Oh! My School Love Edition Operation


You stare into your best friend's eyes in determination.

"Remember, (Name)-ah! If you lose this staring contest, you have to do one thing that I tell you to do. No backing out." She sings, and you narrow your eyes.

"I definitely won't lose! I cannot lose!" Just as you say that, someone calls your name, and you automatically look over at the person.

Your mouth falls in shock, and you hang your head while your best friend cheers with a grin. Suddenly, that victorious grin turns diabolicol as she whispers in your ear what you have to do. And you really are tempted to punch her in the mouth.

It is currently kaoroke time between the stars and co-stars on the set of "Oh! My School!" otherwise known as "100 Points Out of 100". You are standing stiffly, watching BoA "COPY&PASTE" music video start with a grim light on your beautiful face.

"Hello, Mr. Perfect," you sing while winking and waving flirtatiously at Yoseob whose face turns a whole new shade of red while everyone burts out laughing and letting out cheers. Your face matches his, and you nervously sing the rest of the song.

With agility and speed, you rush to the bathroom with Yoseob calling out your name. You ignore him, trying to avoid humilination. You duck into the bathroom, rocking back and forth on the soles of your feet and trying to call yourself with deep, large intakes of breaths. Until a knock on the door nearly scares you to death, and you open it slowly, your brain not being fast enough to process the door being ripped away from your grip, a much larger figure embracing you, and you being pinned against one of the bathroom's door.

You stare into the eyes of a slightly frustrated, slightly flustered Yang Yoseob whose face is still a bit red.

"Y-Yoseob," you stammer, eyes wide and cheeks slowly turning pink. "W-what are you doing in the women's bathroom?"

He hesitates, eyebrows furrowing in a cute fashion, as he tries to think of an answer.

"Because... I want to know why you did that in front of everyone?" He answers, face heating up.

Your face also heats up at the mention of your dare.

"It was a dare. My best friend challenged me to a staring contest, and the condtions were that the loser did whatever the winner wanted. I lost, so she told me to do that." You say, looking away from his intense gaze.

"I-I see," he murmurs, letting you go.

You feel cold with the loss of his body heat.

"I'll go now then." He heads to the door, and you lung, small hand linking fingers with his. You tug him to face you, and his face shows shock and confusion. "(N-Name), what are you doing...?"

Your eyes tear up, and your mouth opens to yell.

"DON'T MISUNDERSTAND!" Your yell startles him, and he looks abolsutely lost," I... I wanted to do that someday, but because of my shy personality, I could not bring myself to! Yang Yoseob, I... I love you!"

Those words... were made up right the spot. Made up of feelings you weren't even aware of. Honestly, you just wanted him to stay with him and hug you until time stops and the world ends. You wanted him to never leave you.

Yoseob's eyes widened and his mouth drops, but he smiles and his eyes turn warm and loving.

"We'll see how it works out," he says, and you grin, latching onto him. He wraps his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck sweetly.


You were honestly confused as to why Yoseob was taking you to a jewelry shop. Was he intending to buy you a necklace for your anniversary? Or... was he just showing you some things he would like to see on you. Like the time he took you to a lingere shop as a hint of wanting to have hot, steamy with you. But you were shocked when the rest of B2ST appeared, singing "I Like You the Best" and Yoseob joining in, slipping something out his pocket.

You frowned, eyes showing confusion. Your boyfriend grinned, and he skips to you, immediately taking your hand into his and dropping onto one knee. You gasped, free hand flying to your mouth.

"I have known you since the first time we sang the duet together, and Gikwang introduced us. I asked Gikwang about it last night, and he agreed." Yoseob nervously said then anxiously," (Full Name), will you marry me?"

You began to cry, causing Yoseob to freak out. He asked you questions out of sweet worry and panic. You took the ring and slipped it onto your finger while smiling.

"...yes," you answered, laughing when Yoseob let out a extremely happy yell and swept you up into his arms. He spun you, and when your feet touched the ground, his lips crashed down on yours.

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celebrateme #1
oh!! i was thingking LOL
BaeHyunJi #2
:D:D Wow, i tink Yun this name is reallly common xD It's my nickname ^.^ Nicee story too ^.^
Wahhh so cute!!!!^^