Fight a Day before Leaving

I tried to Stop ♥

A/N: This will be my last update of the day. Hope you’ll like it. Now let’s go to the story. Shall we?

*a day before leaving*


At last the bell rings. It means the school is now over. I quickly gather all my things and prepare to leave. I sigh and look around for a while.

“I’ll gonna miss this place” I mumble sadly.

I was walking at the hallway when a thought hit my head, making me remember that I haven’t confess to Saenim yet and I also haven’t told her that we’re leaving tomorrow. Then an idea quickly pops in my head.

‘Why not tell her everything today? Besides, I’ve been preparing myself for this in these past days.’

I quickly run to find her. I spotted her at the front gate. I was about to call her when I saw she’s with some guys with unfamiliar faces. I quickly hide myself and eavesdrop at their conversation.

“Oppa…” she whined.

“Come on honey! Just once” the guy said.

“What are we doing?” she asked.

“Having a party at my house” the other guy in.

“Really?” she asked cheerfully.

“Yeah, now come on babe!”

“Neh…But what prize will I get when I come with you?” she asks seductively, tracing the jaw line of the other guy.

“You knew that.”

“I always know it” she said sweetly.

Ugh! She’s flirting with these guys! Doesn’t she know it’s very dangerous for her to do that? What’s wrong with her? Ever since Donghae broke up with her, she changes. You can say that she’s on moving on stage but these changes, I don’t like it! She’d become a flirty girl in just a week. She always flirts around with other guys. When I tried to lecture her about this she will just shout at me saying don’t mind her business and just walk away. I really don’t like this. I hate it! She, being an innocent and pure girl before suddenly becomes a flirty and bad girl!

“Come on baby” the guy said.

“Sorry Oppa…But I can’t right now, maybe some other time” then she wink at them.

“Why? I thought you want it?”

“I do But-!”

“Come on!” he quickly tugged her elbow hardly, making her scream, and trying to drag her with them.

‘Stupid girl! That’s what you get from flirting around!’ I said angrily under my breath.

I quickly reveal myself from where I’m hiding and approach her. I grab her wrist and tug off the guy’s  hand at her elbow.

“Come on sweetheart, let’s head home.” I told her and then face the other 2 guys, “And please stay away from my GIRLFRIEND” I told them coolly.

I held her tighter and started to drag her, not minding if they call us. I don’t know where we are heading but as long as we’re far from those jerks, I know she’s safe.

“Oppa…” she whined and struggles to remove my hold from her. But I ignore her.

“Yah! Oppa!”

“LEE HYUKJAE! LET ME GO!” she shouted.

“Ouch! Oppa, let go please” she pleaded.

I let her go and face her. but the moment I do that she quickly slap me.

“Why did you so that?!” she shouted.

“I just saved you from those erted” I answer her.

“Pffft! Save? Huh? They’re my friends so-!” I cut her off.

FRIENDS?! Since when do you become their friend?” my voice trembles as I try to calms myself, avoiding to get angry at her.

“Since this afternoon. Besides, why do you care so much about whom I make friends with?” she asked sarcastically.

“Because you don’t care if you befriended a bad guys.”


“How did you know?” my voice raise a little bit.

“Because I befriended them!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. I just wanted to protect you from those guys. You don’t notice how they’re looking at you but I do! By just their look, I already know what they’re thinking about.”

“Don’t talk bad about them!”

“I don’t!” I shouted, okay my temper is off a bit. I can’t control myself now.

“Yes! You! Do!” she accused me.

“Why are you defending them?!”

“Because they’re my friends. They give me happiness unlike you, my very own best friend!”

“H-Happines?! You know since this week you’ve been different. You change a lot. I hate those changes! And I’m sick of those. I even don’t know who are you anymore because you’ve really change A LOT!”

“I’m Saenim and always be Saenim! If you don’t like my changes then I don’t care! I’ll change if I want to and you can’t do anything about it!”

“If that so, I’m neither your best friend nor your friend anymore! Because, as far as I know, I befriended to the old Saenim!” I shouted.

“Why can’t you just accept my changes?!”

“Because you change from good to bad. And I told you right, I hate those! You’re not the same Saenim I used to know and love!”

“Fine! Then leave me alone! If you’re not my best friend and so I am!”

With that, we both turn our back at each other and started to walk at the opposite directions without hesitation nor turning our back nor having second thoughts about our fight.

“She means what she said? I don’t care! I also mean what I say! Ha!” I muttered angrily at myself.


*at the airport*

“Hyung…” Donghae says as he approaches me. I look at him and give him a what-do-you-want look.

“There’s only 5 minutes left before we leave. But Saenim isn’t here. I have left a voice message to her 50 minutes ago.” I sighed. I stand up and prepare myself to lave when…



A/N: Yay! This chapter is done. I’m sorry if the flirting scene is quite boring. I don’t know how to make a girl flirt around. Sorry. But I still hope you like this one. I’ll be updating my other fanfic so I may not update here for a while. But I promise to update as soon as I can. Love yah! ♥

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747 streak #1
Chapter 43: This was a nice and pleasant addition to the story! It's nice to read another P.O.V and we all know Kyuhyun! ;)
Thank you. <3
747 streak #2
Chapter 42: A very sweet story. It had its ups and downs, but in the end, everything turned out the way it was supposed to. <3
I'm glad I read this one. I was able to enjoy it a lot!

And I agree feelings can't just disappear easily, it's never the end when we want something.

Thank you for sharing! <3
747 streak #3
Chapter 41: The conclusion: Always talk, that way misunderstandings are avoided!
747 streak #4
Chapter 40: Well, I take back what I said, maybe she's not so bad. But still.
747 streak #5
Chapter 39: So far things are going well, but I still don't trust her! o.O
747 streak #6
Chapter 38: And she better not make a mistake!
747 streak #7
Chapter 37: It does make sense, but Eunhyuk had a lot of questions to ask, didn't he?
747 streak #8
Chapter 36: He'll do whatever it takes to make things right!
747 streak #9
Chapter 35: What happened? o.O
747 streak #10
Chapter 34: I hope they did talk some sense into her. We'll see. Hmm.