annyeong to my hopes, annyeong to my dreams.

the girl that saved the planet from aliens!*

hyunseung pov!

the guys have been asking me who she was and i don't know what to say. i could say, 'kim soohyoung." but that wasn't what she was. that was just her name. she was this weird girl who was a bit rough around the edges. she completely lacked any womanly grace and aegyo. instead she was a fiery spit fire, who did what ever she wanted. she had hair like hyuna sunbae but wasn't even remotely y. she was just unique-xy, to put it better. but i like that. she was unconservative and different. i don't know. special, was one of the words. but i definitely liked being her friend. she was cool. but i see her that other way too. but dating would be just difficult. i mean, we went go dates - but netizens, antis, and sasaengs would just go crazy, and soohyoung is definitely not who they'd approve of. plus, this down low thing was pretty much working well. she was happy and i was happy. she was very happy. sometimes, i can tell she's happy. she tends to mumble and talk too much and stare at me. i don't know. i don't want to think about it. standing up and smiling, i looked at the clock. 10:15 pm. i should probably go pick her up, right after my deep breathing excersizes. in and out, in and out - just to calm my nerves and not be too stressed with the netizen anti fans stan whatever. i mean, secrets make friends. no, that was not the saying. whatever. i called manager hyung so someone could drive the van to her place. i mean, this was the way of the discreet, yeah? yeah. it was. i sat quietly, as put on my hat. she liked this hat. then again, she liked anything and everything and hated anything everything. girls are so complicated. still being quiet as thoughts floated around my head, i looked out the window. there it was. i thanked the driver, before going in and up the stairs. i pressed the little intercom button before seeing her red little head and big green ahjumma glasses.

"annyeong." that was all i needed to say, before some little ball of fury threw herself into my arms.

"annyeong." i repeated.


"i am going to flip sh*t!"

she screamed as she threw a pair of boots at the wall. oppa was going to be here in thirty minutes and she was still sitting on her lazy . all sbe had was some eye make up. god, hyun seung-shi, the things she does for you. she looked at herself in the mirror as she took out the curlers from her hair. slowly, each ringlet was unraveled and curled back into place. she smiled. it was cute. looking in the mirror, she realised something important. a voice is going to narrate this for you: in the great nation of south korea, normal people - acceptable members of society - do not go outside or in their hello kitty . no that was not the way this great nation was founded. as the small redhead put on a ridiculous leopard dress, she thought of many wonderous things. if your hands were small, did that lead to a small ring ding dong? or if they were big, would your sorry sorry be big too? sighing, she tried to picture his hands, but the images in her mind were fuzzy. sighing, she rolled her bright pink pantyhose up her legs.

"oppa, maybe i should beg god so when you fall in love with me, your hot issue is giant," said soohyoung to no one in particular.

she continued her musings for the next half and hour while she tried on different pairs of boots. the boy instead had decided with a shower and a nice suit, he was good to go. pratical, that was one of the words to describe him. one of those people who knew everything even when then said nothing.

meanwhile, he sighed and stared in his mirror. his regular image was no matched for the pop-punk-queen-of-the-jungle-space-boy's-dream thing that soohyoung had going on. she was really cute. smirking to himself, he left the dorm.

later, the intercom for her apartment buzzed. she heard his voice. 'annyeong.' squealing, soohyoung whipped the door open. she ran face first into his arms. her arms tight around him. 'annyeong.' the voice said again. "oppa, annyeong hasseyeo." she said softly not letting go of him.

hyun seung froze awkwardly at her physicalness. he stared at her weirdly, and bit his lip. well, this was good, right? she liked him. feeling himself pet her hair gently, before pulling away. "uh, yeah okay." she said smiling and stared up at him.

"so i think i want to get drunk, you know? hammered, knackered, nailed, screwed, drilled?" she said laughing, as hyun seung managed to cough out a chuckle. he walked with her towards the van.

"oh, oppa, how was whatever what you were doing?" she said before seeing his vneck. it was a little low. she run her little hands over his chest. okay, maybe that was just too dirty. she looked at him and nodded. "that's so awesome." she said before eyeing the shirt again. "soohyoung-shi, i didn't say anything yet," he said in an oddly shaky voice. what was she thinking? she was so difficult. he sighed, and it was only three minutes into the date. sometimes, he thought he had her all figured out like with the happy thing, but then she'd go surprise him and totally change his mind.

soohyoung's pov!

'o-my-effing-mo! oppaa, what are you doing? don't you know looks can kill? god, lemme touch you. please please.'

only i knew i couldn't say my thoughts aloud. i mean, he'd think i was batsh*t crazy. then again, i probably am. most people hang out with me when they think they feel like they're crazy, and they want to meet an actual crazy person. i sighed and stared at him. can he propose to me already? what did i do to deserve this? i mean, i don't even go to church consistently. i have a sailor's mouth. i give dirty looks to all the girls who stare at me in the streets. maybe in the past life i was a crime fighting ninja who stopped an alien invasion. pow pow pow bing! oh my god, i'm so cool. smiling, i looked at him as he gaved me weird looks out of the corner of his eye. one of things i liked about him.

