Cheeky Brat

Hope you like Jam

That brat spoke to me informally”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped as I ran from the small house, the night breeze cooling my heating cheeks.

By the time I slowed down I was far from my Hoseok’s house, two or three towns to be exact. I probably looked like a mad man, a wide smile splitting my face, torn clothes, and dried blood in my hair; but I didn’t care. Nothing could ruin my mood right now!

My ears perk at the sound of a familiar pissed off howl in the distance.

Well it was nice while it lasted.

Sighing in defeat, I dash into the shadows; making my way to where the town ended, and where the vast, dense forest began.

With little effort I run across the heavy rooted forest floor, dodging the trees as they grew closer together. By the time the space between the trees almost became non-existent, a large clearing came into view. At the very edge of the clearing, if one looks close enough, rested a small cozy cabin; my home for the past six years now.

A snarl was all the warning I had before a large black wolf crashed into my side, effectively pinning me to the ground.

I barely miss the jaws as they snap near my face and neck as I pushed the wolf off.  Before I could register anything, the wolf was trying to jump me again until a familiar form came between us. Though he looked small and weak, he grabbed the wolf by its neck and threw it on its back, forcing it to submit.

Enough Namjoon” He growled. The wolf-Namjoon- simply whimpered in response, his body stilling under the grip of our leader- Yoongi.

Reluctantly Namjoon changed forms, still sending a death glare in my general direction. Removing his hand, Yoongi stood up and turned to me, a glare evident on his face; if it was from me or Namjoon I really couldn’t tell.

“Namjoon get in the house.” Yoongi ordered as he crossed his arm, his pointed glare never leaving me.



Let’s just say I’ve never seen Namjoon’s form run so quickly before. Normally I would have laughed, however Yoongi was looming over me before I could even chuckle.

“WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING PARK JIMIN?!” I winced at the use of my full name. As soon as I opened my mouth he put his hand up to silence me. “ Do you even realize how much danger you could have put innocent people in? Do you know want kind of danger you would have been in if you got caught? ” Yoongi spat; anger and worry flashing through his eyes.  

All I could do was look down, not knowing if he wanted me to actually answer.

Answer me Jimin” The authority his voice compelled me to look up, weather I wanted to or not. Squaring my shoulders, I look my leader in the eye.

“Yes Yoongi, I am fully aware how stupid my reaction was,” He snorted, but let me continue. “That is why I took paths that I knew no one would walk and ran through the thick part of the forest when they chased after me. I’m sorry Yoongi, I couldn’t just let them talk about my mate that way.” I sound so much more confident then I felt with my leader baring angry holes into my very being.

His eyes softened, but they still held a hard edge. “I understand this is all new for you Jimin but you need to learn not to be so impulsive. For all we know they were probably taunting you about a mate, however your actions made them suspicious and now they will look for your mate!” He growled, putting his hands on my shoulders and shaking me like a rag doll. After I was thoroughly shaken, Yoongi rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. After my vision cleared, I cautiously swung my arms over his shoulders and leaned my head on his.

“So was he okay?” He asked softly, wrapping his arms around my waist lazily.

“Yeah, he even kept the ring on” I added happily.

His body shook with silent laughter before he lifted his head to look at me once more. Any trace of anger was gone as I looked into my leaders dark brown eyes. Bringing his hands up to my cheeks he stares back. A whine slips from my lips as he squishes my face together.

“Yoongi~~~ don’t be so mean~~~” I whine as well as I could.

“Yah! This is what you get you brat! Just take it!” With that he switched to pinching my cheeks until they were bright red and swollen.

“Yoongi! Let go of that boy’s cheeks!” A motherly voice calls from the distance. Delicate hands grab my shoulders and yank me away from my leaders grip.

“Jin!” I cry happily, hugging the taller man.

 “My poor baby! Look at your poor cheeks! C’mon lets go put some ice on them!” He cries, leading me back to the house. I turn around and stick my tongue out at Yoongi. He retaliates by yelling “Mama’s boy!!!!!”


“You’re too soft on the boy, Yoongi.” A deep voice states from behind me. I turn around and see none other than our ally leader, Bang Yongguk.

I simply smile, hearing the said boy whine all the way from the house.

“What can I say? I have a soft spot for the brat.” With that he laughs, his eyes having a similar protective glint.

“So what brings you all the way over here Guk? Good news I hope.”

His smile drops as he shakes his head. “I really wish that was the case this time Yoongi…..”


Happy-day-before-halloween you guys!!!!

I hope this chapter is enough for you guys not to kill me for not updating frequently!!!!!

My your day be full of suga , jam, and kooies!!!!!!!!!!

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joicehayase #1
Chapter 11: continua logo!!!! pelo amor de deus!!!!
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Chapter 10: repito essa historia tem que continuar!!!
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Chapter 9: interessante
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Chapter 8: agora o hobi desmaia
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Chapter 7: muito bom mesmo,essa fic precisa de atualização urgente!!!!
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Chapter 6: amo esse jimin
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Chapter 5: adorando
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Chapter 3: cada vez mais interessante
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Chapter 2: amando
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Chapter 1: muito bom!!!