Taehyung is either a genius or an idiot.

Mornings with Kim Tae Hyung

Ah, mornings. The time where you wake up and stretch beautifully like a Fairytale Princess before you realize you’re late. You would somehow grab a toast that magically appear from nowhere and bite the corner before dashing out of the house like an athlete. Then you would reach school and miraculously jump over a 4-meter wall like it’s no big deal before being caught by the head prefect. It’s all manga-style but today I will show you a morning with the wonderful Kim Taehyung.


It was 7 a.m. when the small red alarm decided to scream around the whole place. It was bouncing around the bedside table before a long sleek arm stretched out to turn it off. The arm then returned back to its’ original position in the blanket, Taehyung’s neck to be more specific. The fingers of the man the tiny earlobe of the pink-haired boy as he slept with his mouth open, indecently. They stayed like that for another few more minutes before J-Hope got up, pushing his already messed up hair back. He blinked a few times while yawning before hearing a grunt from the boy beside him.


“Taehyung-ah, I think it’s time for us to wake up.”


“Nooooooo…….the aliens will attack us if we wake up.”


“But your boss will attack you if you don’t.”


“He is the alien……”


A small grin appeared on J-Hope’s face before kissing the still-asleep boy. The boy, darted up while stretching his hands out outomatically. Hoseok then piggybacked Taehyung to the bathroom and pressed toothpaste on his lion toothbrush, the usual routine. Upon reaching the bathroom, the younger boy managed to lightly peck J-Hope on the face while muttering a squeaky “thankkiewww” even though he was still in a daze, making J-Hope smile unconsciously. The older man patted the kid-like Taehyung on the head before walking out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


Eggs without the yolk, bread without the “brown things” [named by Kim Taehyung himself], Trix cereals without the purple color one; J-hope’s used to it now. Taehyung might look like, I mean, be a full-grown man but his appetite is even pickier that a 5-year-old child. The only person who was willingly enough to prepare such a time consuming meal was no other than J-Hope. While wearing the pink bunny apron Taehyung made for him, he instantly prepared his breakfast before laying it on the table. As Taehyung trotted out from the room- with his uniform on-, J-Hope entered to prepare himself for work too. Taehyung flopped on the chair and indulged in his breakfast, wondering what stupid assignments he has to do this time.


“Hobbie~! What time are you coming back?”


J-Hope managed stretched his head out from the room. ”Around 5, why?”


“Because I have… err… I forgot. Give me a minute.”


“You forgot what you wanted to say even when I don’t disturb you? You are amazing.”


“Hey! I’m not stupid you know. People can lose their memory sometimes but they’ll come back just like how an octopus grow it’s limb back.”


J-Hope’s eyes slowly widened. “How did you know that?”


“Because I’m smart unlike you.”


“Hey who was the one who told the barista that it was her choice whether to put cream in your drink or not?”




The older man sighed in acknowledgement before walking towards the dining table for coffee. He crossed his legs, drank his coffee, read the newspaper as Taehyung spammed his ears with almost everything. Work, neighbors, embarrassing moments, even toilets are mentioned by the walking radio. When Taehyung reached to the topic about the TV show he watched yesterday, it was time for J-Hope to leave. He got up and kissed the younger boy on he lips before walking out to wear his shoes. Taehyung –with his mouth still stuffed full of food- screamed good-bye before hearing the usual nag of locking the doors and washing the plate.


“…And lastly, don’t forget to bring your jacket.”


“Yeah, yeah. I know. Wait I remembered-”


“Have a fun time at work!” J-Hope screamed before closing the door.




But Taehyung finally remembered.


A/N: is it okay?

main pic: http://kpop-my-.tumblr.com/



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Jia_Yi #1
Chapter 1: this is soooo cute!
daddy-jjong #2
Chapter 1: Ahh this is super cute ~~
Chapter 1: Aigooo this is super cute ^^ thanks for the short cute fic of vkook hhahha the Alien thing though XD
KoariAndHerCoctail #4
Chapter 1: :333 i like it :3 I like the alien thing xDDD it really made me smile :PP :D
Chapter 1: What is taehyung remember?
MraRosas #6
this was cute^^