The Beggining

Until the world ends

It was a really sunny day, not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. Xiumin was half asleep as he was trying to get up. The ray of light coming from the partially closed window was enough to get him to close his eyes and wander around a little in his large, yet tidy room. This is will be a good day. He thought to himself.

"Minseok! Come down! Breakfast is ready!!"

"I'm coming mom!!"

Xiumin was a 20 year old man who lived alone and sometimes would visit his mother, a very kind-hearted woman who'd do eveything for her son's sake. Layla was her name. Xiumin loved her more than everything in the world but he decided to have his own apartment, even if it was really small compared to his mother's house. He worked in a coffee shop, and there wasn't anything that he liked more to do, than to get up everyday and go to that place. Today he had a pause from work since he hadn't been sleeping long enough and he almost fainted on his work. His mother found out and made him sleep there that night. He felt sad, but happy at the same time. It's been a while.

He got dressed and started heading to his room's ( or ex-room's ) door when he heard his phone ring. He got a message. Hey hyung! I heard you almost fainted, is everything okay? I know we were going to go to the park with the rest of the guys today but if you're not feeling okay we can re-schedule it.

That guy. Why wouldn't I go. This thing was postponed so many times that I don't even remember what we were supposed to be doing.

I'll be going. Just wait for me. He wrote back, as he put the phone in his pocket. He opened the door, and heard the noise it made. Such an nostalgic sound. He went to the kitchen to find his mom already eating and smilling like she always did when he was little. But that meant he was late to school because she used to come home for about half an hour after he left. He would great her, grab the toasts and leave running. He kind of misses those days. "It's been long, hasn't it?". Xiumin just noded as he grabbed a chair and sitted on it. He started eating and thinking about the fun day he would have with his classmates. His thoughts were interruped by his mom's serious tone. "Is everything okay?". "Oh yeah sorry I was just distracted". "That's not what I meant. Have you been sleeping? Have you been eating? You look so thin..". He looked at her and gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry mom. I just have been too busy with school.. I had tests but it's over now. I have been eating "plastic food" " And as he said the words plastic food he made sure to make the quotation marks with his fingers. "but I will be eating better now".

His mother gave him a warm smile back and got up. "I'm going to go to the grocery store. Are you going to leave?" He noded. "I'm going to meet Kris and the guys.". "Okay then, be sure to eat and don't come back too late" He smiled and got up. He started walking towards the door and opened it. He was getting out and heard his mom whisper to herself "I'm going to miss you". "What was that mom?" He couldn't hear her clearly so he decided to ask. "A-Ah nothing, go and have fun".

"I will" He smiled and left.

Soooo, what do you think? :3 
I'm really loving the story even tho I'm the one who's writting it xD
I hope I can update often u.u Please tell me what you think ^^

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