#002 Transferee

She's My Kryptonite
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Hana sat blankly on her bed, still trying to make sense of why she was being transferred to the Left Wing. Joori was also frustrated and dumbfounded by the news. She’s worried that Hana will have a hard time with the Alice users. That’s also one of Hana’s worries. Her biggest fear was about meeting Kai in that Wing. He would not hesitate in killing her for what happened three days ago.

She looked at the transferee form as she bit her lip in anxiousness. She asked their principal for the reason as to why she was being transferred but he only gave her a vague answer. It looked like she had some kind of Alice that the Left Wing was interested in.

“What kind of Alice would that be? I did not do anything that day” Hana asked herself. Everything’s not making sense. “Whatever” she mumbled, getting up from her bed. She started getting ready for school. Because she’s transferring, she wore her casual clothes.

Joori had been making a fuss of telling her that she would miss her very much and that she would be her friend even if she has an Alice. Hana’s thankful that Joori was taking her situation in a positive way unlike some of their schoolmates who started malicious rumours about her.

Hana took a deep breath as she looked at the towering steel gate of the Left Wing. Some students from their Wing were looking at her. Hana knew that if she took a step forward, she’ll be part of the Alice users’ world. “Hana!”

She turned to look at Joori who was running towards her. She was holding a small brown teddy bear. Joori handed it to Hana with a smile on her face. “Don’t forget about me when you go there, okay?” Joori asked then hugged her friend tightly. Hana hugged her back.

Living in the Left Wing would mean limited encounter with the outside world which also means that she will have limited time with her friends outside those towering walls. What’s bugging Hana was the fact that she will have less communication with her grandpa, the only family that she has.

“Hana?”Joori asked, looking intently at her face. Hana sniffed, trying to hold back her tears. “Of course I will never forget you” Hana said with a smile.

They bid each other goodbye before Hana entered the Left Wing.

It’s a totally different world inside those walls. The uniform of the students was totally different and it looked expensive. She looked at the students who were reading at the shaded part of the ground. The blue uniform with an ‘A’ badge on the left chest area suited everyone elegantly.

“You must be Lee Hana”

Hana turned to look at the shorter girl with glasses. “Y-Yes” Hana nodded, not knowing if how she answered that was the right way. “Follow me” she said then guided her towards the very big building. Hana was very quiet throughout their walk.

“You must be the one who put up a fight with Kai” the shorter girl commented. “That’s a very brave thing to do”

Hana just nodded, not really sure if she was complimenting her or not. The other girl turned to face her. “My name’s Jung Sunmi and I’m the student council’s president. If you need anything, you can look for me at the student council’s room”

Hana was surprised that the Left Wing’s president is a girl who’s shorter than her and who looked like a cute girl. She’s not the type of president Hana imagined. She was expecting for a cold and strict looking president. Well, it was a good thing that the president looks approachable.

“Okay, thank you” Hana shyly answered. “For someone who pissed off Kai, you looked like you can’t fight at all” Sunmi added as she eyed Hana from head to toe. Hana was taken aback by her comment. It looks like the president has some nasty side of her.

Sunmi smiled. “Don’t be too stiff, I don’t eat people. It’s just that it’s fascinating. No one ever tried to put up a fight with Kai before and here I am talking to the first one who did. I’m proud of you”

Hana didn’t know how to respond to that so she just slightly smiled. They continued walking through the hallway which was getting noisier. “Look out!” a tall guy with multi-coloured hair came rushing towards them. He was chasing a paper plane which was coming towards Sunmi and Hana’s direction.

The paper plane turned to ashes as it met Sunmi’s gaze. The guy who was chasing the paper plane stopped and looked at Sunmi. She looked back at him. “Oh Sehun, how many times will I tell you that playing on the hallway is prohibited? If I catch you again, the paper plane’s not the only thing that’s going to burn” Sunmi warned him as she looked at his hair.

“Ei, c’mon pres, I know you’ll

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22 streak #1
Chapter 33: This is real gold!
I haven't read this yet and it's making me want to read Alice Academy manga all over again. They need to remake the anime version.
What is Mikan and Natsume doing in this story lol.
went and searched this story to the best of my capabilities hahahaha I started here in AFF in 2012, and I remember how this was really popular during 2014. I have commented here before asking if this was inspired by Alice Academy. Thank the Heavens, I was able to search it again, was really dying to read this, before I sometimes go back here in AFF and your stories are one of the stories that I go for and read to relax.
Chapter 1: i've been having weird dream of me having power bla bla... it reminds me of this story and i spent the whole day searching for this since i forgot the title and at last...
26 streak #6
Rereading this again cause I miss this
22 streak #7
Chapter 33: This is so awesome! So Jongin's life is maybe extended by Hana's mom.
Chapter 3: The poster is so pretty!
22 streak #9
Chapter 13: One of the most unforgettable moment