First Talk and Jealousy

I tried to Stop ♥

A/N: I’m back~~at last! Hahaha! I’m sorry for not updating for so long. I’m having a series of headache this week that’s why I can’t update. Anyway, I won’t take your time because of my talking. Here’s the update!

*Saenim’s POV*

“Let him take this medicine now and after every 8 hours until his fever finally cools down.” Dr. Kim ordered as he handed me the medicine.

“Alright,” I answered.

“He sure caught a high fever,” he said as he looks at Eunhyuk oppa then turned to me. “I’ll be going now Saenim sshi, take care of your boyfriend” he said as he head towards the door of my room. I stand up from my seat and followed him,

“I’ll set you off. And he’s not my-!”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I can handle myself, not like your BOYFRIEND, so you must stay here” he cuts me off.

“If that’s what you want, but he is really not-!”

“BYE!” he cuts me again, and then smirks as he slowly closes the door.

I smiled at myself as I stared blankly at the door. This is why we chose Dr. Kim as our family doctor. He’s not like the other doctors we met that are always so serious. Unlike them, he’s funny and a bit childish that could ease up the tension building in a room where a bomb may explode in 5 seconds. In other words, he can make a very tension person calm.

I silently dragged a chair beside my bed and sat on it. I shake Eunhyuk oppa a little to wake him up.

“Oppa time to drink your medicine.” I said as he slowly opens his eyes.

“S-Saenim?” he asked, looking at me.

“Here, drink it then go back to sleep again so that you can recover faster.” I told him as I handed him his medicine, avoiding his gaze.

“Is it really you?” he asked once again, this time trying to reach and touch my face. Seeing what he is trying to do, I back off a little.

“Yeah, it is me.” I said. Then there was an awkward silence between us.

“Saenim, I’m sorry for what-!” he said weakly.

“Enough oppa.” I cut him. I grabbed his hand and place the medicine there.

“Drink it.” I ordered as I handed him a glass of water. He did what I say and took the medicine. After that he tried to talk again but I spoke up first.

“Go back to sleep now Eunhyuk oppa.” I said as I head out of the room.

“W-where are you going?” he quickly asked.

“I-I need to make a phone call and change my clothes.” I quickly lied.

“You’ll be back right?”



“I promise-it is my room after all.” I reassured him and opened the door.

“Wait Saenim” he said. I turned around and face him.

“What is it?”

“W-who change my clothes?” he asked, noticing his clothes had changed and become dry.

“I-I did” I said, blushing.

“With the help of Dr. Kim” I added quickly.

“Dr. Kim?” he asked.

“He’s our family doctor.”

“Age?” he asked.

“Bwo?” I asked back.

“Age?” he glared at me.

“2-24!” I quickly said.


“Bwo? Single. Why?” I answered. Then he sighed.

“And your bed sheets? Did I get it wet?”

“Don’t worry about it. I already changed it when you’re asleep a while ago.”

“And with the help of Dr. Kim?” he asked with a hint of jealousy. I sighed then nodded.

“He said it’s bad for you to sleep on a wet sheets so he help me changed it.” I said.

“How did I get here?”

“We brought you here.”

“WE? Who helped you brought me here? Dr. Kim?” he asked again, this time with a hint of sarcasm and jealousy. I can see that he is slowly losing his temper. I sighed again.

“Just go back to sleep Oppa. You need to rest.” I said as I avoid his gaze and closed the door behind me.

“Why are you being like that oppa? It hurts me more seeing you like that.” I mumble to myself as my tears are slowly forming at my eyes again. How many times do I have to cry this day? I’m wondering when I’ll get dehydrated ‘coz I don’t want to cry anymore. Still…

“And why are you in front of my hose awhile ago? I thought you’ve already replaced me with that girl with you at the airport?” I asked myself, allowing my tears escape my eyes. I open my phone and stared at it. Then it suddenly ring, I quickly wiped away my tears and answered it.


“Saenim ah!” the familiar voice on the other line sighed in relief.

“Donghae oppa?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“What makes you call me?” I asked.

“Why aren’t you picking up your phone?” he asked back.

“I-I turned it off awhile ago and just opened it. Wae?”

“Eunhyuk hyung hadn’t come back since he started to run and followed you. Everybody is worried because it’s already late and the rain is falling heavily.”

‘Followed me?’ I thought.

“Oppa is with me right now.”

“Really?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I found him in front of my house soaking wet and lying on the ground. When I check up on him he’s already burning up with fever.”

“Is he alright?” he asked worriedly.

“Yes, I already called a doctor to check him. He already took the medicine the doctor gave to me and he is now sleeping.” I said as I opened the door of my room and poke my head to check him.

“What a relief!” he said.

“Can we visit?” he added.

“Today?” I asked.


“At this time? But it’s already late.”

“Can we? We are really worried at him.”

“Alright. I’ll wait for you.” I said.

“Thanks. We’ll be right there” he said then hung up.

‘Oppa said WE. Does he mean ‘we’ as in all members? Or WE as in everybody including that girl? If it does…I have a bad feeling about this.’ I thought as I went back in my room and sat on the chair beside my bed.

“Sleep well oppa. The next time you open your eyes, they’re here to take you home.” I said sadly and kiss his forehead. Then I hold his hand tightly with both of my hands.



A/N: make sense? I don’t think it does. –Sigh- it’s so hard to think ideas for this story. I don’t know how to continue this. But I’m really trying very hard. I hope this doesn’t bore you. I’ll be back once I think of some ideas again. In the mean time please understand my situation. Thanks! ♥

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747 streak #1
Chapter 43: This was a nice and pleasant addition to the story! It's nice to read another P.O.V and we all know Kyuhyun! ;)
Thank you. <3
747 streak #2
Chapter 42: A very sweet story. It had its ups and downs, but in the end, everything turned out the way it was supposed to. <3
I'm glad I read this one. I was able to enjoy it a lot!

And I agree feelings can't just disappear easily, it's never the end when we want something.

Thank you for sharing! <3
747 streak #3
Chapter 41: The conclusion: Always talk, that way misunderstandings are avoided!
747 streak #4
Chapter 40: Well, I take back what I said, maybe she's not so bad. But still.
747 streak #5
Chapter 39: So far things are going well, but I still don't trust her! o.O
747 streak #6
Chapter 38: And she better not make a mistake!
747 streak #7
Chapter 37: It does make sense, but Eunhyuk had a lot of questions to ask, didn't he?
747 streak #8
Chapter 36: He'll do whatever it takes to make things right!
747 streak #9
Chapter 35: What happened? o.O
747 streak #10
Chapter 34: I hope they did talk some sense into her. We'll see. Hmm.