The Bully & the Bullied

The bell marking the end of lunch rang as students slowly make their way back to class. His classmates who entered the classroom gave Jinki weird looks wondering how the boy seems as though nothing happened when he just got shoved into the toilet and punch in the stomach.

“Hey nerd. Who said you can come out?” Jonghyun came back to the class and sat beside Jinki.

“You didn’t say I can’t.” Jinki simply commented as he flipped his notes, waiting for their tutor to come. “Attending classes is important for final year students like us.”

Jonghyun was about to stand up and drag the nerd away when the tutor entered the classroom. Lucky for Jinki.

“Where is my worksheet?” Jonghyun nudged his partner when the teacher called for the submission of their homework.

Jinki sighed and passed the worksheet to Jonghyun but not before nagging, “You should do your worksheets you know? It helps you understand the subject better and you can score better for your test and exams.”

“Just shut up. I have better things to do than homework.” Jonghyun took over the worksheet and handed it to the teacher when she came over. The teacher eyed the worksheet before shaking her head.

So do I, Young Master Kim. But I would rather do homework and be a normal high school student than to do what I do in the dead of the night.

Jinki simply adjusted his glasses and let a small smile off his lips.

Classes went on as usual until the last bell which marks the end of the school day rang.

“Thank you class!” The teacher greeted. The students greeted back and the teacher continued, “Before you guys go, get your worksheets for last week from me and everyone have to get their mistakes corrected by the next lesson!”

Students were called one by one to collect their worksheets before exiting the class. When Jonghyun took his, the teacher simply said, “Jonghyun, it’s your final year and the national exams are coming, you need to work much harder than this.”

Jonghyun was confused by the comment. Lee Jinki did the worksheet, the boy is the top student, it should be perfect. However when he look at the paper, red marks were written all over and Jonghyun only got 3 questions out of 10 questions correct. ‘PLEASE WORK HARDER’, the teacher remarked beside his score of 30.

Jonghyun seethed with anger as he crushed the worksheet and ran out of the class. He had been pranked by his prey. That bastard.

Just a few students ahead of Jonghyun, Jinki was leisurely walking down the stairs to meet Taemin when he felt his bag pulled, making him lose his center of gravity, falling onto his rump.

Turning to look at which rude idiot did that, he saw the school bully looming over him, seething with anger. Without a word, Jonghyun grabbed Jinki’s shirt and pulled him off the ground, dragging him up to the rooftop. The school mates saw the exchange but no one did anything.

No one dared.

Jonghyun pulled the boy to a corner and threw the crumpled worksheet at him.

Jinki squat to pick up the worksheet, looking at it in satisfaction. The worksheet was so easy that it was a challenge for him to generate wrong answers for Jonghyun. “I was doing the worksheet according your academic ability. If you are getting full marks for your worksheets and failing your test and exams, it doesn’t make much sense does it?” Jinki said, pointing at the 30 marks.

Jonghyun growled, “Yah, Lee Jinki!”

A punch to the face had Jinki fall to the ground.

“Hitting me wouldn’t help you do better in school, Jonghyun.” Jinki commented as he tried to stand up. “I could help you with the correction.” This made Jonghyun angrier, he kicked Jinki on the back forcing the boy down to the ground again.

“Who are you to lecture me nerd?” Jonghyun kicked the poor kid again, his white uniform is now stained with dirt from the ground and Jonghyun’s shoes. “When I said to do my worksheet. Do it!” Another kick had Jinki curled up defensively.

Jonghyun wondered why Jinki was not afraid of him. Not on the first day when the two met, when Jinki was pulled to the side by Sungkyu, his previous bully target, and told of his identity. Not when he first pushed the boy against the wall and threaten him to do his worksheet. Not when he first pulled the boy into the toilet cubicle and locked him inside for the whole afternoon, making the boy miss class. All these and Jinki never showed fear, unlike the other students in the school.

From young, Jonghyun was taught to be feared because he is the son of Kim Mafia. This transfer student is so soft looking, yet seems so strong internally. It intrigued Jonghyun to know that no matter how much he his, prank or bullied Jinki into doing his task, the boy never showed any fear of him and most of the time, rebelled. Until he shows fear.

Jinki endured the kicking from Jonghyun. It doesn’t hurt that much anyway. He had been through much more. I deserve it. He keeps telling himself.

“You will hurt him, Jonghyun.” A new voice entered, stopping Jonghyun.

“This idiot made me lose face in class!” Jonghyun fumed, giving Jinki one last kick.

