to sit down. "So that leaves, on table 3, Taehyung and Taerin." the teacher reassured them smiling. V smirked and walked over to the table, but he didn't sit down. he wait for Taerin to follow after him. he stopped her in her trail and she looked up at him blushing. "You can sit next to the window if you want, don't mind really, ladies first." he grinned pulling out taerin's chair for her before sitting in his own. she hesistantly sat down while mumbling "Thanks..." "No prob, Tae." 

Taerin ammediantly looked up in shock at him, he said her name for the first time. "O-oh, mianhae, i didn't ask if i could call you Tae...Um can i please?" he pleaded and she couldn't say no. she nodded nervous to speak. "Gomawo, tae-ah. instead of V, just call me Taehyung, but with OPPA On the end" he pulled a goofy  smile. "try it! O-P-P-A" " it okay? like r-really?" "No-shizz-sherlock! of course, just try sayin' it! for me please~?!" he pouted cutely, he was already settling in to her so quickly. Tae giggled lightly, making taehyung blush. "Um..Tae-taeh--hyung oppa-a..." she stuutered blushing. "i can't hear you~" "O-oh,um... Taehyung oppa..." "perfect! hey, i just realised the first three letters of my name is your nick name; Tae!!" he began laughing and tae joined too.

Maths was fun, only because of how me and Taehyung oppa was having a right laugh. Jeungya and Jungkook turned around to join in our fun a few times, i had a great time. "Alright, class dismissed. off you go." The teacher announced and everyone stormed out the door, but me Jeungya, Jungkook AND Taehyung oppa stayed behind the back. we where giggling as jungkook was telling us funny things what has happend in the pass with him and V. "ah, what do we have next lesson?" jeungya asked me.  Me and V coincidently answered at the same  time "English." We looked at each other and laughed awkwardly. jeungya secretly nudged my shoulder and gave me a wink. i gave her the 'NO,NO' look and went back to giggling with them. "Let's all walk down together, we're all in the same lesson anyway." Jungkook suggested we all nodded and made are way through the crowed halls, to S27. we reached the class room on time. we came in and miss said she's not bothered about where we sit. so we all sat together on the same row. It sort of went like Me in between Jungkook and V and Jeungya was on Junkook's side. 

Our lesson had a sort of change of students in the group. me jungkook jeungya and taehyung was still in the same class luckily, cuz this lesson was mixed with another group in our year, the group is called 11-EN-4. We, luckily, had another famous pair in our class. BTS' Rap monster, also  knowned as Namjoon and Park Jimin. From what i have seen some girls had fainted and was taken to the school nurse, which held up or lesson  for about 15 minutes. Miss letus chat amongst our selves. "Eh? Look! it's Namjoon Hyung!" Jungkook pointed out for Taehyung. he and jimin was all the way  on the overside of the class. Taehyung waved them over and they noticed us, so they approached our area. "Yah! Jungkook-ah, Taehyung-ah, i didn't expect to see you here-! Hey, you're that girl who gave us your lunch!" Rap monster reconised my face and jimin and him amediantly bowed formally. "Kamsahamnida~!" ", it's okay...i was only h-helping out!" i said nervously, while scratching the back of my head. "How can we repay you for what you did? an autograph?a kiss?!" they carried on blabbering on, they cleary didn't hear a word i said.

Taehyung amediantly stepped forward, blocking my clear veiw of Namjoon and Jimin. "No." His eyes darkend as soon as namjoon mention those two words, he spoke bluntelly at him. i was suprised, so was rap monster. he raised is hands and took two steps back showing a sign of defeat. "No body touches Tae." v stepped back to where he was and wrapped an arm around my waist. My heart beat sped up rapidly, and i blushed bright red. Panick over came me but  i knew i had to speak. "E-eh..! Taehyung oppa, um...c-can you please...em..?" He snapped out of his senses and pulled his self together. "Ah! sorry!" he let go of me and back away a step. i was slightly reliefed but slightly disappointed at the same time."I-it's okay..." i smiled. he blushed.
Jungkook, jeungya and Namjoon all whistled and hooted at me and V. "oooh~~ Taehyung, i never thought you were the type to flirt with a girl so fast!" Jungkook mummerd under his breath. V heared what he said and turned around to back chat him. "Says you, i bet that you secretly have a crush on Jeungya here!" everyone stared at jungkook and jeungya and whistled. i giggled and jeungya and jungkook just looked at eachother and blushed.  we all laughed and then Jimin spoke. "Hey, is it alright if we joined your row??" "Not at all, come sit down." i allowed them to join our chat.

we all had a great laugh. the teacher came back, as well as the two students. the lesson went smoothly, and with that school finished. all six of us walked outside to  the school's Car Park. An unfimiliar car was parked there; plain black huge shaping like a van, dark window winders and black rubber wheels. who owned this car?? three guys where standing outside of the van, with one guy inside in the driver's seat. those three guys just happend to be BTS' Suga, Jin and psychotic J-Hope...

((second chapter, done! ^^ if theres any misatkes please tell me > - < i tend to do many mistakes :P anyway i hope this was better than the first one. third chapter will be out soon as well!! stay tuned :3))

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Chapter 4: Love this story keep up the good work and update soon ^_^
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: You included some exo members!!! ^-^ yesssss baekyeol ship in the story is awesome!!!
FlamingSHINee91 #3
Chapter 1: It's really a cute story >< but sorry to say this bts got 7 members not 6 so sorry if I offend you in anyway