Near-Death-Experience X_X

I tried to Stop ♥

A/N: my last update of the week. I’m so so sorry that I can’t update more often, besides from feeling unwell, I am oblique to do my homework in Biology (and take note, it’s our sembreak but my teacher still give us 4 sets of assignment! TT_TT). Good thing I already finish it. hahaha! Oh well, here’s my update.

 I’m already at Saenim’s house. I push the doorbell and her mother opens the door.

“Good evening ma’am” I greeted politely.

“Omo! Eunhyuk-sshi! I didn’t expect you to be here” she said.

“I just came by to drop of Saenim. She’d fallen asleep” She looks at my back to see if it is Saenim.

 “Oh! I thought she’s with Donghae-sshi. Where is he? And why are you the one to take her home?” she asks continuously. I tried to answer but she speaks first.

“By the way, come on inside. Put Saenim on her bed first before you answer my question: then she led me all the way up to Saenim’s room. She opens the door and said,

“Tuck her in first then we’ll talk” in commanding voice.

“O-okay” I answer. My voice trembles a little. “Why does she have to ask so many questions?” I ask myself.

I lay Saenim on her bed and cover her with blanket.

“Sleep well Saenim” I whisper to her ear and kiss her forehead before heading to the door.

I nervously come down the stairs and face Saenim’s mother. ‘What will I tell her? Saenim and Donghae broke up? Oh no! Should I lie? Lying is so bad. But what should I do? I’m so damn confuse!’ are the things that run inside my mind.

“Sit here Eunhyuk-sshi” Mrs. Park said, patting the seat next to her.

“What happened?” she asks as soon as I settle down.


“You know Eunhyuk-sshi, when Saenim came back from your house 2 weeks ago she’s been feeling down. She’s always inside her room and she barely touches her food when we’re eating. And most of all, she doesn’t even tell me a single thing about what’s happening. I’m freaking worried about her! Now tell me the truth. You’re her best friend right? You should know something. Tell me. Please!” she pleaded.

“So Saenim didn’t tell her mother anything about what’s happening to her? I pity her. Aish Saenim! But what should I tell her? She wants to know the truth. Should I tell her that Donghae break up with her? Sigh, I think I don’t have the right to tell her that. Saenim should be the one to tell her mother.” I thought.

I stay silent for a minute. Thinking what I am supposed to tell her mother. Guess I should tell her what I know. She must know what’s happening to her daughter. I sigh.

 “Mrs. Park…” I nervously said. Sweat droplets are now forming at my forehead.


“I don’t think I should be the one to tell you the truth. I don’t have the rights to tell one person’s personal problem. But I think you should somehow know what is happening.”

“All right” she sighs.

“Just tell us what you know then get off!” her father said impatiently. OMO! (O_O’) Her f-f-father? I didn’t notice Mr. Park is with us. He suddenly appears nowhere. I sigh again before talking.

“I was walking around the park when I spotted Saenim on the ground. She was…crying-“ Mr. Park quickly grab the collar of my t-shirt and lift me. His expression is very dark.

“What did that Donghae boy did to my daughter?!” he shouted.

I didn’t answer because I can’t talk. He held me high that’s why I can’t breathe.

“Honey calm down. He can’t answer you if you continue this.” Mrs. Park said to her husband, trying to calm him down.

“How can I? This bastard’s friend leaves our Saenim on the park crying!” he shouted at her spouse then return his gaze to me plus, held me tighter. I guess he is planning to kill me. Is this because I am a friend of Donghae? I thought so, but is this really the end of my life?

“Tel me what Donghae did to her!!!” he said furiously. Why does my life will en like this? I want to die peacefully.

“Appa!! Let go of Eunhyuk-oppa!” Saenim shouted. She ran down the stairs crying. Mr. Park removes his hold and hug Saenim.

“Thank goodness Saenim came or else I might be laying down inside a coffin.” I thought gasping for some air. Saenim broke free from her father’s hug and come to my side.

“Oppa, are you okay?” she asked, I nodded.

“I’m sorry for what Appa did” she cried. I wipe off her tears and said,

“It’s *cough* okay. *cough* I understand *cough* them” I answer her, coughing and still gasping for some air.

“Oppa… You might be dead right now if I didn’t come yet you still say it’s okay?” I hug her and patted her back.

“It’s really okay Saenim” I said.

“Eunhyuk-sshi…” her father said, seems he cool down already.

“It’s okay Mr. Park. I understand your feeling” I said.

“Thank you”

“It’s a little bit late Eunhyuk-sshi. Why don’t you stay with us tonight?” her mother offered.

“Yeah, we have extra room here” her father added.

“But-“ I was cut off Mr. Park.

“Think about it as an apology”

“O-okay” I answer.

“Omma, Appa, can Eunhyuk-oppa stay in my room? Please.” Saenim pleaded. Everyone gasped except for her.

“No Saenim. You gonna get me killed this time.” I thought.

“N-no Saenim” her mother said.

“Please Omma. I feel sad and I want company” she begged.

“Okay. But promise us that you two will not do anything bad.” Mr. Park sigh in defeat.

“I promise” she said and I nodded in agreement.



A/N: Silly me. I almost run out of breath while typing the part that Saenim’s father held Eunhyuk high. Hahaha xD! Anyway, hope you like this one. Comments? It is highly appreciated. :D

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747 streak #1
Chapter 43: This was a nice and pleasant addition to the story! It's nice to read another P.O.V and we all know Kyuhyun! ;)
Thank you. <3
747 streak #2
Chapter 42: A very sweet story. It had its ups and downs, but in the end, everything turned out the way it was supposed to. <3
I'm glad I read this one. I was able to enjoy it a lot!

And I agree feelings can't just disappear easily, it's never the end when we want something.

Thank you for sharing! <3
747 streak #3
Chapter 41: The conclusion: Always talk, that way misunderstandings are avoided!
747 streak #4
Chapter 40: Well, I take back what I said, maybe she's not so bad. But still.
747 streak #5
Chapter 39: So far things are going well, but I still don't trust her! o.O
747 streak #6
Chapter 38: And she better not make a mistake!
747 streak #7
Chapter 37: It does make sense, but Eunhyuk had a lot of questions to ask, didn't he?
747 streak #8
Chapter 36: He'll do whatever it takes to make things right!
747 streak #9
Chapter 35: What happened? o.O
747 streak #10
Chapter 34: I hope they did talk some sense into her. We'll see. Hmm.