"oppa, lighten up, if the wind knocks you the wrong way, your face will stay like that." i immediately saw his face soften up. what a big . laughing, i clung onto his arm. his nice lean arms. they were so nice. he had nice muscles.

"oh, hyun seung," i said softly. "this is like the guns show."

hyunseung's pov!

right, i was completely right about crazy atleast. sighing, i pet her soft red hair. she was so affectionate. that was nice, right? i tried to remember the kind of girls that gikwang dongsaeng liked. it was probably big s and such - being the yadong () freak he was. maybe doojoon hyung had a better type. nice, sweet, and with lots aegyo. but that wasn't soohyoung. did i like her being rowdy? or mean? or her crazy attitude? i looked at her smile, and looked away. i was being mean judging her and labelling her. "hungry?" i said softly, as we got into the van.

"that's like asking if i'm human. i'm always hungry." i laughed as i heard talk. "right, my apoligies." i said softly.

"uh, so soju and ddukbokki?" i asked softly, before seeing her smile. yeah, she wasn't a type, but she was alright.

maybe it was the fact two very different from eachother people always some how fit together. well atleast hyun seung thought it could possibly work, and soohyoung was praying to higher powers every second hoping it did. arriving at a very pretty restaurant, she looked out the window.

"oppa, i thought we would just go to a food stand and drink soju." she whined and looked at him. these places were not for people like her. they were for snooty booties who were just dripping money. they made her nervous. she looked at him. well, atleast he was prince charming. she got out and walked with him.

"oppa, my hair is kinda messy. why here?" she said before walking with him as he stared at the messy red bun held together by elastic bands that still had elmo faces on them.

"right, of course," he said before opening the door for her and sitting her down at a small table. she looked at the menu and paused. problem. the sirens went off in soohyoung's little head. why would she ever order a meal without side dishes. a plate of linguini? that did not sound appetizing. sounded like a super mario charachter. no. no. no. frowning, she thought of ways to eat food. why would she order a 45000 won plate of 'linguini' and have it not come with free kimchi side dishes or no starter soup. like what kind of classy restaurant was this? atleast at mcdonalds there was a large fries and a medium coca cola that came with every meal. and if you ordered a small size, it came with a toy. this was just unacceptable.

"oppa, all this food doesn't have free kimchi that comes with it." she said softly, before hyun seung looked at her.

"what?" he said before trying to read her facial features and trying to make out the reason why kimchi would have to do with italian food.

"i don't understa-annyeong." he said as a waitress greeted them. he bowed his head politely trying to see if soohyoung would do the same. but she didn't.

"excuse me, does this come with a side dish? i mean it's 45000 bowl of 'linguini' so i don't understand why you could charge so much?" his jaw dropped at her sentences.

"soohyoung-shi, i'll pay it's okay." he said trying to calm her down, but the waitress had already done the wrong thing. hyun seung covered his eyes with his hand innocently. this was so bad.

"ma'am, this isn't mcdonald's." WAIT. HELL NAW, B*TCH. IMMA CUT YOU. hyun seung coughed awkward and continued trying to look like he wasn't part of this scene.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?" she shouted loudly, before slamming her fist down on the table making the cutlery jump. "I DON'T NEED YOUR ATTITUDE LADY, I HAVE MY OWN." she shouted louder, as the waitress jumped and realised she messed with the wrong customer. yeah, kim soohyoung, also known as the future mrs. jang hyun seung and professional alien kicker, was not dealing with your rude crude attitude.

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Hyunbaeki #1
So great
naosark #2
Alright, let me just say that this piece is awesome. I love it <3<br />
But, as to the comment below, I would just like to say that: This is creative writing. In creative writing, you can do pretty much anything you want. Which includes writing without any capitals. People avoid "proper" grammar in a lot of famous, modern works. So don't say they didn't care much about the story when you have no idea who they are, OR how hard they have worked on it.<br />
<br />
Also, colloquial language is very much so called for in this story. It's a bizarre piece, but if it had extremely figurative diction, that would be random. The character is a very casual, very free girl, and using "colloquial diction" as you call it, fits with the narrative very much. She is not the type of character to say enormous words on a regular basis, and if she would, it would probably be out of context in order to impress someone. You do not need figurative language in order to make it a good story. You need to follow your main character in how they speak. It's about creative freedom, not the way that English teachers have taught you to write.<br />
I'm not trying to be offensive, but it seems like you don't care very much about this story. At least that's what I'm getting from it, the way how you don't capitalize appropriately, and also, the very colloquial diction used, it seems rather common, regardless of how abstract the storyline is.
This is totally super-duper amazingly awsome. I love your sense of humour. I was in stitches all the way through. There are so many things i'd like to quote~ <br />
Soohyoung is my fave original character from any other fic i've ever read. Completely the opposite of the stereo typical Korean girl. Her rants and spazzy behavior reminds me of me lol.<br />
Please update soon =^-^=<br />
Keep up the amazing work,<br />
Peace *0*