He put a ring on it

Hope you like Jam

“Good job you guys! We’ll wrap this up Monday, have a good weekend!”

The familiar sound of skin smacking the floor, and groans of relief filled the small studio room. I couldn’t help but smile, these kids were so over dramatic. After goodbyes and well wishes, the excited chatter of teenagers vanished into the late summer evening.

Releasing a tired sigh, I turn to the music player; determined to finish the steps.  Reaching for the machine I –

“Don’t you dare press that button Hoseok” A motherly voice scolded.


“I just want to finish-“


Finally with a groan, I turn around and meet the piercing glare of non-other than my boss, Mrs. Moon.

“You and I both know you will spend the rest of the night changing and rearranging those steps.” Her face softens, but her gaze never loses its intensity as she glides closer. “You need to remember that your body has its limits, we don’t need another incident.

I roll my eyes, but I couldn’t help but smile. “Shouldn’t I be the one telling you that?” I tease, gently poking the small bump that rested near her stomach. Defensively she covered the bump and looked away, her cheeks going pink.

I laughed, the fierce woman now looked like she wanted the floor to open up and shallow her.

After smacking my arm a couple of times, I was finally able to look at her again, not as my boss, but as my friend.

“Jenny-Wren~ Where did you go my- Oh! Hi Hoseok!” an overly cheerful voice called as he entered the room.

The contagiousness that was Jongup’s smile was on full blast. Even though he wasn’t the one pregnant, he literally glowed as he proudly wrapped his arms around his wife and placed his chin on her shoulder.

“Yeah yeah, no need for bragging or anything Jongup.” I mock.

His smile only grew, which I didn’t know was possible. Shaking my head, I pick up my bag and fling it over my shoulder in defeat.   “Fine! You win! I didn’t want to be here with the annoying couple anyway!” I say dramatically.  It earned me another hard smack on the arm but it was worth it.

Waving at the smiley couple, I turn and leave the studio.


“Jongup.” My love said in a serious tone as Hoseok left the building.

“It’s ok love. I know this scent, they won’t hurt him” I reassure her, holding her closer to my side.

She sighs and leans into me. I know she couldn’t help but worry about our clueless human friend. Suddenly a load growl slices the silence.  Eyes wide I look at my now red-faced mate. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though I knew it would earn me a few hard punches.

“So what does the baby want to eat?” I chuckle as I lean over and peck her cheek.

“I can’t tell if it wants blood or just a really rare steak.”

My vampire mate is having the cravings of a wolf? This was going to be interesting.


It’s been two weeks since the club incident. I’ve wondered many times if it was just a dream or a hallucination from over working myself, but then I would look down and a see the shiny black metal of the ring that still sat comfortably on my ring finger.

That was my only proof that it was real, because I don’t wear rings. Dancers aren’t supposed to wear any jewelry besides stud earrings, so at an early age I found no use for anything like rings that an easily slip off. Yet there it was, like it was meant to be there.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried to take it off. But every time I took the ring off I felt…; vulnerable. And despite the fact that I’ve replayed the embarrassing scene in my head multiple times, I couldn’t figure out how easily my guard was let down long enough to slip on a ring, or why in the world he did it.

Perhaps he stole it?  Maybe he tried to get rid of it and let someone else take the blame? The thought didn’t settle well though. Shaking my head I jump up from my position on the couch and head towards the kitchen, all this mental debate was making me hungry.

However, as soon as I got into the kitchen, there was a rapid knocking at my door. I groaned at the inconvenience. Though the door wasn’t that far, the knocking became impatient banging, as if they were trying to take the door off its hinges.

“Alright! Alright! I’m here! Shesh!” I growl swinging the door open, only to choke on my saliva as the boy from the club stands in front of my apartment door; panting heavily, shredded clothes and blood gushing from his head.

“What the-“

“See……”he puffed. “I knew they were bluffing the whole time” His lips formed a smirk, but it quickly slipped as he feel forward, landing in my arms. 


DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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joicehayase #1
Chapter 11: continua logo!!!! pelo amor de deus!!!!
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Chapter 10: repito essa historia tem que continuar!!!
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Chapter 9: interessante
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Chapter 8: agora o hobi desmaia
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Chapter 7: muito bom mesmo,essa fic precisa de atualização urgente!!!!
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Chapter 6: amo esse jimin
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Chapter 5: adorando
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Chapter 3: cada vez mais interessante
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Chapter 2: amando
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Chapter 1: muito bom!!!