Key raised an eyebrow in interest at the boy trying to sit up from this curled up position. This wasn’t the first time he saw Jonghyun bully his new prey and he felt sorry for the boy. But this prey is special, in a way Key could not put a word to. He bend down to pick up Jonghyun’s worksheet and smirk. 3 out of 10?

“This is interesting.” Key commented.

“Key, do something to that idiot there!”Jonghyun whined, pointing at Jinki.

Key shrugged. “I came up to tell you that there is 3 cars downstairs parking at the drop-off waiting for you, young master. Could you finish up what you want to do with him and spare the school the trouble? It’s causing a jam downstairs.”

Jonghyun stared at Key for that comment and turned to Jinki when he caught eye of the boy’s bag. Taking something precious away from him could do some damage. He step forward to grab Jinki’s school bag despite the boy’s resistance.

“No!” Jinki shouted when Jonghyun was about to empty the contents of his bag. There are things that should not see the day of light. Not in front of this innocent mafia boy.

He was about to launch at Jonghyun when Taemin appears out of now where, grabbing the bag off Jonghyun’s hands before running to Jinki.

“Hyung.”Taemin knelt down to help Jinki up.

“Hey, the brother of the nerd.” Jonghyun called. “Bring me that bag or you will suffer the same consequence as your poor brother.”

Taemin hissed in anger and his jaws clenched. Jinki looked at his younger brother and knew Jonghyun could be dead soon if he doesn’t interfere. He pulled Taemin back before he could launch and potentially twist Jonghyun’s neck.

Taemin turn to Jinki in anger, calming down after a determined look from Jinki. He sighed and pick up Jinki’s bag, wrap the young man’s arm around his shoulder and make their way for the exit.

“Hey nerd! Be careful when you come to school tomorrow! Remember my homework!” Jonghyun screamed at the retreating duo.

Taemin turned and started dashing towards Jonghyun. Jonghyun stood frozen as he stare at angry boy running his way.

“LEE TAEMIN.” Jinki shouted and Taemin stop short just inches from the mafia kid.

Taemin turned to Jinki and started, “Hyung, h- apologize.” Jinki cut Taemin off.

Taemin huffed and turn back to Jonghyun before doing a 90 degree bow. “I am sorry for my rash action.”

“Let’s go.” Jinki said and Taemin straighten himself before turning back to join his brother, wrapping Jinki’s arm around his shoulder before the duo exit the roof.

Jonghyun look at the retreating pair in shock. Key, who was all along standing at the side observing the exchange, frowned.

There is something going on with these two. Lee Taemin’s speed is not normal. Lee Jinki doesn’t seem to be as weak as he portrays himself to be.

“What just happened?” Jonghyun turned to Key.

Key stepped forward and pick up the discarded worksheet waving it in front of Jonghyun, “Looks like the prey just outsmarted you. Let’s go, the driver waited long enough for you.”

Hey guys! I am back! 

Ok, I mean I am all along here but just lazy to write.

I think my writing have turned rusty and hope this chapter doesn't dissapoint! I am sorry if it does >.< Can't help it after not writing for sooooooo long. 

Do give me some comments! I will try to get the writting diety back to me. LOL.



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Re-wrote Chapter 2 (in a way), do read up if you want!


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Chapter 4: I really hope you will continue one day ♥
vicistar #2
Chapter 4: i hope this amazing story doesn't get abandoned...
aera098 #3
Chapter 4: Mafia jjong with assasin jinki..looking forward to the next chapter,update soon please ^^
aiista #4
Chapter 4: Will you continue this story? It seems interesting and it's been a year since your last update. I hppe you still remember this story and update someday
Chapter 4: Young Master Kim and assassin Jinki will meet at the location in the next chapter right? Both (more like they five - jinki, jonghyun, taemin, minho, key) will be heading to that cafe, wont they? Aarrgghh.. cant wait to read how jong reaction will be when he meet assassin Jinki -that is for sure hotter than nerd jinki-!!! ^^9
yourhandsinmine #6
Chapter 4: Wew that was a quck update, the story plot's gonna get more interesting;) Once again thank you (and your brain juice) for writing this:")
Chapter 4: Oohhh things have just gotten more interesting! Jinki is an assassin!? That makes for an even more interesting plot now!
I cannot wait for your next update! I want to see where this goes :D
oas2310 #8
Chapter 3: Jinki is assassin and Jjong is son's of mafia. It will be very great story. I look forward to the next chapter xD
Chapter 3: I hope u will get mood to write when shinee comeback which is soon!!
Chapter 3: I wish it wont take time long enough for the next chapter..
I am waiting to read further interction between the young master Kim and nerd-liked assassin jinki ♡♡