apartment #43


Irene doesn't like the pizza, but she sure likes the pizza delivery girl.


 An AU in which Irene spends way too much money on pizza just so she can see the delivery girl she kinda sorta has a crush on.


    Near Irene’s apartment, there’s a pizza place called “Lou’s Pizza” and it is absolute crap. There are only two reasons Irene buys pizza from that trashy place: it’s the only place that’s open 24 hours within a 10 mile radius- meaning it’s extremely convenient whenever it’s four in the morning and Irene’s trying to write the 12 page essay that’s due in her world theology class that day, and it’s the only thing her broke college student can afford. However, with a great price comes great consequences, so on a good day, the pizza tastes like a mix between soggy cardboard and a national offense; on every other day, it tastes like regurgitated dog food. Not to mention the sleazy delivery boy who always smells like cheap cigarettes and illegally downloaded , and can’t be bothered to shave his seriously unhygienic goatee (or wash it for that matter). The fact that he always not-so-subtly ogles her roommate’s s whenever she gets out of the shower doesn’t make it much better.


    It was a bit of a shock when Irene opens the door on an ordinary Thursday (super early) morning to find a cute girl with pigtails instead of a lanky guy with a goatee that’s slightly reminiscent of pubic hair wearing the restaurant’s tacky green hat and holding her pizza. But then the girl smiled, soft pink lips curving upwards, and Irene was totally hooked.



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Chapter 1: my joyrene
Chapter 1: i love Joyrene's chemistry they are so y and cute and this story was so much fun I also loved that Wenseul looked like rabbits that did not stop reproducing
Teason24 #3
Chapter 1: Adorable!!
Chapter 1: Damn this is so cute 😍
Chapter 1: If delivery girls are hot as Sooyoung I'd probably do the same Joohyun-ssi UwU
Thanks for the JoyRene story author-nim!
Chapter 1: why this so cute~
Chapter 1: Aww, they r soooo cuteee Hahaha smooth joy ehh. Thanks authornim :)
dkdldb #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is too cute
they're so cute uwu
dumpling5 #10
Chapter 1: Omg. This is too cute. God. Thank you for writing this. Hope you write more joyrene in the future!