#BoxPrince Roleplay | OpEn! we will give you kookies! You know you want to join!


Where you wanna roleplay...

-your admins speaking!-

hello! welcome to Box Prince Roleplay, the roleplay which has had so many revamps and renames but very little members. We are new!... *coughs AND EMPTY* We want to be active and full~ *coughs OR MAYBE JUST ACTIVE* idk. But join today! Password: Box prince is real!


rules and regulations

one would be subscribing, unsubscribing is not allowed. two, upvoting is optional but if you like the roleplay then go right aheadthree, use brackets when talking in ooc, except in ooc group four, bashing is not allowed here, go away!. five, We are a closed roleplay, no double accounts. six, inactive for 3 days? Time to say goodbye seven, Inform admins when going on semi/hiatus/leaving. If you dont, we get confused. Dont let that happen. eight, make alt. name "box prince" nine, no daing ban because we believe in love but marrige is after 2 months. AND YURI ALLOWED. ten, in pm, not m-preg but normal is allowed. eleven,recycled account? put," dont looke below" and delete old friends twelve, enjoy this roleplay!

Minah  // girls day // Admin
Jungkook // BTS // member
Name //Group // is?
Name //Group // is?
IU/Jieun // Soloist // member
username // type // starring
username // type // starring
username // type // starring
username // type // starring
username // type // starring

how to join

01. request for your desired idol(master list) 02. dont forget the password 03.Once accepted, make your account asap and link it back to me! 04. add all the members and put you alt name as "box Prince" 


For the admin application, put: desired idol, why you want to be an admin, and password. For the member request: name of desired idol, and password.

we are (closed/open)



theme by blogskins. coded by exoplanet layout gallery (-polaroid), no stealing!. all rights reserved. if found plaigarized, you will be banned immediately!


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i'm really sorry, but sojin will be leaving. <'3
priyaa #2
IU herere o7
priyaa #3
Username: priyaa
Desired idol : iu
Pw: box prince 8th real
username: -bbomyoon
desired idol: gsd sojin
password: box prince is real!
gaypotato #5
username : gaypotato
desired idol : gsd hyeri
i want to be an admin because I've experienced being
an admin in a few roleplays so why not continue? ouo - hope this convinces you. x_x
password : box prince is real!