Chapter 1

Hit (on) Me

Jonghwan glanced over to the ever so bubbly Changbum as the interview went on. In his mind he kept repeating the somewhat odd-sounding phrase he had seen during his late night searches on the internet on how to get the attention of someone you like. He had stumbled upon several English sites that had all said the same thing: subtly hit them. That's what it said when he used the translate-to-Korean-function, at least. And no matter how weird it had sounded to him, if all those different sites had said the same thing, it must be working for people somehow. Jonghwan had started to become desperate enough to give it a try. Now if only he could have a good reason to "subtly" hit Changbum... Millions of scenarios went through his head (each which sounded more impossible than the one before it) and it was a miracle that Jonghwan was even able to follow what Chanyong, who happened to be their MC for this interview, was saying.

A small smile played on Changbum's lips when he felt someone's gaze on him. It didn't take him long to figure out whose gaze it was. Contrary to Jonghwan's believe, the singer hadn't been too discreet about staring at the younger rapper. Changbum had noticed the small, sneaky gazes directed at him by Jonghwan a while back already. But Changbum didn't mind too much, in fact, he had come to like the attention he was getting from Jonghwan. As cheesy as it may sound, it made him feel somewhat special. Changbum turned towards Jonghwan when he started answering one of the interview's questions. Placing his hand lightly on his thigh and listening to the words he spoke, Changbum smiled.

Jonghwan's breath hitched a little when Changbum's hand made contact with his thigh, completely catching him off guard. He tried not to let it show, focussing as much as he could on what he was explaining to the camera. His heart was pounding like crazy when he finished speaking and the rest reacted to his story, Changbum telling him to act it out for the fans. And so he did, singing his part and placing his fingers to his head like a gun to show the small mistake he had made on their debut performance. But as soon and Changbum pulled his hand away in front of his eyes, he could feel his own hand smack against Changbum's face. He quickly turned towards the younger rapper to check if he was okay, feeling like an idiot for letting the adrenaline rush through his body so much that he couldn't even have prevented hitting the object of his affection across the bridge of his nose. 

Changbum fell back in his seat as Jonghwan's fingers smacked his face. Initially he was stunned, but for some reason he couldn't help but laugh and snort once he got over the shock. After all, it had been so clear to him how nervous Jonghwan had looked when he had made physical contact with him. He could only imagine what was going through the other's mind right now. He was probably beating himself up about it, even if he wouldn't really show it on camera. Turning away and covering his nose with his hand, careful not to smudge his make-up, he let out a soft laugh as he held onto Chanyong's hand for support. He smiled to himself when he felt Jonghwan's hand rubbing his back apologetically, knowing he couldn't ever let his fellow member continue to worry over something as trivial as this. He turned around again, letting the singer know he was okay, patting the poor boy's thigh and smiling at him.

Slightly confused about Changbum's reaction, Jonghwan returned to the interview and what he was showing the audience. He had just hit Changbum across the nose yet the rapper hadn't gotten angry or offended in any way at all. Instead, the boy had laughed and quickly reassured him he was fine. He could feel his cheeks turn slightly red and prayed that his make-up would cover up most of it. He realised something as well. The sites seemed to be right after all. Though Jonghwan hadn't planned on hitting Changbum like this (he had envisioned something more like and punch to the arm or something), the latter had reacted positively nonetheless. Maybe hitting the person you like was the way to go after all. 

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Chapter 5: i absolutely need more of this in my life, no doubt
Chapter 5: Uuuuu~~~~~
I likeeee~~~
Chapter 5: Oh yeah! More JONGBUM like I Likeeeeee yes
Chapter 4: Awwwwww MA HEART OMGGG I SO CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE! thank youuu soooo muchhh
Chapter 4: Jonghwan is so funny~
Chapter 3: OMO OMO moreee OMG
Chapter 3: Awwww~~~
Jonghwan why are you so cuteeeee~~~