Chapter 5

Hit (on) Me

“Changbummie here just told me he has kissed someone.”
Silence filled the room and slightly shocked looks were exchanged between the guys. Changbum’s eyes grew big and in his mind he was already lunging at Chanyong’s neck. In reality though, he sat frozen, his hands trembling ever so lightly. He quickly glanced at Jonghwan who finally seemed to realise what Chanyong had said and whose eyes were growing as well, meeting Changbum’s gaze. The rapper swallowed and quickly looked down, his cheeks burning. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him and he knew he had to say something soon before this mess would get any bigger. He slammed his hands on the table (which shocked everyone even more), put on a firm frown and directed himself at Chanyong. “I did not, I repeat NOT, kiss anyone.” he exclaimed resolutely before jolting out of the chair and spinning around, leaving the others flabbergasted at the breakfast table.

Jonghwan’s jaw dropped a little as he watched Changbum disappear into the other room. Like the others (who were as silent and dumbfounded as he), he had never before seen the younger rapper explode like that. If he had been agitated at all before during the years of them dorming together, he had always expressed it in a more subdued fashion with maybe a cute pout here and there or a rebellious silence. But never had he reacted this angrily. After a long silence, Chanyong slowly cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself.
“Well… That was kinda… interesting.” Chanyong finally mumbled. “Now I’m even more curious.”
Jonghwan let out a soft sigh at those words, shaking his head a little as he thought back to Changbum’s resolute declaration. A small pang of pain shot through the singer’s heart. Sure, he had pulled away before they could really call what they shared last night in that elevator a kiss, nevertheless he didn’t think it fair for Changbum to be so adamant about denying having kissed. With a frown on his face he got up, catching Hyukjin’s attention.
“Ah, I’m just going to check up on Bummie.” Jonghwan said, smiling a little at Hyukjin who nodded to him in response, watching the older singer follow after the rapper with a slightly raised brow.

Jjujju looked up as her owner rushed into the bedroom, throwing himself on his bed and letting out a frustrated grunt into the pillow. The cat gave a disinterested look and went back to sleep, but Changbum tossed and turned, sitting up and punching his poor innocent pillow. The little voice in the back of his mind was yelling at him, letting him know just how much of an idiot he was. Too soon had he found out just how big of a mistake it had been to ask Chanyong for his opinion on the matter. Though briefly, he had seen the look in Jonghwan’s eyes and he now regretted the wording of his exclamation. Sulking to himself, he lay down with his back to the door and pulled some of his numerous plushies towards him for comfort. That’s when he heard someone turn the doorknob.

Jonghwan carefully opened the door and peeked inside, biting his lip lightly as he did. He had no idea how Changbum would react now or if he even wanted anyone near. Let alone Jonghwan.  But he wanted to talk to Changbum, show him how he really felt. After a hellish sleepless night and the shock from this morning, Jonghwan felt more than in title to let the younger rapper know what he felt. Changbum’s words had hurt and he was going to let him know that. After spotting the rapper’s figure on the bed, he took a silent deep breath and pushed the door further open to let himself into the room.

No answer. The singer frowned a little to himself, closing the door behind him before slowly making his way over to the bunk bed.
“Changbum?” he tried again, a hint of worry lacing his soft voice as he stood by the bed, bending down a little over the motionless figure. Just as he was reaching out his hand to poke the younger he felt a set of long, slim fingers wrap around his wrist, pulling him down. Before Jonghwan’s brain was able to register the fact that he was being pulled down he felt a pair of soft, moist lips press against his own. Baffled, the singer’s knees gave out and before long he was on the floor.

No search entry could have prepared him for that.

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Chapter 5: i absolutely need more of this in my life, no doubt
Chapter 5: Uuuuu~~~~~
I likeeee~~~
Chapter 5: Oh yeah! More JONGBUM like I Likeeeeee yes
Chapter 4: Awwwwww MA HEART OMGGG I SO CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE! thank youuu soooo muchhh
Chapter 4: Jonghwan is so funny~
Chapter 3: OMO OMO moreee OMG
Chapter 3: Awwww~~~
Jonghwan why are you so cuteeeee~~~