━ DELroleplay ━





Welcome to DELroleplay! ^^

Kami adalah Indonesian open agency untuk para Kaum Dewa dan Kaum Elite.

Berdasarkan blood type, kalian akan ditempatkan dalam 4 group. 4 blood types dibagi dalam 4 groups yang berbeda.
Setelah member minimal berjumlah 20 orang, kami akan segera membuat DELroleplay's 1st event.
So, join and be part of us now!

Officially opened on August 22nd, 2014





 R U L E S 



[ 1 ] Hi ^-^ we're DEWA ELITE (DEL) roleplayer. So this agency is just for kaum DEWA and kaum ELITE.
[ 2 ] This is an Indonesian open agency. So you can talk to others (except PA) freely.
[ 3 ] Format username? @DEL(your chara's name). Ex: @DELsooman. simple right?
[ 4 ] NoTG, NoTwin, NoBook system. we need serious members to join.
[ 5 ] /yuri isn't allowed. Be straight please. things on timeline is also limited.
[ 6 ] Either LessOOC/OOC is up to you.
[ 7 ] If you want to get a hiatus/long hiatus, you MUST put [H]/[LH] on your DN.
[ 8 ] Hiatus limit time is 3 weeks & long hiatus is 1 month. more than it? sorry you'll get unverfied T.T
[ 9 ] 2 days inactive after verification, 2 weeks dissapear without any tweets, you'll also get unverified. sorry T.T
[ 10 ] You are allowed to change your chara only TWICE, dear.
[ 11 ] Format bio? Full Name - Group Name/Occupation - Line. You can also write additional information ^-^
[ 12 ] Please put @DELroleplay on your bio and DEL(your planet) ex: DELVenus, on your location ^-^
[ 13 ] If you wanna change your chara, H/LH, unver, change the owner, or wanna tell about something, please DM us.
[ 14 ] Follow agency account & all members without any exception yaa~
[ 15 ] Be active & friendly to everyone. Because no one wants to be left out ^-^


T H A N K   Y O U !







[ 1 ] To make sure whether your chara is available, check our masterlist.
[ 2 ] Make your account with username format: @DEL(your chara's name). ex: @DELsooman
[ 3 ] Done following our base account @DELroleplay and all DEL roleplay members?
       ask admin to verify you and also don't forget to write down your blood type in it.


E N J O Y   W I T H   U S !  ^^







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