Master of Disguises (SuMin/ot5)

Gif Inspired Mini Fics! CLOSED

- This is the LAST time I let you come up with the disguises, hyung! Changmin muttered.

Junsu didn't see what the problem was. Changmin looked adorable and no one would ever think he was a top idol.

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Chapter 28: OMG I love these soo much
Chapter 24: Ahahaha I just can imagine Jae do this...ahahaha
Chapter 18: My expression every time I see joongie too XD
Chapter 17: NOOO!!! WAE JUNSU
Chapter 18: Oh my poor Minnie....ahahaha I know that feeling cuz the same thing happen to me....and
I just love that MinJae gif ahahaha but YunJae still my ultimate pairing^■^
Chapter 16: Kyaaaaa thank you soooooo much dear....
I finally can sleep with this memories^^
Ahahahaha but it's me or Leo actually want to hold N hands but then he saw camera so he stop himself?